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UaVS-Yrtchull's Return...

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Living EN World Judge

IC: Moving West towards the Gate, you see much in the way of destruction, though little pity do you have for any of the dead,Goblins,Grimlocks and Trogs making up the majority of these. From seevral areas passed there come the sounds of combat, as well as the sound (behind you) of more blasts like that which destroyed the Drow and Gnolls. The Gate looms close and you catch your breath as you see a massive form rising out of the shadows, a Troll... It bars the way, but is just as soon hit from the side by a huge form, a black form grappling with it, huge mandibles slicing . An [I[Umber Hulk[/I]...
As these two fight, you slip outside and find that there are a no enemies outside, the battle seemingly taking plae solely within the Keep.

An hour later, you all find yourselves amongst Giant Fungal trees, catching your breaths and contemplating what next step you will take along your adventure path. With you came the insectoid Duergar, a new companion it would seem amongst a group of motley allies.


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"It has been done", proclaims Rith'Arnis as he sheathes his blades and sets himself on a nearby stone. "We have escaped from the wizard and his experiments. He lives still, but so do we."

The githzerai looks at the drow, then turns to the strange duergar, covered in chitinous plates. "Bug-dwarf, who are you?" is his simple question.


Cambrech also sits with his back against a 'tree' and looks to his cousin. "Yes, what now cousin? Shall we look up your dear sister and her friends?"


Living EN World Judge
OoC:I'm going to throw together a Map for you folks, based on the one that I have drawn for the game. I could either email it to you or try and attach it to Page one of the OoC thread, preference?

IC: Urftuk took up a defensive position just within the ring of Mushroom trees that the Band took shelter within, his massive Greataxe at the ready, awaiting any sign of danger. The Forest echoed back many starnge sounds, some familiar, some not. The call of a Dire bat on the Wing, seeking scurrying Vermin, or whatever else proved prey (they were big enough to carry off a Drow, or an orc, for that matter), the scuttle of beetles, harmless for the most part...the sound of cave crickets amongst the boughs.

Vorath feels strangely at home and equally alien in this new World, his insectile senses picking up the titter of beetles and centipedes, tough as to what they meant, he wasn't sure.


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Vorath look around the area as he tries to determine everything that is going on around him. The tiny "tap" of insect legs on the ground that his tremor sense is picking up is the most amazing to him. Every touch of the ground within some fifty feet of him echoes in his mind. He turns his head to Rith'Arnis, though he didn't need to do that to actually see the Githzerai and says, "I am Vorath." He says in Undercommon, "I was captured some long months ago when my strike party was ambushed by some kind of wizard. We had formed up hastily in an effort to recover some of our kin that a raiding band of Trogs captured, Curse them."

Vorath spits on the ground to emphesis his hate.

"I was the scout and I failed the Duergar kinsmen. The wizard found and captured us. He performed some kind of experiment on us. I haven not seen any of my band and I believe them dead or escaped long before I was able to make my own. However, I am changed. I am now some kind of insect. I cannot return home as I am... but I shall have my revenge for this perversion of my person." Vorath's words come out dripping with seething hate.

Argent Silvermage

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Vorath is it? I am Nurin of house Albenashu. If you will work for me I will give you shelter and food. I would not see you harmed any further by my kinsmen. Nurin says. He stands there still leaning against the tree. And as for the rest of us. Once again.. Where do we go to next? Vhaeraun guides our steps now.


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"Vorath looks over Nurin, his large, multi-eyed orbs unmoving as he see's Nurin, head to toe, all at the same time. Vorath nods to Nurin. "I am grateful."

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