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UaVS-Yrtchull's Return...


Living EN World Judge
Yrtchull Ferach awoke from his unconcious state and coughed, wheezing in the cold and damp air of the cell. The Drow was massively muscled by Drow standards, yet he had not eaten in 3 days, and little water had been provided.
Yrtchull wondered if Cambrech had survived the attack. Even now, his Sisters must be laughing, having abandoned him to the tender mercies of the troglodytes. Yrtchull spat at the thought. Scheming Bitches, their time would surely come.

Behind him, in the shadows, something moved.
Yrtchull spun as fast as his wounded form would permit, ready for an attack.

'Me not enemy, Drow.'

The form moved from where it had been standing, against the rock of the cell wall. Seven feet tall, the Orc stepped into the dim glow of the Fungus that lit the front half of the Cell. Yrtchull had seldom seen anything that made his skin crawl, before now.

The Orc was scaled, patches of reptilian hide adorned his body and he had spines running along the top of his head. Yellow slitted eyes, complete with nicotating membranes stared and blinked at Yrtchull.
The Orc spoke again 'We both Doomed. You by Family, me by Wizard's Hand. Me saw what Sisters did, me saw Yrtchull.'
A dawning horror moved to the fore of Yrtchull's mind. This Orc was from his band...What was it's name, he seldom learned the nam's of the Fodder, though he cared more for their fate than most Drow. As if reading his thoughts, the Orc said 'I am Urftuk, and I served you before, as I serve you still, M'Lord.'

Urftuk, yes, one of the Orc Shock-Troopers.What of the others, though...had they all died with the troglodytes or had some escaped with Enraela and Gentaria, may the Great Web curse them Eternally.

Someone spoke from outside the room 'Drow!...Drow! Come to the door!'

Yrtchull moved to the small peep-hole and peered out. Outside of the room, across a short corridor another face was pressed against a similar Peep-Hole. A yellowish face, gaunt and possessed of stern and hardened eyes.
'Drow, I am Rith'Arnis, Githzerei Warrior of the Third Eye. I am escaping this Hellish Prison this day, would you go with me? Numbers equal better chance of survival. besides, I know the way back to your City.'

Yrtchull's mind rallied at these thoughts...Escape? God's yes!
'Aye, Githzerei, I am with you, as is...'
Yrtchull Ferach looked behind him at the broken and tortured form of Urftuk. 'As is my Cohort, Urftuk, a finer Warrior I have rarely seen.'

The Orc stood tall at this, gnashing his sharp teeth, pounding his chest and yelling 'FERACH!' in a proud and violent voice.

Yrtchull's eyes narowed 'I think not, Urftuk...Ferach has deserted me, and I will in turn make them rue the day that the bitch Enraela Betrayed her own Kin...'

Shortly therafter, a slim form darted furtively between shadows, stopping at the sound of Troglodyte voices in the next chamber. The Shadow moved to the Githzerei's Cell, intoning Arcane Words and gestulating. the Door's Lock popped open, a Wizard.
Yrtchull's heart raced, their odds were looking better already.
The form turned to look at Yrtchull, showing a face trapped between Unearthly Beauty and Tragic Acceptance of her Reality Tiefling. the Tiefling moved to Yrtchull's Cell, repeating her Spell of Opening. the Dor popped open, freeing him...

'We don't have much time, I used some Illusions on the Trogs, we must hurry though...'
The Tiefling turned away, then said 'As far as I can tell, your gear is all on the next level down...until then I have these.' The Teifling pulls several short swords and a heavy mace from her Haversack, obviously magical.

The path to freedom and revenge was not going to be an easy one, Yrtchull thought, but at least it was better than the alternative.Glancing at the Orc, Yrtchull once more resolved revenge, not just on Ferach, but on the hideous Mage who had done this to one of His soldiers.

The Tiefling said hurredly 'I am called Teretha BlueMane,drow. We must hurry,as I said. I do have a map that I have sketched in the last few days, awaiting the jailbreak.' The Tiefling grins, showing ivory white teeth, though several are wickedly sharp.As her name indicated, spilling over her small black horns is a long mane of brilliantly blue hair, bound in several braids. The Tiefling smiles at the Drow a moment, as he takes in her beauty, then she moves to the Map with a piece of charcoal, beginning the hurried explaination of her Plan...She Tiefling looked to the Drow again 'I think another of your band lives, a male with short spiky Silver hair? he laments in the cells one leve down, awaiting whatever horrid fate the Wizard had in mind...' Teretha looked briefly at the Orc, then down at her map again.

Wounded and stressed beyond belief,Cambrech Ferach lay on a vivisectionist's table in the stronghold of some Mad Wizard far from his Beloved City, wondering at his recent choices. Enraela betrayed he and Yrtchull, perhaps the whole expedition was to get them both out of her hair, for in the days following the Civil Strife, Drow were looking elsewhere away from the Spider Goddess for a way to survive, and Enraela's hatred for Cambrech was well known. Cambrech's thoughts drifted back to his brother Vitrene, wondering how he fared in the city...and then the Door began to open in the Lab...and in slipped what surely must be a hullucination, for there stood his friend and ally Nurin Albenashu...

Nurin Albenashu waited, waited for the Trogs to move on. Hidden in a small alcove in the tunnel, he had tracked and trailed Cambrech for 3 days. His sources had revealed where Cambrech would be found, and surely he had found the remains of a Drow party, though the bodies were all taken for whatever grisly need the Trogs had. Trailing after the track of the Trogs, Nurin found himself standing in a large cavern, facing the worked face of a fortress built into the wall.
Ten hours later, after grueling waiting and stealth, Nurin has infiltrated his way in (on the tails of a returning trog party), spying and waiting more still. Finally, sighting a Drow being led down one winding passage, Nurin found a labratory where screams and wails eminated forth like the cries of the slaughtered in an abbatoir.

Hours went by and all went quiet. Creeping to the door, Nurin opened it, finding it unlocked.
Within was a scene of Horror. Dozens of bodies lay on slabs, dissected and flayed. None moved save a single Drow...his friend Cambrech lay with gag in mouth, a wild look upon his face as if he didn't believe that aid had come at last.
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Living EN World Judge
Yrtchull,Rith'Arnis,Teretha,Urftuk- Outside of Cells

You stand in a long hallway lined with cell doors like the ones that you (excepting teretha) just exited. Perhaps a dozen doors, spaced every 10 feet or so. East along the hallway is a large double door, reinforced with iron bosses and covered with green lichen. To the West (from whence Teretha came) is another large Door, from whence the sounds of trog voices can be heard.

Teretha figures that there were about a dozen Trogs (give or take a few ) in that chamber.

Besides Teretha (who has all of her gear), there are 3 short swords, a light mace and 4 daggers that she has produced from her Satchel.

OoC:You are wounded as follows :
Yrtchull down 6HP from fatigue (subdual damage, will return with food)
Urftuk: 7 HP as above.
Rith'Arnis: You are not down, since you had nourishment more recently, however, with all of your items gone, it was only a matter of time before you suffered a similar state.


Somewhere in Hell...Cambrech Ferach and Nurin Albenashu

You are currently in a lab of some sort, perhaps 60' by 40'.
Strapped to various tables are a half dozen Drow, all dead, all from your expedition(Cambrech's). As well, there are 2 troglodytes and an Orc, also dead.
There are 2 Doors, one to the North and one to the West.

OoC: Cambrech is down 12 HP and 4 STR points. The stat loss is connected t the HP damage/experimentation. Healing one will hal the other. Cambrech is strapped to a table as well.

Nurin has all of his gear.Nurin is also unhurt.


First Post
Yrtchull asks teretha for 1 of the short swords, and says...
"we must save my cousin, he is the 1 u spoke of 1 floor below us, and we also must get our items, without them we stand no chance of getting out of here alive..."


First Post
Upon seeing the condition of the room Nurin shudders deeply, thinking to himself"I have failed to arrive in time. Those fiends shall pay for this." He is looking slowly from one body to another and he taken aback again when his eyes come to rest upon the table. With all speed he moves to start freeing his friend. "Cambrech, you yet live?" Nurin says before he realizes the condition Trallan is in.

Heal Check 15 rolled + 9 = 24

"Let me help you, " Nurin starts freeing Trellan from his bonds.
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First Post
Teretha hands Yrtchull one of the short swords, and makes the the haversack pocket available for the others to take what they want.

"Both your equipment and your companion are on the lower level. What we do first will probably be determined by the best route to take..."

Teretha studies the map, trying to find a safe route down to the next level. (OOC what do I know of the layout of the dungeon so far?)


First Post
Yrtchull states, "We must get our items first, becuase without them, we will probably notb very successful in freeing my dear cousin..."


Cambrech responds

OOC: It Cambrech not Trellen :)

"Yes, it is I, wooh your a sight for these eyes."

He then falls to his knees and pray V (I don't have the book with me) give me strength.

OOC: Cast cure serious wounds.


First Post
Rith'Arnis, outside of Cells

The Githzerai steps into the hallway, close to the Tielfing. His strides are filled with grace, exceptional even for one of his race.

"Thank you, Teretha, for following me into this hole," he says as he takes two daggers from the pouch. "Which way, Teratha? Lead, and we will follow...", the Githzerai continues as he looks about him getting his bearing in the corridor.

The slender man raises the daggers he just acquired to just before his eyes. He rolls his eyes up, focussing as he mutters under his breath. ("May the knowledge of the third eye guide my blades, strike true my enemies"). A translucent eye of red and purper briefly appears on his forehead. Rith'Arnis casts his eyes to his surroundings again, ready for the battle that would be inevitable at some point.

Manifesting Combat Prescience


Living EN World Judge
Level of Stronghold that Teretha,Yrtchull,Urftuk and Rith'Arnis are currently on...


  • terethasmap2.jpg
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Living EN World Judge
Level Two, Cells...

Rith'Arnis manifests Combat Prescience sucessfully.

Rith'Arnis takes 2 daggers.

Urftuk asks for the mace and a short sword.

Yrtchull takes a short sword

The way down is in the chamber past the trogs, the one just above.

OoC:Ack, forgot to mark that.

Somewhere below...

Nurin frees Cambrech from his bonds, lowering his friend to the floor.

Cambrech casts Cure Serious Wounds , healing himself of the damages that he has suffered, as well as the loss in strength.
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