• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Ultimate Thunderbolts - IC


Rogue Warrior

Kaiju said:
"I thought you looked familiar," Robert said with a look of glee on his face. "That's so cool! Dude, you were awesome! The way you'd 'atomic stomp' people was just wicked!" He sounded so sincere, it was scary. What was worse, this man was clearly in his late twenties, and clearly bigger than nearly anyone David had faced in the ring, but equally clearly was the adolescent glee in his voice at meeting a hero. "Could I get your autograph?"
"Uhh, yeah. Sure pal. You know, I still got some connections over there. A guy your size and uh, color would make a killing in the ring."
Reaching around his neck, you see 'Clark' grab a bit of skin around his neck and pull. Suddenly, his face seems to stretch and twist as he pulls it off the top of his head! What he holds in his hand - the face that you've known briefly as Heinrich Clark - appears to be nothing more than a thin piece of fleshy cellophane. The face below is quite different from the mask. It is a mass of scar tissue, pink and twisted. You see a recognizable mouth, and two eyes - but everything else has been presumably burned off long ago. Small tufts of withered hair stick out in various places on his scalp.
Cripes this guy is ugly!

"So we're gonna build a team of heroes out of bad guys. And hope no one notices? We couldn't make it as villains, how are we supposed to be heroes?"

This could be great! If Zemo really knows how to pull this off, this is exactly what I've been looking for! Look out Waspie, here comes your new knight in spinning armor!

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I aim to misbehave
The Professional (Anthony Scarpetti)

Anthony listened to the words as 'Mr. Clark' spoke, then the transformation into Baron Zemo barely raised an eyebrow.

'I anticipated something like this,' Anthony thought. 'The 'new face' with the 'new name' . . . and now the new career path. It has some promise . . . assuming of course that we get paid at some point.'

"This could work . . . ," the Professional said as he looked away in thought a moment. He gaze returned to the others, including Baron Zemo, and he continued, " . . . assuming, of course, that there was nothing duplicitous or arranged in those events that show that we are heroes."

The earthy, woodsy smell from Mr. Smithers made Anthony look his way. 'The smell of the great outdoors . . . inside an abandoned warehouse . . . no air freshener required,' Anthony thought.


First Post
Fracture; 1 HP

"Do you really think that those with power will let us go unchecked or that our identities won't be given away when we use our powers?"

Deckard's scoff showed his opinion on the matter.

A damn idealist. What a load of crap. But now I know their secret and I can't take all of them at the same time.

Fracture waited in his chair for the others to voice their opinions. Although he already knew what they'd say.

The giant toddler will wet himself from the excitement and nature boy likes the sound of atonement. It looks like it will be four vs one real soon.

Corvus Coronoides

First Post

"It's an interesting offer, Baron. Might even be what I'm looking for.

So, exactly what are we going to be doing ? Sitting around in this warehouse waiting for your World Crisis Monitor to go off ?"

OOC : Apologies to fans (Myself included) of Greg Proops and "Whose Line Is It Anyway"
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Nuke261 said:
"So we're gonna build a team of heroes out of bad guys. And hope no one notices? We couldn't make it as villains, how are we supposed to be heroes?"
Baron Zemo turns to you and nods. "I have thought long about that very question, herr Cannon. Just because we have failed at crime, does not mean we are failures. I have much faith and confidence in my own intellect and ability. I know that all of you do as well. This is essential. But also, you must consider the fact that we will no longer be working against the system. The system will serve us! And let us also consider the fact that we know the other side, gentlemen. We know how the criminal mind thinks! We know of their plans, their meeting places, their groups! I say we will be more successful than any other post-human group, because of what we were."

"This could work . . . ,"
the Professional said as he looked away in thought a moment. He gaze returned to the others, including Baron Zemo, and he continued, " . . . assuming, of course, that there was nothing duplicitous or arranged in those events that show that we are heroes."
Baron Zemo chuckles behind his mask, and he cocks his head at The Professional. "Your mind is devious I think, ja? No, I would not do such a thing. However, I shall use my former criminal contacts to gather information on their activities! And strike at them when they least expect it! As a matter of fact, I shall do such a thing, this very night." Before any more questions about this can be raised, Zemo raises a hand. "In a moment I shall explain. First, I wish to make sure - beyond a reasonable doubt - that we are agreeable on this rather dramatic change in our 'careers'."

"Do you really think that those with power will let us go unchecked or that our identities won't be given away when we use our powers?"
"That is another race, of sorts. But you do yourself credit by thinking of this, Deckard. S.H.I.E.L.D. is a large group, to say the least. It is they who at first will be the most suspicious, the most curious about us. So the race will be to gain public support and trust before they try to stop us." Zemo turns to the Professional. "And if you are thinking that we must manipulate the media to help us with this, you are once more correct. We must put on the best face for the public, if we are to remain high profile and above all - loved."

"It's an interesting offer, Baron. Might even be what I'm looking for. So, exactly what are we going to be doing ? Sitting around in this warehouse waiting for your World Crisis Monitor to go off ?"
"Nein, Mr. Smithers. Nein. We shall be proactive, on a local and global level. Primarily local, considering the high population of post-humanity on the eastern seaboard. There is enough good work here for a group of our size, I think."

Baron Zemo steps foward towards Kaiju. "And what of you, young sir. What questions might you have, hmm? Now is the time to state your worries, so that I might allay them."


First Post

The large man looked down at Clark, or Zemo, or whoever he was, with concern and confusion. He swallowed as he looked at the others, and chewed his lower lip. "But you're a Nazi. They're the bad guys, it says so in all of the movies and books and TV shows. How can we trust you to be a good guy, when you're the bad guy?" He looked really upset as he tried to figure this all out.


lissilambe said:

The large man looked down at Clark, or Zemo, or whoever he was, with concern and confusion. He swallowed as he looked at the others, and chewed his lower lip. "But you're a Nazi. They're the bad guys, it says so in all of the movies and books and TV shows. How can we trust you to be a good guy, when you're the bad guy?" He looked really upset as he tried to figure this all out.
Baron Zemo sighs and nods at Kaiju. He pauses for a moment, as if deciding how best to explain something difficult.

"Yes, you are correct, Kaiju. Or rather, you were correct. I was a member of the Nazi party during my youth, I shall not deny it. It was a sad and misguided viewpoint that my father taught me, and only with the wisdom that recently came to me have I seen its faults. In truth, the Nazi way defines arrogance. Not only to think that your idea is superior, but your own race! Hah! In a world with men like Charles Xavier, how can a mere yellow-haired, blue-eyed aryan compete? He cannot! It is but a minor flaw in that idealogy, one to which I no longer subscribe." Zemo punctuates his point with a final nod at Kaiju, seemingly dismissing the matter. He then turns and addresses the rest of the group.

"So, we come to it. You must make your decision, and decide if you shall be a part of this... plan." Zemo begins to pace back and forth, gesturing. He does indeed have a commanding voice, and his charisma is undeniable. "And ask yourself. Are you ready to put the past behind you? Can you live up to ideals that perhaps you once scoffed at? It shall be difficult. We shall face many challenges. But in the end, despite each of our origins, we shall rise above it all. This I do believe."

Corvus Coronoides

First Post

Samuel Smithers thought for a moment, his hand on his chin.

"What have I got to lose. Just got out of pokey, so other job offers arent exactly going to be rolling in.

If you're on the up-and-up, then I guess I'm in."

He stepped forward, offering his hand to Baron.

"Looks like you've got your first pigeon"


First Post
Right, cause that explination cleared everything up. We make buddies to the media. Cause they'll love me. This guy might be right though. Maybe I should give it a chance.

Deckard shifted uncomfortably while the green guy did his song and dance.

Same reason you're here in the first place, Deck. No where to hid but in the light. At least they'll have a hell of a fight to get to me.

"Make that two."


Rogue Warrior

This is what I wanted, to become a hero and make it in the big time, for real. Then, Janet Van Dyne will be all over me. How could she not?

This was what David Cannon wanted, so badly that he ignored that voice in the back of his head. It kept telling him how much Zemo was pouring on the charm and putting on a show for them. He didn't care. If there was a chance this could pan out, he was gonna take it.

"All right. Looks like I'll be sticking around, too. Just hope we don't make fools out of ourselves. Besides, what's the worst that could happen, we get our behinds handed to us and thrown in prison?" The last part was a real question. He looked around for an answer but everyone seemed to think it was a joke. David did not want to go back to prison, he wasn't sure he would keep his sanity through that ordeal, again.

Voidrunner's Codex

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