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Ultimate Thunderbolts - IC


Rogue Warrior

He really wasn't sure what to expect. The problem was he really didn't care. It was a job, that was the bottom line. He kept thinking that way. He had his doubts that this would pay off. The German guy he talked to spoke like a salesmen. A really good salesman. He actually reminded David of a more upscale version of his promoter.

"Guess I dress like this is a job interview." He showered and then got his nice dress clothes out of the back of his closet. The ones he had worn to the opening of cool bars and movie premiers. "yeah, that was a quick 15 minutes of fame." Shiny lack dress shoes, black pants that looked like silk and a silk-looking dark green, long sleeve, button-up shirt. He checked his reflection in the mirror. "Oh yeah! I am definitely hot. Janet might have to fight the Russian chick to get close to me." He laughed out loud at his own joke. He studied his reflection while standing there.

At six foot tall, his large frame filled the entire mirror. He had kept in shape in the Triskillion slammer. He had always been athletic, so that was just natural. He had cut had let his hair grow out from the buzz cut he wore as the Cannon. It was still brown and short but sort of spikey and bushy, like something Brad Pitt would wear. He stuck his sunglasses in his shirt pocket. It was dark out but if he had learned anything as a wrestler, it was that image was everything.

He walked over and looked over the two duffel bags he had packed and sitting on the bed. The one held his work out clothes and his outfit he wore as the Cannon. The other held the costume he wore as Whirlwind. "What was I thinking with that dumb helmet!" He closed both bags and threw them over his shoulder. He wanted to get going. He liked to make a flashy entrance but, the truth was that he couldn't afford to be too cocky. Whatever this gig turned out to be, he really needed it. Anything to help get his name in the spotlight and the Wasp on his arm. "Better to get there early and scope out the others anyway, yeah."

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Corvus Coronoides

First Post

Samuel opened the door and got into the waiting cab. "Manhattan. No need to rush."

The ride from Long Island to Manhattan was spent in silence. Two years in prison had hardly affected how Samual Smithers looked. A few gray strands had appeared in his short, neat-prison-issue styled hair.

'Adds a touch of distinction. With Green hair, anything that adds respectability helps' he thought to himself.

He kept his moustache and beard short and neat as well.

'Right. New Life. New Chances. Time to get things in order.


1 - Find out more about this Clark bloke. Job offers dont just come out of the blue.
2 - Check up on what the Storm kid is up to. Isn't he in some kind of super hero outfit now? Might be a chance to put another bit of ugly history to rest.
3 - Keep an eye on whoever else Clark's hiring. If they have backgrounds like me, it could turn dark real quick

Samuel paid the driver without a word.

'Hope Clark's offer is good. Rapidly running out of the 'ready green' here' he noted after almost emptying his wallet. Pulling his trenchcoat colar up against the brisk New York wind, he surveyed the street for somewhere to get a coffee and wait for Clark's meeting.
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First Post

The young man-child was quite excited, counting down the hours until he could meet the others, and get started on his new road. He was practically giddy as he prepared, doing his best to work up a new costume. Well, a costume. What he wore before...

He squashed the thought quickly and continued with his efforts. When the day arrived and he marched off for his meeting, he had little extra with him but his energy and in costume. The matte black leather and spandex pants clung to his powerful legs, and he wore a sleeveless leather top in the same black, with a high collar. Thick metal bracers bound his wrists, and he wore equallyl thick-looking boots on his feet. He three braided chains for a belt, and he felt quite rightly proud to have done most of the work himself.

His burnished golden skin gave a dull glint under the streetlights as he moved to his destination, a huge smile carved across his face.


First Post
Fracture; 1 HP

Sewer System, Upper New York
Morlock Tunnels
September 12th, 2005 2:01 pm

A sharp bone grew up out of Deckard's back and with a sharp crack it was in his hand and then in the air. It sailed through the air slamming into the wall past Callisto.

OOC: Accurate attack and All-out-attack full if needed.

"That one might be large enough to get through."

Fracture stayed close on the heels of Callisto as they snaked their way towards the meeting.

Walkin me to the first day of school. How cute.

Deckard's sarcasm rattled in his brain.

And I look like crap. Sewer water always makes a good impression.

Deckard was kind of tall standing just about 6'2; weighing in at 208 pounds of muscle and bone. A messy shock of dark red hair and the beginnings of a redder goatee framed the sharp cheeks and strong chin of Deckard. The loose black slightly torn trench coat floated around very worn camo army pants and torn plain grey shirt.


The Professional

Keia said:
"Well . . . I like benefits - I'm certain you do, too, Carla," Anthony replied. "Of course, I don't buy a car without taking it for a test drive . . . ."
You spend the next hour getting to know your parole officer better than you've known any other*. You do indeed have a good time, and thankfully she doesn't seem too clingy when all is said and done. Carla gathers her things and is preparing to leave. You see her from your vantage on your bed, touching up her makeup in the bathroom mirror. She's prattling on about wanting you to wear your mask next time, or something. You're more concerned with what she put on your neck. There's definitely something there, about the size of a pinhead.

Carla walks out of the bathroom and waves. Damn, she's beautiful.

"I'll see you later, Tony. Let me know how that meeting goes!"

*assuming here that you go this route, of course.



South Street Seaport, New York
Industrial Area
September 12th, 2005 7:21 pm

The address you are given is somewhat of a surprise. The neighborhood appears to have once been an industrial area of some kind. The skeletal remains of several large cranes are barely visible against the night sky. Their huge fingers seem to be pointing at the Brooklyn Bridge, though you can only barely see the lights of cars as they pass over it. As you drive by, you see that some of the buildings are in ruins. They must have been destroyed last year during the so-called 'alien' attack that the Ultimates were involved in.* All of the ship wreckage was removed long ago by the SHIELD, probably taken to an abandoned warehouse in Utah, or so the conspiracy theorists say. It is an example of urban blight, or perhaps a testament to the destructive power of post-humanity.

The building that you arrive at is, thankfully, fully intact. It appears to have once been a warehouse of some kind, and from the weathered signage you believe that it stored airline engines. It is a single story, but you estimate the edge of the roof to be at least 20’ from the ground. The front of the building shows recent work, interestingly enough. Light can be seen coming from the front and some windows above you. Several windows near the entrance actually look brand new, and the outer wall is freshly painted. It's still difficult to believe that this is where Mr. Clark wants to meet. In the distance you can hear the hooting sound of the harbor patrol. Otherwise, the night is silent.

* ooc: While much of that took place in the mid-west, some damage did occur in New York.


I aim to misbehave
The Professional

Anthony knew when a bribe was a bribe . . . and this bribe was definitely better than some others he had taken. Still . . . it didn't have to be that way, if she hadn't probably done this same thing a thousand times before. Nice enough girl, though . . . and Anthony wan't about to turn that down . . . the slammer had been a lonely time - and of course she knew that as well. Anthony took it for what it was . . . and enjoyed himself nevertheless.

Carla said:
"I'll see you later, Tony. Let me know how that meeting goes!"
"Count on it," Anthony replied. "Take care of yourself."

As soon as she was out the door, Anthony quickly moved to the door and looked through the spyhole - seeing if she was doing anything outside his door. Once he was certain she was gone, he went and inspected the device she place on him. In the bathroom with a hand mirror and the large wall mirror, Anthony examined the device. He turned the shower on for cover noise (as well as the exhaust fan).



Your list of friends is unfortunately short. You call up some former aquaintances that might have some inside information, but no one seems to want to give you the time of day.* A generic internet search doesn't turn up anything, either. You can't help but feel like something's not right. Of course, that could just be cynicism.

Your search for information on the Storm kid brings up quite a bit. Seems he and his sister, along with two of their friends, have become the 'Fantastic Four'. They've done a lot of so-called 'good' in the last few months. Johnny's sister - Sue - seems to have become quite friendly with one of their friends, Reed Richards. That name rings a bell. He's still very young, but you read an article of his comparing the biological processes of plant life with that of animal life. The subject itself wasn't groundbreaking, but what his hypotheses came to was that plants do indeed have a intelligence, just a different kind. You could have told him that and saved him a great deal of math and genetic work. Regardless, they can be found here in New York - at a place called Four Freedoms Plaza, of all things.

Time passes, and eventually it hits the hour where you should head to the south side for your meeting.**

* Gather Information (1d20+1=4)
** Assuming you head there, if so then just do your next move as if you were arriving.



You take a cab to the address you were given, and arrive just in time. Oddly enough, the cab driver asks if you're going to some type of costume party. He apparently doesn't recognize that you're a super-hero. Well, soon enough everyone will.

ooc: If you go directly to the address given, please see above post for description.



As Callisto walks ahead of you, you stop and plant your feet. You pull a spine out, and with all you have - throw it at the wall just ahead of her.


The spine hits the crumbling brick, and sinks in half-way. Cracks jigsaw across the wall, showing the type of damage you could do. Not that anyone down here doesn't already know.

"That one might be large enough to get through."

Callisto, normally the dour queen of the Morlocks, barks a short and ugly laugh. It's rare that you can get one out of her, but when you do it's almost like a victory in the pit.

"You always were a dead-shot with those things, Deck." She pauses and looks up, not to far from the imbedded spine. You see a set of rungs that lead up to the surface. "Well, here we are. Time to go. This is what you want, kid. So don't make this harder on either of us." Her hard look is a ruse, and you see right through it.

ooc: If you go ahead to the meeting, please add your move based on the description above in Twister's post.

Voidrunner's Codex

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