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Ultimate Thunderbolts - IC


I aim to misbehave
The Professional (Anthony Scarpetti)

David Cannon said:
"All right. Looks like I'll be sticking around, too. Just hope we don't make fools out of ourselves. Besides, what's the worst that could happen, we get our behinds handed to us and thrown in prison?"
Anthony offered a thin smile at the comment. He didn't like tempting something like that . . . and he had no intention of going to jail, regardless of the outcome.

'Everyone seems so eager to do this,' Anthony mused. 'It doesn't even seem like they've thought through all of the ramifications of these actions. It's not just the heroes we'll be dealing with, but the criminals as well. Many will think we are betraying them and will come after us . . . and I've trained more than a few of them - not that I couldn't take any of them myself. Alone, at best disliked from all sides if not downright hated, trying to make good . . . .'

"Doesn't sound easy, Zemo," Anthony offered. "I like that . . . redemption isn't supposed to be easy."

Anthony walked around the room a bit staying close to the group but reviewing the area, picturing it in his mind for future reference.

"Alright, Zemo . . . I'm your huckleberry," Anthony replied.

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First Post

The overgrown child-man stared at the others as they seemed to jump forward with no difficulties. He still wasn't sure, after all it sounded good, but bad guys could make anything sound good. He learned that from all the movies well. He kicked at the floor with his toe and tugged his fingers as he watched each of the others step forward, and grinned at the Professional's reference.

"That was a good movie," He said. "Okay, I guess I'll give this a try. I want to be a super-hero, and someone needs to keep an eye on you, Mr. Zemo. So I'm in." He looked at the others and tried to give each of them a friendly smile. "And you guys seem pretty cool, so yeah, I'll stick with you all."


First Post
Fracture; 1 HP

"No ones gonna be redeeming anything if we can't stay alive." Fracture half mumbled to himself. He gave a big stretch letting out a series of loud cracks all the way up his back. With a twist of his neck three more pops sounded.

Deckard walked over and tapped the Professional on the shoulder and then mimiced writing, folding, and passing. With an over expressed questioning look on his face he gave a shrug.


lissilambe said:
"And you guys seem pretty cool, so yeah, I'll stick with you all."
Baron Zemo nods his head, and you can almost hear the smile in his voice. "Excellent. Excellent! I assure you - you will not regret our partnership."

Gideon said:
Deckard walked over and tapped the Professional on the shoulder and then mimiced writing, folding, and passing. With an over expressed questioning look on his face he gave a shrug.
Baron Zemo nods. "Ah. Yes. About that." He turns to his command center and pushes a button.

"Fixer, please confirm no outgoing transmissions at our location." There is a brief pause, and then you hear a slightly distorted voice come over a recessed speaker.

"Negative, boss. Nothing in the immediate area. Full scramble mode still in effect. I do have something transmitting outside however, on a high frequency. Micro bursts. Not nearly sensitive enough to pick up what's going on there."

Zemo nods and turns back to the group. "Tell me, herr Professional. What do you know of your release? How was it handled, and by whom?"


I aim to misbehave
The Professional (Anthony Scarpetti)

Baron Zemo said:
"Tell me, herr Professional. What do you know of your release? How was it handled, and by whom?"
"I don't know all of the details, just that the provisions of the release required that I tell them about the meeting and what happened at the meeting," Anthony explained. [OOC: If he did have more details - he'll provide them] Anthony delivered the information concisely and completely. He didn't want anything left to chance.

"On top of that - as if they didn't trust me, the parole officer planted a bug on me. That, of course, made me not trust them - hence - full disclosure to all of you. I thought she was a bit too sloppy with it and thought there might be a second bug on me," Anthony explained. "The bug is on my ipod a couple of blocks away. I figured I could retrieve, say I was fashionably late, and whatever cover story we want we can give them."

"I'm open to other tactics, of course."


First Post
Fracture(Deckard); 1 HP

"How we gonna win this race again? They already got a jump on us." Deckard leaned on the table watching both Anthony and the Baron.

Right, so they planted a mole. Can't be sure this Professional isn't working up right now. These others too. Getting sloppy Deck. Callisto would have had you for dinner by now. Go for the stir the nest up approach. Wait and see who wins then take them out?

Deckard gave himself the mental nod. Push a little, maybe they'd play their hand.

"So how do we know you aren't a sleeper agent for SHIELD or any other orginization. The rest of these guys too. Even me."


The Professional -[sblock]Your release, as far as you know, was fairly straight-forward. Your sentence was commuted with a combination of state and federal cooperation. This was with the proviso that you join an organization with the purpose of using your unusual 'talents' in the public interest. During this, your attorney was contacted by one Heinrich Clark - and the fit seemed perfect. A post-human group modelled after the Ultimates. What could be better? Of course, in retrospect - you can see Zemo's hands over all of it.[/sblock]
Gideon said:
"How we gonna win this race again? They already got a jump on us." Deckard leaned on the table watching both Anthony and the Baron.

Right, so they planted a mole. Can't be sure this Professional isn't working up right now. These others too. Getting sloppy Deck. Callisto would have had you for dinner by now. Go for the stir the nest up approach. Wait and see who wins then take them out?

Deckard gave himself the mental nod. Push a little, maybe they'd play their hand.

"So how do we know you aren't a sleeper agent for SHIELD or any other orginization. The rest of these guys too. Even me."
"Because I have spent quite some time insuring that you are not! Bank records, IRS records, O.N.E. records. Fingerprint analysis, covert observation, subtle interviews with your 'friends'." Zemo chuckles for a moment. "Ja, I even 'interviewed' Callisto last week, asking her questions of you. Of course, she assumed I was a mutant named Wretch, at the time." Zemo looks over at The Professional. "Your release I was somewhat more involved in, utilizing a variety of contacts. In the end, I thought it was simple. Now we know why."

Zemo leans over his console once more. "Do you have the trace yet, Fixer?"

"Oh yes,"
The modified voice sounds smug, oddly enough. "It's on a frequency that pings back to a transmitter 20.8 miles to the north-east. Obviously, the Triskelion."

The laugh that comes from behind Zemo's mask is amused but short. "Hah! As I thought. Your release was, at least in part, agreed to in secrecy by S.H.I.E.L.D. They cannot know anything as of yet, of course. I think they were just... curious. I fear your parole officer is nothing more than an agent." Zemo walks over to a large cabinet, and removes the tarp. He opens it up and begins removing some clothing. He continues speaking, even as he changes his uniform. For a brief moment, you catch another glimpse of his ruined face before he dons another mask.

"This means nothing. Let them know where we are. Soon, the whole world will! They will know where we lair, they will know our 'new names'. This, I have planned for. It is... necessary." Within moments, Zemo steps from behind the cabinet. He has changed into an unusual costume. It is predominately red, white and blue. Very unusual considering his past. A sabre of some kind is at his side.

"No longer am I 'Baron Zemo' - heir to an unfortunate legacy. I have taken the mantle of Citizen V - and of course, the V stands for victory." He pauses for a moment, and adjusts his new mask. "There is a history to this guise. An unfortunate one. The original Citizen V was a hero of sorts during the second World War. He was slain in an encounter with my father. It is my intent to continue in his name."

Zemo points over at the cabinet. "Over there are some costume designs that I have created for each of you. Or rather, that my erstwhile companion Fixer has created. They should be sufficient, if you wish to change them later, you may. You will notice a symbol of sorts on each. Here." He points to his own, where you see a stylized red and yellow lightning bolt. "This, is now who we are. No longer will we be villains. Self-styled masters of evil." He turns his back to you, watching the monitors as they once more spring to life at a silent command. "As a poet named Thomas Randolph wrote long ago, 'Justice, like lightning should ever appear to some men hope; And to other men fear.' We shall be that justice, gentleman. We shall be... the Thunderbolts."

ooc: The costumes Zemo, err Citizen V has created for you are what you yourself have imagined. Please describe them - how they cover your features, etc.


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Rogue Warrior

"Zemo definitely has a flair for the dramatic. I like it." He spoke to no one specific.

"Where did you say the new costumes were? I could use a new look." David glanced down at his duffel bag with his Whirlwind helmet made a noticeable bulge. What was I thinking!

David made his way over to the cabinets and shuffled through things until he finds what has to be his costume. "Oh, yeah. This is gonna be fun!" David made his way from the others and changed into his new gear. The leather seemed to form to his body, just like the real super-heroes suits. He felt more successful all ready. Once he was done, he made his way out to the main floor to show off his new look.

"Check it out! There's a new hero in town, kids. Meet the Twister!!" His voice trailed off slightly as he made a dramatic spin, using his powers. He lifted off the floor by a few feet and then dropped back down in place. He pulled a pair of sunglasses out of his dress clothes and threw them on. The actually complimented his dark leather suit. The costume had dark green trim and no sleeves. There appeared to be a jacket to go with it but Cannon hadn't bothered to put it on yet. The Thunderbolts logo was noticeable and stood out quite nicely.

OOC: I was thinking the costume would be similar to Ultimate Hawkeye with Dark Green instead of red. Different looking enough that it does not look like a total rip-off.
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Corvus Coronoides

First Post

"Thanks for the offer, Baron, But ..."

Creak... Groan .. Crack

As the other mambers of the newly-formed Thunderbolts looked on, Samuel Smithers began to Change.

He grew slightly taller - but that was only the beginning.

Before their eyes, his skin took on a deep brown colour, and then the texture of gnarled wood - a mahogany, at a guess. His green hair became even more plant-like, growing into vines and leaves on top of his head. His clothing appeared ready to burst.

His arms lengthened, as did his fingers. After moments, the tips of his fingers reached the ground.

His eyes turned a brown so dark it appeared almost black.

His voice took on a deep, moaning tone.

"I dont think I'll be needing a costume."


I aim to misbehave
The Professional (Anthony Scarpetti)

Anthony walked over the cabinet after the Twister and took a look around. Obviously a skull mask wouldn't work for the new 'Professional'. Looking at the relative measurements, Anthony pulled his suit out and took a look. He walked back over to his seabag and gathered some items from it while he changed.

"Not bad, Citizen V, not bad at all . . . or should I compliment the Fixer?" the professional asked.

Voidrunner's Codex

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