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Undead Origins



Ghul Greater: While most great ghuls are former jann, lesser ghuls are former humans. A human slain by a mage ghul may become a lesser ghul if the mage ghul sits with the human corpse for an entire night, its hands on the corpse's head. At dawn, the corpse rises as a lesser ghul. Some entities, such as noble efreeti, can transform humans to lesser ghuls, lesser ghuls to great ghuls.
Ghul Lesser: While most great ghuls are former jann, lesser ghuls are former humans. A human slain by a mage ghul may become a lesser ghul if the mage ghul sits with the human corpse for an entire night, its hands on the corpse's head. At dawn, the corpse rises as a lesser ghul. Some entities, such as noble efreeti, can transform humans to lesser ghuls, lesser ghuls to great ghuls.
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Dread Warrior: Dread warriors are enhanced undead created by the Thayan Zulkir of Necromancy, Szass Tam. Similar to zombies, dread warriors must be created immediately after death so that they retain at least minimal intelligence. They must be created from the body of a fighter of at least 4th level, dead for less than a day.
Animate Dread Warrior spell.

Ghoul: Unlife spell.
Skeleton: Unlife spell.
Wight: Unlife spell.
Wraith: Unlife spell.
Zombie: Unlife spell.

Animate Dread Warrior
Range: Touch
Components: V,S,M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None
This spell creates an undead creature known as a dread warrior.
The spell requires the corpse of a fighter of at least 4th level who has been dead for less than one full day. After casting, the corpse rises as a dread warrior under the control of the spell's caster.

Range: Touch
Components: V,S,M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Negates
Used only by evil wizards, this spell enables the caster to transform a single victim into an undead creature under his or her control. The caster touches the subject, who must then save vs. death magic. If the save fails, the subject instantly dies and is transformed into an undead creature under the control of the caster.
The exact type of undead depends upon the level of the victim. Individuals of levels 1-3 become skeletons (50%) or zombies (50%). Those of levels 4-6 become ghouls, those of levels 7-8 become wights, and those of level 9 or higher become wraiths.
Using this spell, the caster can control a number of undead creatures equal to his or her level.
The material component of this spell is dirt from a freshly dug grave.
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FR 10 Old Kingdoms

FR 10 Old Empires
Wraith Desert: Creatures killed by skriaxits are animated three days later as desert wraiths, malevolent spirits of the sands.

Zombie: Creatures brought to 0 life levels by a desert wraith are transformed into zombies within 48 hours, even if raised, unless their bodies are washed in holy water.
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Sea of Fallen Stars

Sea of Fallen Stars
Zombie Sea: Drowned ones, or sea zombies as they are sometimes better known, are the wretched remains of some few of those ill-fated men lost at sea or drowned in a storm or other mishap. Unlike “normal” undead, drowned ones need not be animated by a spellcaster; some unknown force brings them to unlife.
Skeleton: While some may be guardians of some site left by wizards, they are more often simply the still animated skeleton of a drowned one whose flesh became too rotted and putrid to remain attached to the bones.
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Faiths and Avatars

Faiths and Avatars
Undead: Often in attempts to attain divine status through powerful rituals or the use of artifacts, failure (in the form of a tacit “no” from Ao) results in the mortal becoming a lich, being transformed into some other form of odd undead creature, or being totally destroyed.
Devotees of Beshaba hold special ceremonies upon the deaths of important clergy. The funeral ceremony is known as the Passing. It is a rare time of dignity and tender piety among the clergy. The body of the departed is floated down a river amid floating candles in a spell ceremony designed to make the corpse into an undead creature and teleport it to a random location elsewhere in the Realms to wreak immediate havoc. Senior clergy use spells or magical items to scry from afar to see what damage is then done by the creature’s sudden appearance.
Bhaal could animate or create any type of undead creature indefinitely by touch.
Myrkul, the Lord of Bones could animate or create any type of undead creature indefinitely by touch.

Baneguard: Create Baneguard spell.
Skuz: There was a 1% chance that any high priest of Moander would be transformed into a skuz upon death. Such undead were known as Undying Minions.

Beholder Undead: Those beholders that were slain while resisting possession by Moander the Darkbringer are transformed into rotting death tyrants (undead beholders) upon their demises.
Ghast: Undeath After Death spell.
Ghoul: Undeath After Death spell.
Lich: Often in attempts to attain divine status through powerful rituals or the use of artifacts, failure (in the form of a tacit “no” from Ao) results in the mortal becoming a lich, being transformed into some other form of odd undead creature, or being totally destroyed.
In centuries past, the Black Lord had transformed over 35 living High Imperceptors at the end of their tenure into undead “Mouths of Bane”— Baneliches.
Mummy: Undeath After Death spell.
Vampire: Undeath After Death spell.
Wight: Undeath After Death spell.
Zombie: Undeath After Death spell.
Zombie Ju-Ju: Undeath After Death spell.

6th Level
Create Baneguard (Necromancy)
Sphere: Necromantic
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time : 9
Area of Effect: 1 skeletal body
Saving Throw: None
The casting of this spell transforms one inanimate skeleton of size M or smaller into a Baneguard, a skeletal undead creature gifted with a degree of malicious intelligence. (For information on Baneguards, see the MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM sheets included in the revised FORGOTTEN REALMS Campaign Setting or the MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM Annual, Volume One.) The Baneguard is capable of using its abilities the round following creation and needs no special commands to attack.
The material components of this spell are the holy symbol of the priest and at least 20 drops of the blood of any sort of true dragon.

Undeath After Death (Alteration, Necromancy)
Sphere: Necromantic
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: One Banite
Saving Throw: None
This spell is a closely guarded secret within the upper ranks of the church of Bane, and its use disappeared with the death of Bane. Undeath after death is cast on worshipers of Bane upon the moments of their deaths, transforming them into different forms of undead. Which form of undead a Banite becomes depends on his or her level of experience in life. The more powerful the Banite was in life, the stronger the type of undead. Vampires created by this spell retain character abilities. (If the DM chooses to use the optional rules presented for mummies in Van Richten’s Guide to the Ancient Dead, mummies created by this spell retain character abilities, also.) The level of the caster must be higher than the level of the spell’s recipient, or the caster must make a saving throw vs. death magic or perish in the casting. In such a case, however, the spell still acts normally on the recipient.
This spell is used only on Banite victims who are about to die (0 hp) or who have died (below 0 hp, or below -10 hp if that optional rule is in use). If the spell is cast upon a Banite after his or her death, it must be cast within one round per level of the caster after death occurs; otherwise, the spirit of the Banite is too far from the body to return and take control. If the caster waits too long, the spell works as an animate dead spell, creating a mundane, mindless zombie.
Level Type of Undead
1st-3rd Ghoul
4th-6th Ghast
7th-9th Ju-Ju zombie
10th-13th Wight
14th-17th Mummy
18th+ Vampire
The material component for this spell is a black obsidian heart into which is carved the recipient’s name and the symbol of Bane. This heart is shattered during the ceremony.
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Pages From the Mages

Pages From the Mages
Spectral Wizard: Create Spectral Wizard spell.

Skeleton: Undead Familiar spell.
Zombie: Undead Familiar spell.

Undead Familiar
Level: 5
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 1 corpse or skeleton
Saving Throw: None
Using this spell, an evil wizard animates a corpse to act as his familiar. The .subject. can be in any stage of decay to the point of being nothing more than a skeleton. Any human, demihuman, or humanoid corpse can be animated. The resulting zombie or skeleton has the same abilities and immunities as a normal undead creature of its type, but has 1d3 points of Intelligence. The wizard has an empathic link with the familiar and can issue mental commands at a distance of up to one mile. Empathic responses from the familiar are basic and unemotional, and such a familiar is unlikely to be distracted from its task.
If separated from the caster, the familiar loses 1 hit point each day, and is destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points. When the familiar is in physical contact with the wizard, it gains the wizard's saving throw against special attacks; it suffers damage as normal, according to whether or not it makes its saving throw. If the familiar is destroyed, the caster must immediately make a successful system shock check or die. Even if he survives this check, the wizard loses 1 point from his Constitution when the familiar is destroyed.
An undead familiar can be turned normally, but cannot be destroyed by turning. If within sight of its master, it is turned as a wight.
A wizard can have only one familiar of any type at any time. An undead familiar accepts more abuse than a normal familiar would.
The spell requires a corpse or skeleton and a silver ring that is placed on one of the familiar's fingers.

Create Spectral Wizard
Level: 8
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 1 wizard
Saving Throw: Special
This spell allows the caster to cause a human or elf wizard or a gnome illusionist to die and become a spectral wizard. If the spell is cast on an unwilling recipient, the victim is allowed a saving throw vs. death magic to negate the spell.
In the process of dying and becoming undead, the spell's recipient is drained of 1d4 levels. Once animated, the spectral wizard is free-willed, but any utterance from its creator acts as a suggestion spell upon it. Only a wish spell can free a spectral wizard of its undead state. A spectral wizard is restored to life has a 50% chance to be restored with his original levels intact. It is possible that another undiscovered process may restore the spectral wizard entirely.
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Prayers from the Faithful

Prayers from the Faithful
Ghoul: Create Undead Minion spell.
Ghast: Create Undead Minion spell.
Spectre: Create Undead Minion spell.
Vampire: Create Undead Minion spell.
Wight: Create Undead Minion spell.
Wraith: Create Undead Minion spell.
Zombie Ju-Ju: Create Undead Minion spell.

Create Undead Minion
(Alteration, Necromancy)
Level: 7
Sphere: Necromantic
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: One living sentient being or the corpse of one
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell is available only to faiths headed by deities of evil alignments. The caster of this spell creates the form of an undead creature. The type of undead creature created depends upon the level of the caster and the condition of the victim.
The spell may be cast on a living or a dead subject. Dead subjects must have died within the previous 24 hours, and their bodies must be in good shape. If dead subjects fail their saving throws vs. spell, they transform into ghouls, the only type of undead that can be created from a dead subject with this spell.
Subjects who are still alive when this spell is cast become more powerful undead minions. If such subjects fail their saving throws vs. spell, they transform into the type of undead indicated below, depending on the casting priest’s level. Casters can create any type of undead listed on the table up to their level limit. Thus, an 18th-level priest can create a ghoul or a ghast as easily as a vampire. Undead creatures of any sort created by this spell never retain character abilities.
Cleric Level Type of Undead
14th Ghoul
15th Ghast
16th Ju-ju zombie
17th Wight
18th Wraith
19th Spectre
20th+ Vampire
The transformation into an undead creature takes the full turn of the casting time to be completed. If the spell is interrupted (or dispelled) before the turn is complete, the subject is rendered unconscious for a turn and returns to normal at the end of that turn.
The undead creature created by this spell is under the complete control of the caster. If the controlling priest is later killed, the undead minion must make a successful saving throw vs. death magic or perish as well. Surviving undead creatures become free-willed.
The components of this spell are the holy symbol of the caster, dirt from a graveyard, and the fingernail of one of the forms of corporeal undead listed on the table above.
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Villain's Lorebook

Villains' Lorebook
Dread Warrior: Dread Warriors are a form of undead created by SZASS TAM. They can be produced from any warrior of at least 4th level who's been dead less than 24 hours.
Animate Dread Warrior spell.
Blood Warriors: The Blood Warriors are a type of undead soldier created by Kazgaroth. The Beast used his corrupting mass charm ability to transform a troop of normal living beings into his fanatically loyal, undead servants.
Kazgaroth's final offensive power is perhaps its most insidious. A corrupted form of the mass charm spell, this ability transforms a troop (up to 500 persons) of living beings into the undead minions of Bhaal known as the Blood Warriors.
Spirit Wraith: Zin-Carla spell.

Ghoul: Unlife spell.
Skeleton: Unlife spell.
Wight: Unlife spell.
Wraith: Unlife spell.
Zombie: Unlife spell.

Animate Dread Warrior
Level: 6
Range: Touch
Components: V,S,M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None
This spell creates an undead creature known as a dread warrior. The spell requires the corpse of a fighter of at least 4th level who has been dead for less than 24 hours. After casting, the corpse rises in 1-4 rounds as a dread warrior under the control of the spell's caster.

Level: 8
Range: Touch
Components: V,S,M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
Used only by evil wizards, this spell enables the caster to transform a single victim into an undead creature under his control. The caster touches the subject, who must then save vs. death magic. If the save fails, the subject instantly dies and is transformed into an undead creature under the control of the caster.
The exact type of undead depends upon the level of the victim. Individuals of 1st-3rd level become skeletons (50%) or zombies (50%). Those of 4th-6th level become ghouls, those of 7th-8th level become wights, and those of 9th level or higher become wraiths.
Using this spell, the caster can control a number of undead creatures equal to his level.
The material component of this spell is dirt from a freshly dug grave.

Level: 7
Sphere: Necromantic (Lolth)
Range: Touch
Components: V,S,M
Duration: Varies
Casting Time: 4 rounds
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Special
This spell is “the highest gift of Lolth,” granted rarely even to favored drow priestesses. It is a special form of animate dead, which creates a special sort of zombie known as a spirit-wraith. Imbued with skills, hit points, armor class, and THAC0 it have in life, this creation is telepathically linked to and controlled by the caster of this spell, usually a drow matron mother.
This spell may not be instantaneously granted, or may be denied entirely, at Lolth's (as in the DM's) will. It is granted only for the completion of specific tasks, and these may never be purely to work revenge or bring harm on other drow. Failure in the task brings on the disfavor of Lolth.
Zin-carla involves the forcible return of a departed soul or spirit to its body. Only through the willpower and exacting, sleepless control of the caster are the undead being's desired skills kept separate from unwanted memories and emotions. The duration of the spell is limited by the needs of the task, the patience of Lolth, and the mental limits of the caster, for a total loss of control usually means failure.
So long as that control is maintained, the spiritwraith cannot tire or be distracted from its task. It does not feel pain or disability, and will continue to function as long as it remains mobile.
A spirit-wraith cannot be made to cast spells without losing control over its mind entirely, but can fully use combat and craft-skills possessed in life. If control is lost, the wraith becomes a revenant, driven by hatred and the memory of its violation at the hands of the zin-carla caster. Uncontrolled spiritwraiths do not stop until the zin-carla caster is destroyed.
A spirit-wraith driven to do something against its old nature has a chance of breaking free of its control (treat as a charm spell, with the same saving throw as in life). For example, one cannot successfully use this undead to destroy a being that it loved in life. (A fact that Matron Malice Do'Urden learned to her chagrin.)
Spell-like natural powers (such as the levitation ability of drow) are retained and can be used by the undead. The spirit-wraith can use its former experience and memories, as much as allowed by the spellcaster. Both the spirit-wraith and the caster are immune to the effects of spells that attack the mind, and similar spell-like powers (such as the mental blast of a mind flayer). It knows wariness, anger, glee, hatred, frustration, and triumph, but not fear. It cannot be controlled by the spells and priestly powers normally used to command encountered undead, and control of it cannot thereby be wrested away from the caster of the zin-carla.
Spirit-wraiths do not breathe, but can speak (if allowed to do so by their controller). They can utter command and activation words, and the controlling caster can speak through them directly, but spell incantations will take effect if uttered by the undead.
To stop a spirit-wraith it must be physically destroyed; if it is still able to even crawl, it will do so, tirelessly, searching for a way to complete its task.
The material components of this spell are the corpse to be re-animated, and a treasured object that belonged to the person to be controlled. If the corpse is badly decomposed or not whole, other spells (such as Nulathoe.s ninemen) and magical unguents also will be required, to restore it to a whole condition.
Wizards and other powerful creatures (such as mind flayers, aboleth, or cloakers) who raid and despoil drow cities can expect to face either a full-scale attack-or a spirit-wraith or two.
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Greyhawk Adventures

Greyhawk Adventures
Swordwraith: Swordwraiths are the spirits of warriors cut down at the height of battle, and kept from the dissolution of death by their own indomitable will.
Swordwraiths were once professional soldiers: officers and mercenaries, or others for whom fighting was all there was in life. Though slain on the field of battle, their will was such that they were unable to leave behind the trade of violent death.
Zombie Sea: Drowned ones (also known as sea zombies) are the animated corpses of humans who died at sea. Although similar to land-dwelling zombies, they are free-willed, and are rumored to be animated by the will of the god Nerull the Reaper.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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