Undine the Sea


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"Well, since someone will be along 'shortly' let's not do anything rash. Hopefully this person will be willing to listen to reason," Babette huffs. "That means no cutting throats," she adds, warning Krindorf.

ooc: Did they let us keep our stuff?

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Rystil Arden

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(OOC: Oops, I forgot to mention that they did, but they would have taken weapons only.

They seemed well aware of who the spellcasters were, but they didn't make an effort to take component pouches, spellbooks, or divine foci, nor anything else.)

*Shortly proves to be only a few hours later. Since the priestess who spoke that statement was an elf, that is certainly rather reasonable for a length of 'shortly'.*

*A human priestess, a slender brunette, comes down to speak with the group. She enters the small room.*

"Excuse me, please. I am here to talk to you about your evil plans. Please tell me, why do you want to enter the Diamond Maelstrom and poison the Azurine Wyldheart? Do you not understand the horrible suffering that this will cause for all of Galatea's creatures? Every time High Priestess Kallianeira even recalls the images that she has seen of your wicked depravities, it is all she can do not to cry, and she is a strong woman not so easily moved to tears."


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"No, I don't understand. I have never heard of this 'Diamond Maelstrom' or 'Azurine Wyldheart,' and I've certainly no idea how to go about poisoning it. I wouldn't think to poison anything, anyway, that's a horrible thing to do. Search us, you'll find no poison.

Our mission will prevent the suffering of others. There are those who would see us fail. I suspect it is their actions that have maligned you against us."

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Well, I mean, you can say that and all, but it's not going to work. It takes more than a little evidence to convince us to take a measure as drastic as we did. Emissaries we trust sent this information, and they were pretty reliable, and there were magical visions of your evil deeds as well. High Priestess Kallianeira recognised your faces from those visions. There were even calls to Galatea for divinations to aid us, and the divinations told us that we must see past your lies or risk allowing a great evil to come to pass."


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"Well, you can believe these rumors and visions if you wish, but that doesn't change what is true and standing right before you. We have no poison, we have no knowledge of these places you claim we seek, and we have no idea how to poison them, or what would happen if we did. You have the means to discern that what I say is true, I urge you to use them.

Our mission is a mission of mercy. Thousands will die if we fail. Their blood will be on your hands. I pray Galatea will have mercy on your soul."

Rystil Arden

First Post
"The emissaries said you would keep denying the truth and that you had means to fool truth-seeking magicks, and we used magic to determine that they were telling the truth. The visions were glimpses, tiny droplets of Fate. And Galatea herself sent a Divination to our High Priestess that we have to see past the lies before us."

"I'm sorry. I'm not interested in hearing more denials--if you can't tell me the truth, then I can't help you. If that's all you have to offer, maybe Sthenos was right. I was hoping you could explain your motivations for becoming evil. I thought maybe you did it to bring back a fallen loved one or something like that...maybe some of you could still be saved..."


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"How can you admit that there are means to fool truth-seeking magics and yet use those same magics to justify believing the messengers?

There is a powerful wizard who would see us fail. He certainly has the skills to send false visions.

You need to set your pride aside, it is clouding your vision. I will swear by whatever you wish that what I speak is true."

Rystil Arden

First Post
"But the gods, not Wizards, are the ones who answer when a priestess prays for a Divination spell. We know that you have means to trick truth-telling magic. If you won't admit it yet on your own, we can wait until you're ready to be honest. I had figured you would want to tell us the truth right away, well, at least unless you're actually just planning on trying to escape and continue your plan. But your ship is gone now, so I guess I don't know for certain how you plan to do that."

(OOC: I rolled Diplomacy for Babette, but I didn't roll so hot. Anyone else want to give it a shot? Anybody trained in it?)

[SBLOCK=Sense Motive DC 10]The priestess looks like she wants to try the help the group repent their evil ways, but she is completely convinced that what she knows is true and that the group is lying if they say otherwise. Also, she looks like she's about to give up on them for now, so especially, being nasty to her is likely to be the last straw, so that tactic is probably a poor choice.[/SBLOCK]


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Since she's not getting through to the cleric, Babette will retreat to a corner and begin praying to Galatea. "May she grant her followers the wisdom to see through these deceptions, etc..."


"If Galatea has instructed you to see past the lies before you, rather than simply saying that we were lying, then your duty was clearly to find a way to determine the truth even in the presence of magic that can foil divinations. If you choose instead simply to believe what this emissary said about us, rather than taking steps to determine the truth for yourselves, then you are failing your duty to Galatea. And a great evil will indeed come to pass as a result of your failure." Corvinus speaks slowly and calmly, but cannot quite keep his fists from clenching in rage.

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