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Up from the Dust: OOC [FULL]


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Isida, since I know ya, and know you can handle it, I *might* consider letting you run both, with Roth being a follower of Jalen. ;) Your thoughts?

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Very interesting. I have 3 characters that come to mind, one that was 2E and would need updating and three from 3e (one from a PBP game and two from a tabletop game that the DM flaked on). The basic details about the characters are summarized below. Most had private infor that I'd prefer to email you on. Whichever one sounds best to you would be my choice. There is a bit of range here that could play heroes, villains or follwers.

3E - Raven 13th level halfling Rogue/Sorc.
No one is quite sure where Raven is from. usually when asks, she brushes them off. On occassion, she's told a story that made the listener wish she'd brushed them off. Raven was working with a group of adventurers to combat a great evil (combatting evil wasn't her goal, but hey, it was a way to make money) near a small vilalge called Homlet. On a trip to Verbabonc to gather supplies, part of her group happened upon a portal that carried them to a distant land (Forgotten Realms). not knowing where she was, or how to get back, Raven and the remainder of her group set out in search of a way home. They met up with some others along the way and managed to uncover a plot in where an evil overlord would attempt to take over the land via three ancient artifacts..

In the past, before getting seperated from her group, Raven had held extreme power over the members of her party. She did not lead the group from the front, but rather controlled things behind the scenes (This led to her also getting too much magic that might be potentially unbalancing, though that could be fixed..then again, if she is evil, that doesnt matter as much.) Her new party confronted some of her control techniques and she felt liek she was losing her upper hand. This combined with the notion that she was stuck in a different world, led Raven to backstabbing the party. She stole the one artifact they had found and handed it over to the evil overlord in return for a large sum of cash (10,000 IIRC) and a job, working with him and exploring magic she had recently discovered in her blood.

This character was from a tabletop game. Needless to say she became DM property after betraying the party, then haunted the party for a long time to come. There is quite a bit more to teh story, but I've always wanted to continue exploring her. She had just made her turn to evil when the DM flaked on the game. At last account, she was around 13th level, the GM had adjusted her a bit. I ahev this character sheet laying around somewhere.

Demetrie Longfellow
7th Level (or 8th, I forget Bard)
Demetrie was the character I used to replace Raven in the above Tabletop game. He was a gypsy in FR, who traveled between Calimport and Waterdeep areas. he was generally a good natured fellow and had a penchant for the finer things in life. There is of course much more to his story, but I can fill you in on that later. His character sheet is around here somewhere as well. The only conflict I can see with him is that he was based around a concept that included gypsy curses...3.5 took the curse and remove curse off of the bard's list. Demetrie is associated with the Harpers, though I can go into more detail about that later.

Thordain Sternhammer 7th level Dwarven cleric of Moradin
[spoilers] Nothing really nasty in this spoiler, just a fun concept I was never able to play with due to the style of play in this PBP. Thordain is actually not Thordain, nor is he a dwarf. He is in fact a gnome cleric of Garl Glittergold. he just happened upon a hat of disguises and thought this would be a good joke to play. He has a penchant for playing pranks, almost to a fault. he plays the dwarven role very stereotypically and has a hard time controlling his laughter. This character is from a PBP game that ended/didn't continue because I had little interest in the style play. I have always wanted to revisit this character.


Ashy... i'd like to play... this makes it easy since I've already got a couple characters sitting in dust... i'll sift through in a moment

I've a couple characters...

Another is Tkatch, a gestalt feral dwarf barbarian-monk 1 (yeah, he's a head game).

Originally a dwarven monk, he was abducted and experimented upon by a twisted necromantic cleric. His mind and body ravaged and twisted by the experiments of the necromancer he lives on as a feral shadow of the proud dwarven race. Tkatch walks a new path, a forged primordial order of fury and discipline.
He wears a thick leather skirt and an open leather vest, his hair hanging wildly in dreadlocks. With unnaturally clawed hands, a ridged forehead, a sharply crooked nose, and a bestial visage only the most foolhardy dare to disturb him.
He fights cunningly and viciously, often leaving his opponents with a false sense of security if they can close beyond the range of the heavy halberd that he often favors when confronted at first with close combat. A heavy pick, a memoir of his dwarven past, and a menacing kukri rest against his heavy leather skirt; within a long quiver resting on his back are a number of javelin to strike at those who dare not come near him.

Another is Cantus, a character I was going to play in a table-top game. He's a gestalt bard-wizard (only level 1 atm), but I think he'd be a good main character with perhaps Tkatch as an underling/bodyguard type.

Appearance: Cantus is an old man in a body that once belonged to youth, his frame and make-up remain that of one who is young, but his muscles and heart have been struck by years which are not his own. His eyes are cold pools of silver, his hair a tarnished silver and his skin a ghostly pallor. Dressed in the flowing red robes of a wizard of the Three Towers, he leans his weight heavily upon a staff of gnarled mahogany.

Personality: Cantus is a man moved by what he has seen, but unmoved by that which is around him. His eyes are cold and harsh, warmed only by the touch of knowledge. He fears very little after what he has seen, his mind strengthened but his body aged and weakened. His thoughts have turned to the darker sides of magic since his premature aging, and he hopes it is through this that he may escape the dark fate which lingers in the back of his mind.

Background: Born to a small noble family within the large town of Fairhaven, Kenneth (as he was known then), was an incredibly bright lad, not incredibly strong but sharp of mind and fairly deft. Spending many hours of his youth buried in the families small library he quickly had read every book there, ever eager, he pushed his parents to purchase more books, and soon they were running short on ends. Realizing the boys insatiable desire, they sought out a wizard to apprentice the boy. The Order of the Three Towers took in the boy, his potential apparent.

Within the Three Towers, Kenneth as he was still known then, progressed incredibly fast and was soon one of the top students at a meager age of 12. He studied another four years under the wizards there and when it deemed that his training had been complete the council convened for his First Test. The rite by which wizards of the Three Towers passed on from the robes of an apprentice into full wizardry. Entering the First Test none knew what challenge would befall the youngest apprentice ever to undergo the rite, and none have fully learned to this day what indeed did happen as he will never speak of it, but upon his exit it was apparent that a great challenge had been placed before him.

Now calling himself Cantus, his body once young and healthy was marred by the signs of aging. His eyes had changed from a dark brown to pupil-less pools of silver, his skin once tanned was now pale and sickly. A man three times the age of the youth who had entered now stood before them. ?Touched by the great beyond? they said, and yet none knew of a way to return the boys youth. He was lost to time, but his mind burned with years not his own.
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Darn, I so want to be a part of this and yet I am at work so I have NO STATS for the character I want to throw in! I am going to lunch in about 20 mins, I can get on my slow a$$ comp at home and post it here if someone is willing to hold a seat for me *grins innocently*

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