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Vagrant Hearts (Season 1: Complete), The Smuggler's War (Writing: Episode VII)


The crew passes through what looks like an operations center. A number of techs operate databanks and filter through masses of information. A door opens to an interior room. Inside, an older gentleman is talking to a hologram of another man. The man in the hologram looks vaguely familiar, Tam is taken aback when he realizes the hologram is Bail Organa. As he goes to take a closer look, the hologram fades and the older man turns to face everyone.

Jurasco smiles, “Ah, Nali. I’m glad you made it back and just in time it seems. And Princess Xule, we finally meet face to face. The pleasure is all mine.” Jurasco takes her hand, bows, and plants a small kiss on her cheek.

“And you…” Jurasco looks up and down the four crew members of the Vagrant Heart, “must be waiting to get paid.”

He opens a crate. Inside you can see it’s filled with Imperial stamped currency bars. There are two more crates just like it. He removes the ten owed bars.

Tam queries Jurasco on the current state of affairs, “Organa’s negotiated an interesting arraignment with the Empire.”

“Yes. He is quite the statesmen. I’ll be happy to see the Empire leave, but I sometime wonder about the wisdom of complete disarmament.” Jurasco responds.

“From what I’ve seen the best way to deal with the Empire is with a good blaster in hand.” Tam shoots back.

Nali interrupts, “They could be useful in our operation.”

“Depends on what it pays.” Tam replies without missing a beat.

In the end Jurasco promises ten more bars and to have his techs install a docking gun on the Vagrant Heart. Having weapons ‘go missing’ during a disarmament is surprisingly easy.

“May I remind you,” Jusaco begins, “if you tell anyone what happens here, you’ll have Boba Fett on your tail.

“Alderaan is hosting the Imperial Navy’s Gala this year. The Navy’s gala is an annual even that goes back to pre-Clone War times. The upper echelon of the Navy will be in attendance along with a number of junior officers who have served with distinction or just happen to have the right last name. Tonight is the main event: the ball.

“There is one officer we are particularly interested, an old rear admiral named Maddox. Maddox comes from the old ways of the Navy, joining the officer ranks long before the Navy’s strong traditions were cast aside by the Empire. As a result, he has developed a decidedly anti-Imperial position. Before he retires, he wishes for one of his protocol droids to ‘go missing’. The ball is the perfect opportunity for it to happen. And with an invitation for Princess Xule and an escort, we have a way in.”

Hull takes over and fills everyone in with the plan, “One of you will go with Princess Xule. You will make contact with Maddox. He’s not sure who will be meeting him, so Maddox will need to be impressed. You’ll need to do something to make him trust and like you.

“Maddox should then lead you to his droid. Getting the droid out through the front door will be impossible. ISB will notice you leaving you with something you didn’t arrive with. That’s where the rest of the crew comes in.

“Nali and I will lead a team to the roof of the building. The team will subdue the security on the building roof. Thanks to the sheer height of the building and the fireworks display, the assault should be covered up.

“Using a cargo elevator, Xule or her escort will deliver the droid to the roof. From there the team will extract to a nearby building and Xule and her escort can leave the way they came in. Maddox will remain at the ball and report his droid missing the next morning.

“Any questions?”
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Tam puts on his old blue Navy dress uniform. He hasn’t worn it in ages. He straightens the lieutenant insignia, his mind drifting back to the day he earned his commission leading a forlorn hope onto that pirate ship. He was lucky to live through the assault. He lost most of his men, but he was able to secure docking corridor and capture and kill a number of the pirates. Perhaps he could have made a career for himself in the Navy if it wasn’t for the increasing anti-alien and near-human bias.

Toth slaps the power pack into his carbine and double checks his climbing harness. He squints into the wind and tries to count the number of stormtroopers from his position across the courtyard on a neighboring roof. He smiles when he realizes how lightly guarded the place is.

The Navy Ball is the most extravagant gathering Tam has ever seen in his life. There are women dressed in gowns that cost as much as a starship, a chandelier ten meters across decorated with the finest Zanthorian crystal, servants carrying flutes of champagne on authentic Wroshyr wood serving platters. It is only then that Tam notices everyone staring at him.

No, not staring at him. Staring at her, the princess Tam is escorting, Xule. She looks stunning. No, more than stunning, she makes the Kaminoan pearls draped around her neck look like mere trinkets, makes the young men in the room wish they could be at her side for just a brief moment, makes the women in the room envious of her youth and grace.

Tam mumbles, “So much for keeping a low profile.”

Nali, Hull, Toth, Kaldo, and Rowintha are currently suspended 900 meters above the ground on a microcable stretching from a building 400 meters away to the historical Alderaanian Ballroom and Hotel. They move silently, harnessed to the few millimeter wide cable, not that it matters. The sound of the fireworks and light show masks any noise they may make.

As the assault team reaches the Aleraanian roof, they overhear a couple stormtroopers in the middle of a conversation.

“Did I ever tell you I was stationed on a Star Destroyer once?” The first trooper asks.

The second looks at him and replies, “You were never on anything bigger than a gunship.”

“No, I was on a Star Destroyer, I swear. Even got to see Darth Vader.”

“You never saw Lord Vader.”

“I totally did. I was picked for guard duty on the bridge. I was just standing there minding my own business when I see, who other than Darth Vader, walk onto the bridge. You should’ve seen the captain's face go white. Vader says something like, 'You've failed me for the last time, Captain.' and reaches out with his hand like this.” The stormtrooper reaches out like he's holding an invisible cup. “Weirdest thing ever: the captain lifts off the ground and no one is touching him. He starts coughing like he's got a Nerf kabob stuck in his throat and then falls to the ground dead. Whole time Vader doesn't even lay a finger on him.”

The second trooper looks at the storyteller, “You know how I know that story is fake.”

“The floating captain, right? I know, I know, no one believes me.” Replies the first.

“No.” Says the second, “There's no way they'd put a screw up like you on bridge duty.”

Back in the ballroom, the music strikes and a new dance begins, a formal waltz. Xule looks at Tam, “Shall we, Captain?”

Tam watches the other dancers and does his best to mimic their movements. It is a clumsy attempt and he catches the distain in some of the other dancer’s eyes. As he attempts to twirl across the dance floor, Tam scans the crowd. That’s when he sees him. An old Corellian dressed in the traditional blue uniform of the Navy, not the new Imperial gray; Maddox. He is at the bar surrounded by a number of old timers, also in blue. They seem to have wrestled a bottle of fine Corellian whiskey away from the help, much to the chagrin of the bartender.

The song comes to a close and Xule lets out a laugh, “That was quite the dance, Captain.”

Tam mutters an apology as Xule traces his stare to Maddox.

“Perhaps it is best if I draw some attention away from you, Captain.” Xule says. And then quieter, “Retrieve the droid and deliver it to Nali, I’ll wait for you here.”

She walks across the ballroom to a group of young officers. Tam turns his head to watch and smiles as the officers straighten their uniforms and try to act casual.

“Well, you must be retired or on your way out the door to wear the old uniform here.” Maddox says with a shout to Tam’s approach. He thrusts a glass of whiskey into Tam’s hand. “Take a seat and drink to the old traditions!”

Tam swallows the glass whole, feeling the smooth sting of the whiskey. Maddox fills everyone’s glasses one more time, draining the bottle. Tam knows how the game is played. He walks over to the bar and asks for another bottle.

“Sorry sir, this isn’t that kind of party. I will gladly fill your glass though.” The bartender replies.

Tam sees the bottles lined up within arm’s reach. He slides a few credits across the bar, “Really? Maybe you should make sure those people’s glasses are full. You know, the ones on the far side of the bar.”

The bartender pockets the credits, “Of course, sir.”

Tam returns carrying another bottle and tops off Maddox’s glass.

Rowintha lets a stormtrooper fall to the ground as Toth finishes off yet another with a blaster bolt to the chest. For a moment the assault team is quiet, waiting to see if anyone noticed their attack. When the counter attack doesn’t materialize, Nali begins slicing the security console. Tam and Rowintha go to work jamming one of the doors while Kaldo and Hull guard the other one.

Kaldo presses himself against the wall, trying to blend in with the shadow. Another firework goes off, illuminating his hiding space as clear as day. The Duros sees Hull watching him with a confused look on his face. Kaldo shrugs, walks out into the open and points his blaster at the door.

The group of old Navy men burst into laughter as Maddox reaches the punchline of another one of his stories.

Maddox meets Tam’s eyes. “Well, if you think that’s funny, you should take a look at my memoires. Of course, those are with my droid.” He says with a wink.


Tam steps off the cargo elevator with a K2-3PO droid in tow. Rowintha throws him his blaster and holster. Tam straps it on, glad to feel the familiar weight tugging at his hips.

“Hull and I will get started on the droid.” Nali explains, “Everyone, stay alert.”

No sooner does Tam look at the security console when he sees the cargo elevator indicator flash. It’s on its way back down. Tam punches in a stop command, but the console prompts for authorization. Tam cancels the command and pulls up maintenance menu attempting to slice the console when the roof top door burst open.

Heavy stormtroopers pour out. Kaldo and Toth fire into the first couple through the door. Dropping one, injuring another. The troopers respond with autofire. Kaldo ducks behind cover. Blaster bolts burning into the durasteel. He ventures a glance.

Rowintha tears into action smashing through two troopers with her force pike, getting tagged in the process. The Wookie shrugs off the wound, standing her ground.

Two troopers attempt to flank Toth, forcing him to take cover. He tries to fire back, keeping the trooper from Nali, Hull, and the droid, but a frag grenade sails by his head. He drops to the ground flattening himself as best he can. The grenade explodes and the Bothan feels a stinging sensation in his back and legs. He wills himself back up, snapping off another shot, dropping another stormtrooper.

More stormtroopers pour up the stairs. Kaldo tries to keep them busy, drawing more attention, barely escaping the red tracers of blaster fire.

Tam ignores the fire fight, he’s accessed the elevator maintenance controls and is about to send the stop command when he hears Nali scream.

Three troopers rush forward, firing wildly at the team trying to harness the droid to the microcable. Hull is hit squarely in the chest. He falls to the ground. Nali goes to his side, only to get hit herself, her body falling on top of his.

Tam punches in the stop command and runs to his allies’ side. He fires into the fray when he hears the elevator moving again.

“We need to get out of here.” Kaldo yells to Tam.

Tam couldn’t agree more. “You got an idea?”

The conversation is cut short when the elevator door opens and Tam is staring down another squad of stormstroopers. Behind them an Imperial Security Bureau agent slowly claps, applauding the resourcefulness of the would-be rebels.

“You’ve put up a good fight, but now you have no choice but to surrender.” The ISB agent says arrogantly. “I have two more squads on the way, and if necessary, I can call in all the stormtroopers on every Star Destroyer in the system.”

Reluctantly and a bit angrily, one by one, the crew of the Vagrant Heart surrender.


GM Commentary

We've reached the half way point for session two, so time for some more GM musings.

Writing this long after playing the game while watching the Tour de France does little to help me remember the exact quotes from the game. Fortunately, I think I'm right on with the characterization of the PC's and I pre-wrote a number of the NPC quotes.

I skipped over the first shootout on the roof. The assault team took the stormtroopers by surprise and took them all down in two rounds. The second shootout on the roof ran much longer than I expected and as a result didn't work as well as planned.

I wanted the players to surrender, but because I totally missed the burst fire feat on the heavy stormtroopers, I wasn't able to hit them with as much firepower in the initial rounds as I wanted. The fight lasted longer than expected and the players took down more stormtroopers than expected. They even looked like they were going to win, so I had to throw another squad at them.

They were getting pretty beat up, but not wounded enough to make surrender a no-brainer. So, I think they were a bit disappointed to surrender. However, I tried to make it up to them with some good loot and fun twists later in the session.

Very entertaining story hour, masshysteria!

I have especially enjoyed it as I am considering starting a Star Wars Saga Edition campaign this fall. My group has two GMs (myself and a friend) and we rotate GMing duties every three months/six sessions (we play twice a month). When my turn to GM comes up in late September, I have been trying to decide between running a homebrew 3.5 D&D game or a Star Wars Saga game. This story hour is slowly pushing me towards the SWSE game!

Anyway, great job! Can't wait to read more!


Very entertaining story hour, masshysteria!

I have especially enjoyed it as I am considering starting a Star Wars Saga Edition campaign this fall....

Glad you're enjoying the story hour. Comments like this keep me inspired to continue writing and posting.

I really like the Saga Edition system. For me if it combines the best of 3.5 and 4 D&D rules. I've only instituted one house rule, changing how Skill Focus works. Instead of giving a straight +5 (which dominates defenses at low levels and falls behind in high levels), I have it give the full heroic level bonus to skills rather than half.

My only other guideline is preventing what books I allow players to draw options from. If I let them pull from everything I own, you can end up with broken one-trick pony characters. As a result, I pick one theme book and one setting book. For this campaign, the theme book is Scum & Villainy and the setting book is The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide.

We're also pulling vehicles and modification rules from Starships of the Galaxy, but dropping destinies from the Core book (more because this is our first time playing the system).

The good news though, is that the game is very playable and enjoyable with just the core rule book.

Anyway, great job! Can't wait to read more!

Alright, you've twisted my arm, on to more!


Toth assess the situation: Tam’s still in one piece, the Wookie took a beating but is still standing, Kaldo somehow managed to make it out with barely a scratch on him, Nali and Hull are barely patched up, but back on their feet again, and not one of them is carrying a weapon.

He looks out across the rooms he’s standing it, recognizing it as the penthouse of the Alderaanian. If it wasn’t for the circumstances, he’d probably be amazed by the sheer luxury of the room or the breathtaking view. Instead, all the Bothan would really like to do is wipe the smug look off the ISB agent’s face and find out who the big wig in the high backed chair is.

“Sir, the rebels you requested.” The ISB agent begins.

“Dismised.” The man replies. He is dressed in an Imperial uniform, his hair just beginning to gray and thin. The insignia on his chest proclaiming him to be a senior officier.

“Sir?” the befuddled agent stammers.

“You disarmed them and have them bound, correct? Dismissed.”

The smug look is gone from the agents face. He scowls as he walks from the penthouse.

“Do you know what is happening here?” The Imperial begins, “Alderaan is in the middle of a complete disarmament. And due to the agreement all Imperials will vacate the system…. What is a Moff without a legion of stormtoopers at his disposal? What is a Moff without TIE fighters in orbit or Star Destroyers patrolling the system?”

Everyone in the room is silent, all eyes on the Imperial.

“Just another sad old man.”

He looks Tam in the eye and sets his jaw, “I don’t plan to be another sad old man.”

He rises from his chair and folds his hands behind his back. He turns and stares vacantly out the window.

“Have you heard of Chateau ’77?” He asks.

He wasn’t looking for an answer, “The Chateau's vineyard was built on a fault line. In ‘77, an earthquake destroyed much of the vineyard reducing that year’s harvest to the bare minimum. However, the earthquake did something strange to the grapes that were salvaged. There are many theories as to what produced that year’s distinctive taste—the soil composition of the vineyard was changed due to the earth quake, the ash from the fires settled on the grapes and clouded the skies changing their growth patterns—It doesn't matter so much as the fact that the Chateau was never able to recreate its success. And I want a bottle.

“See my daughter is marrying the favored nephew of a one, Grand Moff Tarkin. And we have a custom of the father of the bride opening a bottle of wine and sharing it with the father of the groom the night prior to the wedding. Tarkin will be at this ceremony and a good impression there will guarantee an appointment to another civilized sector.

“My daughter is getting married in one week. You, Captain Voren, have until then to get me a bottle of Chateau ‘77. You do so and this little indiscretion with the droid will be forgotten. Fail, and I will exhaust all my resources to find you and have you executed for treason. Understand?”

Tam swallows hard, everyone else waiting for him to speak, “And where do you expect us to get one of these bottles?”

“You are a resourceful man, Captain Voren. I expect you will find a way.” The Moff is as calm as can be.

“You have a deal, but I want Nali and Hull.”

“Oh, I’m afraid that is impossible. I know your type, Captain, you are not a revolutionary. You may go or you may refuse and be executed. Your choice.”

Rowintha looks ready to tear someone’s arms off. Tam doesn’t like either, but he sees no choice, “Fine. We’ll get you your wine.”

“Good, you have one week. Bring me that bottle, Captain. Dismissed.”

Tam gives a mocking salute, turns on his heel and leaves.

The door opens and the ISB agent walks back in as the Vagrant Heart’s crew departs. Everyone can’t help but hear the Moff’s next order, “Wipe the droid’s memory and send the human and offshoot to the spice mines of Kessel. Dismissed!”


The crew of the Vagrant Heart walk out the back door of the Alderaanian dejected. They collect their belongings under the watchful eyes of two full squads of stromtroopers, before waving down a speeder and heading off into the night.

Jurasco and Xule wait nervously as the crew enters the private docking bay.

“Where’s Nali?” Asks Xule.

“What happened?” Asks Jurasco.

Tam walks straight past them and up the ramp of the Vagrant Heart.

“Kessel.” He calls over his shoulder before slamming the ramp close button with his fist.

Jurasco looks from face to face searching for an explanation. Kaldo steps in and bitterly recites the night’s events.

“This bad.” Jursaco intones. “ISB probably tailed you back here. We’re going to have to pack up shop and move elsewhere. It’s not the first time the Empire’s had us on the run.”

“But what about Nali and Hull?” Xule pleads.

“There’s nothing we can do for them now…. Maybe someday we can bribe some officials and them out of those dungeons….” Jurasco trails off, sadness in his eyes. He blinks hard and then continues, “Princess Xule, you need to flee. You haven’t been linked to our operation and we need to keep it that way. Will you take her?”

Kaldo blinks once, then twice. Toth clears his throat and nods toward the crates filled with Imperial stamped currency.


Tam pours himself another whiskey, downs it, and fills up the glass. He needs a plan. He needs someone who knows where all sorts of rare artifacts end up. He needs that Toydarian son-of-a-Sith Nakko to come through for him.

The holonet link sparks to life and the image of a scantily-clad Zeltron appears and Tam hears “Shoo, shoo” in the background as a groggy, partially hung over Nakko bumps her out of the way and takes over the holodisplay.

“It’s like the middle of the night here, kid. What’s so important that you have to pull Nakko away from his company?” Tam can hear the giggles in the background and can tell Nakko’s attention is elsewhere.

Tam leans in close to the receiver, filling Nakko’s display with a giant image of his face, “Nakko! You owe me one. Chateau ’77. You know of the stuff?”

Nakko’s attention turns back to the holodisplay, “Yeah, I guess I do. Chateau ’77, huh? Yeah, I’ve moved the stuff. But you ain’t goin’ like the story I gotta tell. Some years ago some hoods managed to knock off an auction house—an operation what beyond their capabilities, but somehow they managed to pull it off. When I went to examine the ware, here they were each with a bottle in hand getting drunk. Stupid fools didn’t even realize they were drinking down twenty grand each. So, I did what any good buyer would do. I bought up all the junk they had including the case of wine for eight grand.

“Most of the stuff went into people’s private collections. But the wine and a few pieces of Caamasi art went to this really nasty cuss named Faynor. Faynor is a collector of treasures. He likes to lock them away so only he can enjoy them. He doesn’t enjoy the beauty of a piece of art, wouldn’t even sample a taste of the wine. He just wanted it so he could lock it away.

“Now that doesn’t make Faynor a bad guy, per se. What makes Faynor a jerk is that’s he’s the meanest slaver in the outer rim. He has a reputation for brutality and his slaving raids usually just leave scorched settlements. I wouldn’t suggest going after the guy, but if you do, do me a favor: don’t let him seek revenge, if you get my drift.”

Tam downs another drink. “One more thing, Nakko—since you owe me—Modok. Bounty hunter. Attacked me. Ring any bells?”

“Can’t say it does, kid. Let me do some digging.”


The approach to Roon is hidden by a space anomaly, the Cloak of the Sith. Millennia ago, this approach would be considered suicide. Now lightstations guide the way through the Cloak. Still the path isn’t without danger.

Kaldo doesn’t really have the time to take in the dazzling streaks of color punctuated by the deepest darkest black of space. He keeps a steady hand on the controls as Tam cycles power to the engines.

“We made it.” Kaldo says triumphantly as the YT-2000 is rocked by asteroid fragmentation.

The blue and green planet of Roon is encircled by a thick ring of small asteroids and meteors. One last challenge before making it planetside. Rowintha angles the deflector shields as Kaldo puts the Vagrant Heart into a spinning turn around a cluster of meteors. A few more bootlegger moves and Kaldo has made guided the Vagrant Heart through the asteroid field.

With the dangers of the journey behind him, the Duros sets the Vagrant Heart down in Tidal Basin Station. The station sits near the heart o fthe city on the water’s edge. Tidal Basin is surprisingly metropolitan, but still retains some of its frontier town charm; the shops are well stocked, the streets are clean, and the saloons are a bit rowdy.

The Vagrant Hearts go to work.

While, Toth chats up a repair tech at a local saloon who has been to Faynor’s house, Kaldo scouts out the compound. Tam slices into the planetary holonet and Rowintha persuades a local ganger to spill his guts.

That night, they formulate their plan. At dawn they strike.

Voidrunner's Codex

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