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Vagrant Hearts (Season 1: Complete), The Smuggler's War (Writing: Episode VII)


“The Gamorean’s been stowed in an empty hold.” Toth says, returning to the common area. “And I got this.”

The Bothan tosses a bounty hunter license on the table and a sly grin appears on his face, “Anyone else thinking what I’m thinking?”

“Yeah” says Kaldo, “If we take off now, we should be able to shake most of the bounty hunters. If we bounce between the mid rim and outer rim—“

“What?” Interrupts Toth, “No. I mean we collect on our own bounty.”

“Yeah, that’s what I meant.” Kaldo sheepishly replies.

“And how do you propose we do that?” Tam cuts in.

“We get a good slicer to change the ID on the Gamorean’s license.” The Bothan explains, “We fake our capture and get someone we trust to collect. And last time I checked, there’s someone in this room we can trust and isn’t on Faynor’s recording.”

Once again, all eyes are on Xule.

Tam takes a look at Xule and grabs a blast helmet from the shelf and places it on her head.

“But with the blast shield down—“ Xule whines.

“Oh, sorry. There ya go.” Tam flips the shield back.

Standing there with a blast helmet and vest, two heavy blasters strapped to her hips: Tam’s and Kaldo’s, and Toth’s modified carbine slung across her back, in the right circles, Xule could pass as bounty hunter. He compares the image to the one on the sliced license and has to admit it’s pretty good. This may just work.

“There’s no way this is going to work.” Kaldo mumbles as the crew hands over the last remaining bars of currency to a group of Ugnaughts. The Ugnaughts quickly go to work powering up the carbon freezing chamber. Kaldo watches one adjust a regulator valve. The Ugnaught turns it one way, turns is back the other way, scratches his head, turns it back the other way again, shrugs, and then walks off.

A few moments later, the crew of the Vagrant Heart and one Jawa are frozen in blocks of carbonite. Xule dons her helmet and goes to collect on the bounty.

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Been lurking, just figured I would pop and say thanks, really enjoying the SH, though it seems to have slowed...

aka djordje


Gah! I totally left this story hour hanging.

Sorry, grad school started and work has been a little insane. I'm sure my company isn't the only one out there asking its employees to do more with less. Anyway in one more week grad class will wrap up for the semester and I'll have some vacation time around the holidays, I'll hash out the rest of the story then.

Fortunately, I still have my notes. Some of the characterization and quotes maybe off, but I should be able to capture the spirit of the game.


Tam coughs again and shivers, "I can't see."

A synthesized voice responds, "You have hibernation sickness. You need to rest."

Tam, laying in bed, reaches a hand up in the direction of the voice, he feels a hand take his and a hears helmet fall to the ground. Xule's voice greets him, "It's me, Tam. You're back in your hotel room."

"I think my eyes are getting better. Instead of one big dark blur, I see a green blur. But, I'm still cold." Tam inches over in the bed, "Maybe you could warm me up?"

Tam feels a blanket land on his head. A synthesized voice says, "I'll see you tomorrow, Captain."

Once again, the crew of the Vagrant Heart waits in the Vapor Room. And once again, Donovan Graw waltzes in like he owns the place.

"Ah, Rowintha! You're going to love me!" Donovan announces. He plops down at the booth where the crew has gathered, eyeing a suspiciously pale Tam, before returning to the story. "There was a bidding war between Baron Administrator Rayon and the mini guild representative over a certain piece of Caamasi art. Why anyone would want to own that, who knows? But after my cut--don't worry, I gave you my best rate--and expenses you total comes to 48000 credits. And that's a number I think we can all drink to!"

End Episode III: Fool's Fortune


GM Commentary

And so ends episode 3 of 5. In this episode, I tried to give each player a chance to star in a scene, unfortunately, they didn't really turn into the stars. The encounters were supposed to be tough but they were supposed to come out the victors. In the end Kaldo was the only real successful character. Tam lost money, Rowintha nearly died, and Toth barely escaped with Set. It worked out, but I also realized my players really don't like losing.

I'm also finally done with grad school for the semester. Between working full time and taking classes, I didn't really have any creative energies to work on the story hour. But, I've been able to relax and re-energize and hope to finish the write up in the next week and a half.

Fortunately, I still have all my game notes so recreating the sessions shouldn't be too difficult. And as always feel free to post questions and comments.


Episode IV: The Last Drop

In the middle of Selene's office rests a closed black box on a low table. The box is less than a quarter meter tall or deep and less than half a meter wide. It doesn't have any distinguishing marks, finished in a perfect matte black, but Kaldo can't keep from staring at it. He finds himself oddly attracted to it and repulsed by it at the same time. It's only Selene's voice that snaps he back to attention.

"You will take the cargo to Indupar." Selene says matter of factly. "Outside the city of Dagoska is an abandoned B'omarr monastery. There you will make the drop to a Black Sun agent, a Bith, named Sandin."

"And then no more favors, right? We're done?" Tam asks in manner that's not quite like asking.

"Yes. You're debt to Black Sun will be paid in full." Selene replies.

"Good." Tam answers. "Rowintha, grab the box. Let's get this over with."

The Wookie grabs hauls the box up and Toth moves to open the door.

"And one last thing," Selene interjects, "My spies tell me that there are others interested in the contents of the box. So try to be careful, I'd hate for you to get hurt."

Back in the Vagrant Heart, Rowintha growls a low moan.

"I don't like it much either." Tam replies, "Stow it in the smuggling compartment, I don't think we want anyone finding this thing. Kaldo, how much longer 'til blast off?"

"Just waiting for the order." The Duros pilot replies.

"Then let's make star lines." Tam says slouching into the copilot seat.

As the YT-2000 lifts off from Raxus IV, a Firespray class patrol ship shows up on the scopes. Its weapons are powered down, but it seems to be following the Vagrant Heart's exit vector.

"What's going on?" Toth pops his head into the cockpit, "Need me on the guns?"

"Might not be a bad idea," replies Tam, "But don't shoot until I give the word."

Toth hurries down the corridor to take up his position.

"Kaldo, change of plans." Tam says, "What's the hyperdrive rating on one of those?"

Kaldo thinks for a moment, "Class 3. Stock."

"So, we're faster. Time to loose them in hyperspace. I've got new nav coordinates."

Kaldo pushes the lever forward and hyperspace bursts into view.

The Vagrant Heart floats in the middle of an unoccupied sector of space. Tam immediately begins plotting a new course to another empty sector.

"OK, done." Tam says, "Punch it."

Kaldo once again pushes the lever and the Vagrant Heart enters hyperspace.

"One more bounce and we'll head to Indupar."

The mottled sky of hyperspace blurs away leaving star lines that transform back into points. The green gray planet of Indupar fills the YT-2000 viewscreen. Kaldo adjusts the approach vector and begins the decent.

The lighting and weather patterns in the upper atmosphere make the approach to Dagoska difficult. Rain splashes against the viewscreen and lightning flashes brightly between clouds, sometimes arcing down toward the ground. Kaldo wrestles with the controls trying to keep the Vagrant Heart stable. A blinding flash fills the cockpit and sparks fly from the control panels.

"We've been hit!" Announces Tam.

"It's not my fault!" Kaldo wines.

Rowintha rushes off to make repairs and Kaldo struggles to put the Vagrant Heart down in one piece.

If there's one all-powerful force controlling everything, it was with Kaldo that moment as he put the transport down in a commercial port. He breathes a sign of relief before meeting the others to inspect the damage.

At the foot of the ramp stands an old tech in grease stained overalls. He runs a hand over the stubble on his chin and whistles through his teeth, "Woowee. That a real deal CEC YT-2000 you go there? Surprised you folks would risk brin' her in through the storms, looks like she took a shot."

"Yeah, well..." Kaldo begins sheepishly.

"We have business here." Tam explains. "You think you can refuel her while my Wookie here works on patching her up?"

"Sure," says the tech, "but, I hope you got a speeder in that hold. Them storms are gonna get worse, then there ain't no flying." A light rain begins as if to emphasize the tech's prediction.

"I don't suppose you know where I can get one?" Tam asks.

The tech takes his time thinking over the questions, scratching at his chin and sucking at his teeth all the while standing in the middle of the rain as if it is the most natural thing in the world to do. "Well, my cousin's ma's brother has a boy that runs a speeder shop. He's got all sorts of stuff there. If I was you, I'd go talk to him."

"Wait, isn't that his cousin?" Toth mumbles.

"Um, sounds good. Can you give us directions?" Tam asks.


The city of Dagoska was once a booming manufacturing center during the Clone Wars. Now, most of the factories are silent, leaving the city a shell of its once former self. But textile manufacturing continues and those lucky enough to have jobs move their families from the barrens and toward the center of the city.

The Dagoska Speederworks is somewhere between the barrens and the city center. The rain comes harder and harder as Tam, Toth, and Kaldo walk through the nearly empty streets. Toth ripples his fur for the fourth time sending a spray of drops out and flying into Kaldo. The Duros picks up the pace and hunches his shoulders even farther against the rain.

"There!" Announces Tam.

The glow of the light spilling forth from the speeder shop's open garage door beckons. The three scurry across the road and shake the raindrops from them as they stand in the open garage bay.

"Didn't expect to see many folk out on an evening like this." Says a tech in stained coveralls, "Let me guess, you need a tow?"

"Actually, we're looking to buy." Tam fills in.

"Well then, you should take a look at this H-36 I just fixed up." The mechanic/salesman begins, "Good family landspeeder, even has fold down seats."

While Tam tries to explain fold down seats aren't a priority, Kaldo wonders off, walking through the warehouse sized garage. There in the back, partially covered by a drop cloth, still with the original grenade launcher mount sits the perfect smuggler's ride.

"How much for this one?" Calls out Kaldo.

"Alright, alright, we'll turn the Rodian gangsta rap off." Tam relents to the Wookie's growl. "I like my arms just where they are."

The cabin of the Arrow-23 landspeeder is quite once again. Toth swivels around in the turret pointing the grenade launcher behind them. "Do you guys hear something?"

A Z-95 Headhunter drops out of the storm clouds and makes a strafing run on the speeder. The comm squawks to life, "This is the bounty hunter Modok. Surrender or the next salvo will be on target."

"Not this guy again." Tam sighs.

Without orders, Kaldo redlines the speeder. Toth swings the grenade launcher around returns fire. The grenade explodes against the Z-95's shields. The Z-95 swings around and lines up for another shot, Kaldo banks hard and Toth fires again. This time the shields give and the sparks fly from one of the engines.

Tam can't resist, he punches the comms, "Take that, Modok!"

A concussion missile rocks that landspeeder as the Z-95 climbs skyward after the bombing run.

"I don't think we can take another one of those," Kaldo says.

"Can't anything go in our favor?" Tam pleads.

As if in answer, the storm clouds illuminate the landscape with lighting. A brilliant arc reaches out and strikes the pursuing Headhunter. It shudders and then explodes into a ball of fire.

The Vagrant Hearts let loose a cheer at their change of luck.

The B'omarr monastery sits in solitary watch over the surrounding flats. A battered speeder waits outside.

"Speeder's empty." Toth reports.

"Looks like our contact must inside." Kaldo says as he opens the monastery door.

Escaping the rain, the crew of the Vagrant Heart step into the dimly lit foyer. In the shadows, spider-like droid with jars for abdomens scurry away from the intruders.

"This way." Kaldo says, blaster drawn, "There's some footsteps in the dust."

A Bith stands, hands clasped behind his back watching the growing storm out a window. He spins on his heal, drawing a blaster and pointing it at the four intruders staring at him.

"Sorry," he says, holstering his weapon, "I didn't know if you'd make it, considering the weather."

"I don't leave jobs undone." Tam coolly replies.

"Yes," agrees the Bith, "your reputation precedes you. You probably already guessed it, but you may call me Sandin. You have the package?"

Rowintha gives a growl and presents the strange black box.

"Excellent. Let's get that loaded into my speeder and your debt to Black Sun will be paid."

"I have a bad feeling about this." Toth bemoans.

The full armament of the AT-ST is leveled at the crew and Black Sun operative.

"Did you set us up?" Tam demands as he presses his blaster to Sandin's chest.

"Never! I would never. I mean, we knew someone else was interested in the package, but there was no indication that it was the Empire." The Bith frantically explains.

Tam's attention is refocused on the Imperial threat as the semi-circle of stormtroopers is broken to allow a woman through. She eyes the black box like a wampa at a tauntaun.

"Hand over the box." She menaces.

"Never!" Shout Tam and Sandin in unison.

With a snap-hiss a red beam of a lightsaber jumps to life in the woman's hand. Toth launches a grenade, knocking the AT-ST off target. Tam shoot dropping a stormtrooper. Rowintha roars, still carrying the box. Kaldo slips into the landspeeder amid the chaos.

"Come on, come on, come on." Kaldo says as he works the starter.

Sandin gets tagged and ducks behind his speeder.

"Everyone into the speeder. We need to get outta here!" Tam shouts.

"Wait," Toth says "The box!"

He takes one end, Rowintha the other, and they heave it into the Bith speeder.

Tam lays down cover as they all dive back into the speeder. Kaldo punches it as blaster bolts bounce off the armored hull of the Arrow-23. Tam reaches to close the door and catches the Bith's eye as they race away. "Debt paid!"

End Episode IV: The Last Drop


GM Commentary

I am going to finish this story hour... eventually. Actually, I'd like to revisit this campaign and I figured a write up of past events would be a great way to kick off a new campaign. Fortunately, I still have all my GM notes, so I'm able to recreate the events fairly accurately. I'm not exactly sure how much of the Dark Sider the players were really able to experience, but I do keenly remember then taking stock of the situation and deciding to finish the job and run. Finishing the job was quite important to them, because it meant that they had paid back Selene in full and owned their ship out-right.

Episode IV was probably the weakest of the campaign. We played on a Friday night, which meant less time to play and silly players since everyone was still unwinding from a week of work. This is probably why the session feels a little rushed and where the Rodian gangsta rap comes from.

I didn't do a great job balancing the encounters, but it was also my first time trying out vehicle combat.

Now to start writing up the fifth and final episode.


GM Commentary

The opening crawl for episode III
Episode III

After defeating the vile slaver, FAYNOR, and outrunning an Imperial Star Destroyer the crew of the Vagrant Heart once again race across the galaxy to the core world of Alderaan.

The YT-2000 transports the heroic smugglers along with ten freed slaves, a Falleen Princess, a Jawa wanderer, a Jedi's lightsaber, and a variety of artwork. But perhaps the most important cargo is a rare wine intended for an Imperial Moff, a bottle of CHATEAU '77.

With little time to spare the crew must reach Alderaan and present the bottle to the Imperial. But even if that goes well, they must still deal with the matter of the slaves, the stolen artwork, the spice, and make payment on their ship….

The idea of working for a bad guy and getting something his daughter's wedding come from the David Benioff novel City of Thieves. In it two boys are forced by a Soviet commander to sneak out of Leningrad, during the siege, to find twelve egg's for his daughter's birthday cake.

The opening crawl for episode IV

Episode IV

Out witting bounty hunters in Cloud City, the crew of the Vagrant Heart scored big. In a clever plan, the crew was able to collect on their own bounty. And along with the sale of Faynor's art, they were able to use the money to pay off Selene and upgrade the ship.

Now, one last run awaits the crew of the Vagrant Heart before they answer to no one but themselves. A final delivery for Selene and the Black Sun Crime Syndicate.

With the Jawa, Set, living large in Cloud City and the Falleen Prince, Xule, planning for the break out of Hull and Nali, the YT-2000 is once again occupied by its original crew: Tam, Toth, Rowintha, and Kaldo...

After having a large ensemble of NPC's to interact and tote along, I wanted to give the player a break. I wanted it to be them, on their own, making one last run for freedom. I had originally planned to leave Set behind, for good, in Cloud City, but some comments regarding what a fun character he was to have around made me decide he should show up in episode 5.

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