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Vagrant Hearts (Season 1: Complete), The Smuggler's War (Writing: Episode VII)


Episode V: The Kessel Run

The humidity of the jungle planet seeps past the ancient stone walls of the meeting, sticking Kaldo's skin to his chair. Jusrasco said the place used to be some sort of temple, but whoever lieved here apparently never heard of environmental filters. Kaldo shifts again in his chair trying to get comfortable as the holo image of Nakko snorts for the fifth time at the princess' plan.

She's been working on it for weeks and it is sound, but Nakko's right. It all hinges on getting on the planet undiscovered. Anywhere else and this wouldn't be a problem, but when talking about an Imperial prison planet with virtually no traffic to hide in, it's a different story.

The argument is the same one that's been going on for the last hour. Toth couldn't help but notice Set had already left the table and is slowly pulling apart an ancient terminal. Why the Jawa has left the comfort of Cloud City to go on little more than a suicide mission is beyond Toth, but the Jawa always did seem a little odd.

Having heard the arguments already, Jurasco clears his throat and waits for silence before beginning.

"Let me remind everyone we are all here for the same reason, to rescue Hull and Nali and escape in on piece. Let's start again from the beginning. Princess Xule, if you will please, Kessel security."

"Of course," says the Falleen princess as she stands and runs her hands over her dress. "The spice mines are located on the planet Kessel, in the Kessel system, in the Outer Rim territories near Hutt Space. The planet is orbited by a single moon, the Garrison Moon. It is so called, because this moon houses an Imperial garrison and administrative staff below the surface; approximately 700 people. If that isn't bad enough, the Empire keeps a massive relay of communications satellites in orbit to maintain control over the prison, to permit passage through the system, and to coordinate ship landings--"

"Huh, ship landings." Interrupts Nakko, "That's if you get past the Maw, kid."

"Yes, the Maw, a cluster of black holes surrounding the Kessel system. The fodder of smuggler's tales. I'm sure our friend, Nakko, can enlighten us on the subject... later." The way she says friend indicates anything but. Tam can't help but smile, Nakko still has his magic. "As I was saying, the communications satellites are vital to the Empire's operation on Kessel and as such are guarded by one Victory-class Star Destroyer, two Acclamator-class Star Destroyers, two Imperial customs corvettes, and multiple squadrons of TIE fighters, interceptors, and bombers. A formidable force and why I recommend a covert entry."

Her gaze hardens as she looks at Nakko and then returns to her serene pose. "The prison installation itself is planet side on Kessel. Only a small complement of Stormtroopers and administrative staff are present planet side. Every seven standard cycles, the Imperial forces are rotated back to the Garrison Moon with a new force to relieve them. Order, and I use that term loosely, in the mines is kept through inmate overseers. These are usually Imperial collaborators given authority in exchange for preferential treatment and absolute loyalty. It may be necessary to extract the information from these overseers to determine the location of Hull and Nali as normal prison conditions are not maintained in the mines."

"Thank you, Xule." Jurasco says, "Now, Nakko, I believe you had some light to shed on the entry and exit from Kessel."

"That's right." Nakko replies, "Everyone here has probably heard of the Kessel Run. The most dangerous and profitable run a smuggler can make. Moving pure glitterstim from Kessel into Hutt Space while walking a tight rope between black holes and Imperial patrols. Too close to the Imps and you'll be boarded or shot out of the sky. Too close to the Maw and you cease to exist. Not the way anyone wants to go, eh, kid?"

Rowintha groans and Nakko moves on.

"Now the problem with your highness' plan," Nakko gives a vile smile at Xule, "is that nobody gets into Kessel without clearance or someone looking the other way. Now the Hutts have gotten getting Kessel operators to look the other way while a ship lands, fills up with spice, and blasts off down to a science. You want on to Kessel, kid? Go talk to a Hutt, is my suggestion. They'll get you into the mines. From there, buying the time to track down these two prisoners will be up to you. Of course, the Hutts can only buy you so much time, so be quick or you're going to make a hot escape."

"Thank you, Nakko." Jurasco says, "Of course getting planet side isn't our only problem, but I believe I also have a solution to one problem.

"No prisoner has escaped from Kessel and the Imperials will go to great lengths to keep it that way. As such, if you are discovered at any point during the infiltration or extraction, Imperial operating procedure is to call for help while trying to deal with the intruders internally. However, due to bureaucratic inefficiencies, all communications traffic from Kessel is routed through a single holonet relay. Remove this relay and Kessel is effectively mute.

"My engineers have modified a Y-wing to deliver a payload of proton torpedoes to knock out the relay, but for the Y-wing be successful a diversionary attack must be staged. We can modified the Vagrant Heart's ship identifier to read as Null Drive, a ship of a known slicer group with a modus operandi for hijacking holonet relays. The Imperials will attack the ship and attempt to destroy or drive it off. The Vagrant Heart, or Null Drive, must stay in combat until the Y-wing can come out of hyperspace, make the attack run on the relay, and escape. Suffice to say, any losses the Imperials suffer beyond the relay will only aid your cause in keeping the relay off line and Imperial reinforcements from materializing.

"So, I believe that's all the information we have. Since you and your crew will be putting their lives on the line, I'll let you determine the final plan." Jurasco finishes.

The room remains silent as all eye are on Captain Voren. A smile lights up Tam's face, "Who's up for paying our old buddy, Ming, a visit?"

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The Vagrant Heart drops out of hyperspace into the Ellium system. A red giant burns brightly in the viewscreen. Sensors indicate a small planet on a close orbit and farther out, beyond the heat and radiation is a small starport. Giant shield ships ferry smaller cargo ships and freighters into the shadow of the planet, protecting them from the burn of the star.

Tam punches a button on the comms port and transmits ID codes to port control.

A controller reviews the codes and says. "Welcome back to the Tow, Vagrant Heart. Bertha currently in the dry docks, so I'm gonna have to have you link up with Fancy Flyin'. Enjoy the ride in."

Kaldo pulls the Vagrant Heart into the a parallel vector with the shield ship. Scanning the other ships being brought in only show large slow cargo haulers, Kaldo sighs, a bit disappointed there won't be any competition to be first planet side. Meanwhile, Tam patches into the Fancy Flyin' to connect to the planetary holonet and contacts the Hutt.

The eerie image of the bald man with the cybernetic implant ghosts to life.

"I need to arraign a meeting with Ming." Tam begins, "Tell him it's an old friend."

Toth reports back to the rest of the crew waiting in their Arrow-23 in a nearby alleyway, "He's picked a thoroughfare between a junk dealer and a cantina. Lots of foot traffic in the area and very public."

"He's not looking for a fight." Tam infers.

Rowintha lets out a low growl.

"I know, I know." Tam replies. "Let's get in position before Ming arrives."

Tam looks over his shoulder at the parked Arrow-23. Once again, he's standing out in the open with his Wookie pal waiting for the arrival of the Hutt. He can see Kaldo nervously at the controls waiting to kick the landspeeder into high gear at the slightest sign of trouble. Toth coolly man's the turret. Tam has the utmost confidence his gunner and long time partner. Now, he's just got to get them passage to Kessel.

At the appointed time, three speeders arrive. Out of two scramble an even greater number of bodyguards than last time. Out of the third slithers Ming. Tam starts to close the game, hands casually at his sides, with Rowintha in tow.

"Hah, no surprises this time human." The Hutt bellows, "I heard what you did to Faynor and I'm not about to join him."

Rowintha growls.

"Not scared, careful." Ming continues, "Too many witnesses here. Of course, I'm a little surprised to see you alive, I thought someone collected on Faynor's bounty."

"Interesting story, that." Tam replies. "But, I didn't come to trade stories. I thought you might be interested in moving some Kessel spice."

"Kessel spice?" The Hutt comes a bit closer and lowers his voice. "I'm always looking for a good spice runner. Of course it will cost you: ten thousand, no negotiations."

"Ten seems a bit much, Ming."

"You think I pay for the bribes myself? Hah. But if you can't cover the cost, I offer loans at a more than generous rate."

Tam rolls his eyes, not wanting another shady loan, but having no other choice, "Fine, I can give you five and I'll need a loan for five."

The Hutt gives a greedy smile, "I like you Captain Voren. We have a deal."


GM Commentary

The players were fairly apprehensive about taking out another loan, but they agreed without too much trouble. It really boiled down to needing the money, knowing it was a tiny amount compared to what they had owed and what they've been pulling in, and the spice they'd be hauling would be worth far more than the loan amount.

Throughout the game, money was always on the players' mind. Every ship upgrade, item purchased, and even the amount things sold was debated and justified. They were also always on the look out for ways to make some quick cash. It really played into the free trader/smuggler mindset of the game. In fact, getting them to do anything without getting paid was like pulling teeth and every number was negotiation. It made for some fun roleplay.


Tam and Xule watch as Kaldo hops into the cockpit of the Y-Wing. Kaldo looks past the two at the Vagrant Heart.

Tam follows his eyes, "Alright old buddy, I know what she means to you. I'll take good care of her, she won't get a scratch."

"I got your promise. Not a scratch?" Kaldo says, strapping on his white helmet.

"Would you get going. And good luck."

"You too."

Tam trots back to the Vagrant Heart. He throws a glance over his should and sees the Y-Wing's repulsorlifts push the fighter-bomber into the air. He scrambles up the Vagrant Heart's ramp and slaps close button.

"Fake ID transponder ready to go, Rowintha?" He shouts to the Wookie.

Rowintha hoots an affirmative.

"Let's make star lines."

The Vagrant Heart, transmitting as Null Drive, drops out of hyperspace into a unremarkable sector of space near the Kessel system. Through the cockpit viewport Tam looks past the mass of the holonet relay and focuses on the Nebulan B Escort Frigate and defensive screen of TIE Fighters.

"We have incoming!" Tam shouts over the ship wide comms as two TIE Interceptors bear down on the ship.

Toth answers with the THUMP-THUMP of turbo lasers, winging one of the TIE's. The other Interceptor fires back. Green lasers lance out and splash against the Vagrant Heart's shields.

"Angle those deflector shields," Tam orders, "and Toth, get these guys off me, we still need to get the Nebulan B to move."

Toth throws the gunner chair into a spin bringing it to bear on the wounded TIE. He fires another salvo, catching the Interceptor at the joint between wing and cockpit. It splits apart, rolls hard starboard, and explodes into a ball of fire. He zips back the other way taking aim at the wing man. The TIE disappears from view as the YT-2000 drops into a spinning dive.

"Looks like we go their attention." Tam remarks as the Imperial frigate's turbo laser battery's light up the space the Vagrant Heart just occupied. "Rowintha, get me power to the shields, we're going to let them chase us for a while. Toth, don't let them too close."

The Wookie barks and takes off down the cooridor to the engine room.

Toth lines up another shot only to have have it miss thanks to Tam's erratic flying.

"Keep the ship still so I can kill something." The Bothan complains.

"I wouldn't have to fly so crazy if you could hit something." Tam retorts.

The Bothan gives up on the Interceptor and targets one of the slower TIE Fighters. He fires a long arcing stream and manages to find the target. The fighter rotates counterclockwise a quarter turn and then bursts into flames.

The R2 unit gives Kaldo the count down. 3... 2... 1.... Kaldo drops out of hyperspace and sees the Vagrant Heart being chased by a Nebulan B and a half a flight of TIE's.

"Not a scratch." He mumbles and pushes the Y-Wing into a bombing run vector on the relay.

The Imperials seem preoccupied and don't notice his advance. The targeting indicator drops in front of his vision and he dials in the primary relay. Two torpedoes away, he puts the Y-Wing into a shuddering climb. An explosion rocks the relay behind him. The R2 unit confirms what he already knows: direct hit.

Kaldo puts the Y-Wing back on another bombing run, when the R2 unit squeals a warning. The remaining TIE Interceptor broke off from the main fight. It is on a hard burn trying to catch the Y-Wing.

"Hang on, R2, we're going in. We're going full throttle. That outta keep the Interceptor off our back." Kaldo says between clenched teeth.

The Y-Wing rockets forward, the targeting computer counting down. The Interceptor takes a shot. It bounces off the Y-Wing's shields.

"Stay on target, stay on target," Kaldo says to himself, "Now!"

Two more proton torpedoes launch forward slamming into the redundant relay.

Kaldo immediately put the Y-Wing into a corkscrew dive and begins calculating the hyperspace jump. The Interceptor is fast, but a droid brain is faster. The hyperspace calculation appears on Kaldo's scope and he slams the levers forward.

Imagine my surprise when I logged in here today after not checking the story hour forum for quite some time and finding this thread updated. Good to see you back and updating this, masshysteria!

I am about to start a new Star Wars Saga Edition game tomorrow night and was coming back to re-read your story hour for inspiration. Having several new posts is just a nice bonus!

I have a bunch of ideas but I still haven't decided entirely on what era I'm planning on using. The three candidates are the Dark Times (similar to yours), the classic Rebellion period, or the Legacy period. At any rate, I need to get this aspect hammered out asap since the game begins tomorrow.


I have a bunch of ideas but I still haven't decided entirely on what era I'm planning on using. The three candidates are the Dark Times (similar to yours), the classic Rebellion period, or the Legacy period. At any rate, I need to get this aspect hammered out asap since the game begins tomorrow.

Welcome back. I'm curious as to what you decided and how the game turned out.

My gaming group just decided to return to this game for a second mini campaign, so now I really need to finish the story hour and start preparing for season two!


Ming's bribes work like a charm. Tam is a a bit amazed at how much smoother deals with Hutts go when they stand to gain a considerable amount of money. Kaldo puts the Vagrant Heart on an approach vector to Kessel's planet side, directly opposite of the Garrison Moon and through an odd gap in the defensive screen. The surface a Kessel flies by a lifeless blur. Only a few tomb-like structures dot the barren landscape.

"There's our landing spot," Kaldo call out, pointing through the viewscreen to a disguised landing platform next to an abandoned mine shaft. As Kaldo puts down the YT-2000, the rest of the crew straps on breath masks to protect themselves from the slightly toxic atmosphere.

Two grubby looking Imperial administrators impatiently wait at the bottom of the landing ramp.

"About time you guys show up." One says, "I was beginning to think we need to deal exclusively with Jabba."

Kaldo looks irritated, "There's no way I'm late."

Tam jumps in, "Let's go into the mines then and get the spice."

"Into the mines?" The other administrator says, "There's no reason for that. We have the spice right over here." He nods behind him to an alcove.

"Fine. Set, Toth, start loading up the spice." The Jawa and Bothan grab crates and start hauling them aboard. Tam follows them up the hold and drops a box full of tools onto the floor and starts yelling. Toth smiles and readies his blaster.

"Hey down there, think you can help us with this for a moment?" Tam calls down.

The two Imperials exchange a glance and then trot up the ramp into the hold.


Toth tosses Tam two pass cards from his search of the stunned Imperials as Tam dons one of their uniforms.

"Alright," Tam says, "Xule, you stay here and guard the ship. Set, finish loading up the spice and then help Xule. Everyone else is with me, we're going into the mines to get Hull and Nali."

The four smugglers leave the YT-2000 behind and enter the secret shaft leading to the mines. The rough stone of the shaft gives way to the smooth metallic walls of a service corridor. A massive security door blocks the way. Tam pulls out the two stolen pass cards. He walks over to a console on the left side of the door, inserts a pass card and watches as the console beeps and flashes red. He tries the other card and sees the same thing happened. Puzzled, he walks to the right of the door to another security console. He inserts the first card and is greeted by a beep and a red flash. With one last attempt, he inserts the second card to no avail. He walks back to stand in front the middle of the security door, a card in each hand.

"I think we're going to need to shoot this one too." Tam ponders.

Kaldo and Toth exchange a look, walk forward and take the pass cards from Tam's hands.

"On three," Kaldo says, "One... Two... Three."

The Bothan and Duros insert the cards simultaneously and the consoles flash green and the door begins to grind open.

The Bothan grins at the Captain, "I'll stay here and watch the exit."

The service corridor exits into a broad tunnel. A sparsely manned guard tower looms over the gate dividing the cells from the mine. From the mines, light and noise rumble forth as a work crew returns to the cells.

"We'll blend in with the returning prisoners" Kaldo says, "and sneak into the cells."

"Good," Tam replies, "I'll try to find an administrative console and track down our friends."

Tam heads to the guard tower and Rowintha gives a friendly howl.

"You too." Tam calls over his shoulder.
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Tam takes a deep breath, straighten his uniform, and presses the call button on the guard tower door. The door hisses open and a stormtrooper snaps to attention, "Sir!"

Tam returns the salute and walks past, breathing a sigh of relief. Climbing to the top of the tower, he looks down to the gate below him. It is opening for a group of prisoners. He scans the crowd for the bulk of a wookie.

Rowintha's height gives her an advantage. She gives a low growl to Kaldo and begins pushing her way through the gang of prisoners. Kaldo follows in her wake. Rowintha stops her forward advance and Kaldo can instantly see why.

Kaldo leans forward and whispers, "I got a droid out of Alderaan, I think I can get couple people out of Kessel."

Hull stops in his track and turns around. His mouth opens in surprise and begins to stammer out a response when he's smothered by Wookie fur. Rowintha wraps her arms around the human in delight, getting some weird looks from the other prisoners.

"What are you guys doing here?" Hull manages.

"We're your rescue." Kaldo responds.

"Rescue? Some rescue you are walking into a prison." Hull says nodding to the gate now closing behind them.

"Don't worry we have an inside man." Kaldo responds and if on queue, Tam walks out on the cat walk stretching out over the prison complex from guard tower to guard tower.

"Well, I'll be a nerf herder." Hull says.

Rowintha gives an inquisitive hoot and Hull turns to her with a worried look.

"Nali and I were separated early one. After I roughed up one of Salvok's guys, he took her from me to keep me inline."

"Who's Salvok?" Kadlo interjects.

"He's the overseer for this pen." Hull answers, "He's a thug and an Imperial collaborator. I'm not sure what's worse."

"So we grab Nali right before the next mining shift and make a run for it." Kaldo formulates, "We got the Vagrant Heart waiting."

"That won't be so easy. Salvok runs the pit fights. His quarters are guarded by the pit fighters. The only way you can get in is if you fight and win."

Voidrunner's Codex

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