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Vagrant Hearts (Season 1: Complete), The Smuggler's War (Writing: Episode VII)


Kaldo wanders around the Agorian Vulture, according to the tech, the Vulture's passed through a number of owners before winding up wasting away on Raxus VI. The earliest reports say smugglers used it during the Clone Wars to supply Separatist fighters. These there are the stories of the pirates captain with the flare for the dramatic. Known more for his prowess with women than a vibrorapier's edge. It is said he was the one to lavishly furnish the ship. Where the SoroSuub hyperdrive came from or who did the work to install and modify the Verpine comm jammer, remain a mystery.

"So, how do we want to split up?" Kaldo asks.

"I'm not flying in this thing." Tam replies.

"I'll do it." Toth replies. "Maybe Set and I can do a once over on the ship on the way to Harelquin station."

"Who's gonna fly it?" Kaldo says.

"I can." The zabrak says.

"Alright, we'll see you there." Tam answer, "Oh, and I never caught your name."


The Bengel Shipbuilders XQ1 platform floats in an unremarkable part of the Garis sector. Getting landing clearance is a simple task and Kaldo puts the Vagrant Heart down on platform three, the Agroian Vulture lands shortly after him.

"I win again." Kaldo says as he powers down the ship.

The two crew's exist and waiting for them is a station security office.

"Welcome to Harlequin station." The security officer drones. He sighs and continues in monotone, "I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to keep your business to platforms one and three as the Empire has platform two sealed off. If your freighter need refueling, station services is the first door on the left."

The corridor to platform two is still open for business. There are enough merchants and shops that blending in isn't difficult. From her vantage point, Jayne can see the security door to platform two, guarded by two storm troopers. She pretends to be interested in a flight jacket and listens to the stormtroopers talk.

"I put in to be a transport pilot." One says.

"Why would want to do that?" The other replies.

"I was talking to one of the pilots yesterday, he says pilots get their own quarters."

"It would be nice not have to share a room."


The stormtrooper converstation is cut short by blaster fire striking their chests. Two figures wearing blast helmets scurry past and begin overriding the security door controls. Toth reaches for his blaster, but Tam puts a hand out to stop him, "Let's let this play out."

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A moment later the door is overridden and the two figures set through the door and into another fire fight. Imperial stormtroopers, lead by an officer rally to defend the platform. But two strangers are quick on the draw and fire back.

"Let's get closer." Kaldo says.

Tam agrees and the two crews creep closer to the door. Kaldo watches the fire fight. The two figures are out numbered, but managing to put up quite the fight. Caught in the open, a bolt hits one of the strangers in the chest. He staggers, the blast vest taking the brunt of the damage, and fires wildly back. But the hit was enough to slow him and a second stormtrooper finishes the job. Kaldo looks to Toth and the Bothan nods, they've seen enough.

Kaldo draws and takes a stormtrooper by surprise. Toth moves in laying down covering fire, allowing Jayne and Dabrak to move into position and take down another trooper. Tam moves to finish the last Imperial, but he's too late. The other stranger has finished the job. Tam shifts his aim, leveling his blaster at the figure.

The figure in the blast helmet looks at Tam, cocks his head to the side, and says, "Tam?"

The helmet comes off and Tam recognizes the Sullustan with the scar on the right side of his face, "Web? What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing. Breelo and me are stealing a transport. Jorj Car-das thinks some of the parts here are headed for a secret Imperial installation. The one building the ghost ships attacking smugglers. We're going to use the ship to scout out the base and relay the info back to Car'das." Web explains. He looks over to see Jayne with her med kit at Breelo's side. "How is he?"

"He isn't." Responds the medic.

"This isn't good, Tam." Web says, "Breelo was my pilot."

"Web." Tam says a worried look crossing his face.

"Come on, Tam, you know this is important. And, and, don't make me say it. You owe me one."

"How long is this going to take?"

"Shouldn't be more than just a few days. Use the preprogrammed coordinates in the shuttle to make the jump to lightspeed. Scout the base and then hit hyperspace again."

"Fine." Tam answers.

"What are you doing?" Kaldo asks.

"See how his face is messed up? That one was meant for me." Tam seems to be apologizing. And then, regaining his composure, starts barking out orders, "Don't let Set mess with the auto-chef. Kaldo, I want you flying the Vagrant Heart. I'll be back before you know it, so don't wreck my ship!"

Tam climbs the ramp of the transport and watches it close wondering what he's got himself into.

"We better not stick around." Toth says and begins piling crates onto a repulsorsled.


Kaldo's hands dance over the controls, bringing the Vagrant Heart's systems online. The repulsorlifts kick in and he smiles when he looks out the viewscreen and sees he's beat Dabrak to space. Rowintha gives a hoot from the co-pilot's chair. Two ships with Imperial markings just dropped out of hyperspace.

Aboard the Vulture, Toth takes command, "Have you two ever done this before?"

"No." Comes Dabrak's reply.

"Just fly fast until Jayne can get the hyperspace route plotted. I'll be on the guns."

"Right." Dabrak replies.

Toth runs to the guns and plops into the gunner's seat. He powers up the laser cannons. They aren't as nice as the Vagrant Heart's, but they'll work. He swivels around to look at the Imperial ships, one's a Custom's Corvette, he's seen enough of those in his time, but the other is smaller and unlike an Imp ship he's seen before. And it's fast. Real fast.

Kaldo jukes the Heart, the strange Imp's laser fire narrowly missing.

"Hyperspace?" He calls to Rowintha.

The Wookie grunts and looks at the calculations. They are all wrong, she starts over again.

"Did you see that?" Dabrak calls over the ship wide comms.

"Yeah." Toth answers and lets loose a salvo at the threat. The laser fire bounces harmlessly off it's shields. "The Vagrant Heart just made the jump to lightspeed. Where are we?"

"Now!" Comes Jayne's reply. The pin points of stars stretch into lines and break into the mottled skies of hyperspace.

End Episode VI: Braver Than I Thought


GM Commentary

Season two introduces two new players: Jayne a human Noble/Scoundrel and Dabrak a Zabrak with a mysterious past.

Like so many things at the gaming table, names often get misconstrued. When Dabrak's player was asked what his name was he though it he was asked what he was and answered Zabrak. It was misheard as Dabrak and their was no changing the name.

Season two also puts a second starship in the hands of the players, the Agorian Vulture. The Vulture is a beat up old L4000 transport. Anyone who has read the Dark Time's comics should recognize the L4000. Honestly, it isn't a bad ship, but when compared to the state of the art YT-2000, it is in need of some TLC.

The idea of getting another ship was really driven by making the game more playable. It really opened up more options when it came to space combat, gave people more ship roles to fill, and is a second money sink.


                      Episode VII
                      ON YOUR OWN

              With   liberated   Imperial
             cargo  in tow, the  transports
            Vagrant Heart and Agorian Vulture
           make for the secret rebel hideout on

       All is not well. An attack by an unidentified
      Imperial ship,  with amazing capabilities,  has 
     left  the  smugglers' with  unanswered  questions. 
    And in the  midst of  everything,  Captain Tam Voren 
   has  left  on  a  dangerous  mission  with a  Sullustan 
                       from his past. 

But, through it all, the crew pushes on. Another deliver must
              be made, another payday awaits....
Last edited:


The blurring mass below resolves into a jungle canopy, criss-crossed by rivers, dotted by lakes, and broken by mountains. A few raindrops bounce off the viewscreen and the scopes light up with a variety of life forms, but none of that matters to Kaldo. His eyes are locked on the engines of the Agorian Vulture in front of him. It's making its decent toward a facility built into the side of a mountain. Partially exposed tunnels and observation posts jut the mountain, but at the base is the entrance to the hanger bay. Agorain Vulture blocks his path, he'll have to settle for second place.

"It's the hyperdrive, their's is faster." He mutters as he walks down the landing ramp.

Rowintha nods knowingly and gives Kaldo a pat on the back.

Waiting is Jurasco, Princess Xule, and the crew of the Vulture.

"Welcome to Tango Base," Jurasco says proudly. "I see you managed to locate the ship. I must apologize, it looked in better condition in the holo. So, did you get the goods?"

"Their in the hold of the Vagrant Heart." Kaldo fills in.

"Great. Here's the promised payment." Jurasco hands over a credstick.

A puzzled look crosses over Xule's face, "Wait. Where's Tam, I mean Captain Voren?"

"Um," Kaldo begins, "He had to help an old friend, something about stealing an Imperial shuttle and scouting out a secret base. He should be contacting us in a couple of days to pick him up."

"Well, the Captain is a man who can take care of himself. I'll be looking forward to what he has to say about this secret Imperial installation." Jurasco says, then changing the subject, "If you don't have anywhere to go, we could use the help here. Unfortunately, I can't pay much, but I do have some starship parts to batter with. Think about it. In the mean time, Xule, perhaps you can show them around."

Voidrunner's Codex

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