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'Veiled Threats' Issue #1: New Friends, No Fun.


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The sky is atypically clear in the month of Therendor. It is usually the case that the whole of the civilized south would be drenched in the warm rains and then ravaged by the bugs and other vermin that follow. Or perhaps we need simply broaden our definition of vermin....

Third Sar of Therendor, 998K - The City: Sharn. Specifically, in the seedy district of Lower Tavik's Landing. Even more specifically, this is the point where Wroann's Gate and Terminus station meet. It is here that throngs of the curious, greedy, and just plain stupid stand, surrounded by both their pitiful peers and meager possessions.

Multiple lifts rise against the side of surrounding towers and even more skycoaches take those with the coin and who believe their business is truly so pressing. But it's not enough...it's never enough. For every one traveler taken another ten simply must take his, her, or its place. They are all so different and yet every bit the same...that is the true magic of this city...

Don't believe me? Let’s take but a few examples.

Standing around the edges of the current mass is a young woman who catches your eye, but not for any great beauty, but rather for her raw defiance of it. Stringy red hair, that dark complexion, and those green eyes. If it were not for the tinge of feral features, she might have had the ravenous eye of many a Breland man. As it is she only attracts a look of caution for her unkempt look and the unusually thick muscles that bulge up under her leather armor. The great axe at her left shoulder doesn’t promote contentment either. Lily Silvertree came to Sharn because she was bored by the weak threats to her own people. Bored?

Resting a few feet away is the stoic figure of the warforged one known only as North. His calm in the face of the throngs of fleshy beings is remarkable, going as it does so far as to ignore the pack of soot covered children who are heaping scornful comments and bits of trash on the metal ‘man’. Stoic, yes, but under his adamantine shell, beats the same hunger for opportunity as Lily; the same need to find a purpose. That is what caused him to go to such lengths to smuggle himself in the cargo hold of the lightning rail…made of metal he maybe, but he like all humanoids, is still very predictable.

Standing just a little bit farther away are two more jovial figures. Recently befriended and both pretty narrow in stature, they have both lived different sorts of lives leading up to this point. The ‘human’, Wen, is healthy, strong, and decently dressed. Tom, the elf, on the other hand, is short, scruffy, and obviously native to this part of the city. No more need be said about him. J

And finally, quite a bit further away, rests Torazz. Like Lily, he is a shifter. Unlike the others who are recent arrivals, Torazz can’t wait to leave the city, for he has found his opportunities and they call on him to be elsewhere. That explains the look of caution on his face that results from the need to get on with it.

The all are here hoping for something more. They all want to have some control over their lives. More importantly, in the end, they all are under the illusion that such control is possible. No, they are all victims of fate, and fate has taken a particular form in this world…its called Sharn.

Torazz: your noble friend has connected you with someone who has an assignment for you. You don't know who your employer is, that has been kept secret, but your assigned to escort a woman out of the city. You were lead to believe that she is also of noble birth. Other than that, you have been provided no other details other than the meeting place in Lower Tavik, which is where you stand. You await your charge.

ooc: I'll try to restrain the text bloat from now on. :)

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Ranger Rick

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OOC: I will be gone until Monday morning. Being the quiet little thief I am I just hang around Wen. I am not acting like a servant, but coming close to acting like one. Tom is helpful in getting stuff that Wen is vocalizing.

Also when ever possible, Tom is trying to pick anyone and everyone's pockets (+9). Not blanatently, but more as a target of opportunity. If a pocket is available, Tom tries to pick it. He avoids risk as getting caught means death in his mind. Also if anything is locked up, he tries to unlock(+13) the lock.


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Wen looks about excitedly, trying to take in everything at once. Oblivious that he looks like a naive rural bumpkin (which is exactly what he is), he watches the people going by with fascination. His eyes fix on the warforged and he nudges his companion. "Hey Tom, look! It's one of those warforged! I've never seen one so close before. Let's go talk to it!"

He pushes his way through the crowd, careful to keep one hand on his money pouch at all times, like Tom told him. It's difficult to tell if he's panting from the heat, the chain shirt he is clearly unaccustomed to wearing, or sheer excitement. He tosses a handful of coppers to distract the children harassing the warforged. "Hi there, I'm Wen and this is my friend Tom. What's your name?" Wen smiles winningly and thrusts one hand out in greeting to the living construct.

Torazz, Male Shifter Ranger 1

Torazz scans the crowd, looking for anyone who might be his charge.

So many people, he thinks.

He continues to scan the crowd for some time, when he notices a warforged, seemingly waiting for someone as well. He watches as an odd pair approaches it.

Hmm...a warforged, he says to himself. Haven't seen one in a while. Shrugging, he continues to scan the crowd for his charge.
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Lily wasn't so much standing around as she was stalking around. She moved back and forth, sniffing at the air here and there while trying not to appear too out of place. It's best to stalk unnoticed, afterall.

She finally seemed to have caught a scent that pleased her, as she stood up a bit taller and squared her shoulders. Her eyes darted back and forth as she tried to find the owner of the scent she wanted to investigate.

Apparently the scent wasn't as interesting as the giant metal-and-wood man, because suddenly she forgot all about it and was instead nearly shaking with delight at the thought of climbing upon the construct.

I never seen nothing like that. Heard about it, heard stories, never seen it, never touched it, never kicked it, never beat the crap outta it. Wanna touch it, wanna smell it, wanna get over there and CLIMB ON IT.

For one so small she moved with ease through the throngs of people. Luckily the 'Forged was interesting enough to hold her attention the whole way, and she moved in to place behind it, completely ignoring the duo in front of it.

Once in place she made no introductions, but instead reached up and began to poke at various parts of the 'Forged's body with her fingers. She occassionally made what can only be described as 'happy sounds', and would move to another spot to poke.

Ranger Rick

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As Wen introduces Tom, he just nods his head. With every nod he uses that chance to eyeball potential targets. Tom tries to get some space between Wen & himself, so he can work the crowd.

Looking around the crowd he is hoping to find some easy cash near this abomation of a race. In his mind any warforged is related to those that dystroyed his people. But grudges ca become costly, so Tom tries not to draw any to attention himself as he begind to work the crowd looking for purses to lift.

Voidrunner's Codex

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