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D&D 4E Vote for your favorite 4E PHB cover!

Which PHB cover you prefer?


Tough call, but I went with #2.

When I say "tough call", I don't include #1. Why? Tieflings with ram horns and big freakin' tails are just plain ugly and stupid. IMO, of course.

I like the idea behind #3 quite a bit. It would have been an easy choice, if they'd kept the 3e green dragon, which was one of my favorites. The green unicorn-dragon bugs me.

I expect to prefer the tiefling race to the dragonborn race. I never cared much for gnomes or halflings, either, though. I'm pretty indifferent about the way the dragonborn was drawn, but the pose is good and I don't have any issues with women showing some midriff -- I can see more skin on the high schoolers at the mall and it's still a heck of a lot better than a chain mail bikini, just by comparison.

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Hobo said:
At least I snagged the big, hi-res green dragon pic when it got posted the first time.
If there is a high-res version of the dragon image, would someone artistic please make a nice high-quality slip-cover that we could print out? Over in the other thread about this, someone had even made a cover that didn't include the white band behind the logo, and it looked great. However, that image was only a few hundred pixels tall. If someone can do it high-res and have it still hold up under scrutiny, I would really appreciate it.


First Post
I voted for #1 (I know it's not going to make it because they had serious concerns with customers across the pond not digging the teifling bit). #2 which I believe will be the choice seems ok my opinion might be more favorable if I saw a larger hi res image of it. #3 while very nice I feel that theme has been done before (I'm just thinking new editon, new flavor but that's just my POV)


aboyd said:
If there is a high-res version of the dragon image, would someone artistic please make a nice high-quality slip-cover that we could print out? Over in the other thread about this, someone had even made a cover that didn't include the white band behind the logo, and it looked great. However, that image was only a few hundred pixels tall. If someone can do it high-res and have it still hold up under scrutiny, I would really appreciate it.

That was mine. If I get a chance, I'll put one together.

Ahwe Yahzhe

First Post

My vote was a no-brainer, since #3 was my cut-and-paste job in the first place. (Although I did like the purple-colored title version using the dragon art, too.) It's obviously not about the artist, it really is about having the right subject art on the cover.

My only concern is that WotC has already commissioned TWO pieces of art for the cover; this poll may reveal a preference, but may not sway the production managers with a couple of hundred voters. I think I may have to take the option mentioned earlier and laminate the cut-and-pasted dragon art onto my book when it arrives.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Zamkaizer said:
The second. I realize the third is more 'D&D', but it's the Player's Handbook, not the Dungeons & Dragons Handbook--the focus ought to be on the player characters.
I was thinking the same thing, but I still voted for the third.

Lord Sessadore

cougent said:
I like this idea with one twist:
PH: From the monsters POV, a group of explorer's coming into a cave, or large dungeon chamber and prepparing for battle.

MM: The same scene in reverse from the players POV showing the Dragon and (unrealistic maybe but do it anyway) accomplices ready to attack the party. Put another way an "adventurers group" of various monsters.

DMG: The scene as viewed from the side through a crystal ball. No wizened wizard, just the overview of the scene (essentially the DM role in book cover format).

I would love this to death, so awesome!

I voted for 3, by the way. The base colour does seem a bit off, but I think it really says what D&D is about better than the other two. However, I love WAR, so I'd be fine with any of the three, really.



ainatan said:
I'd like the following covers:

PHB: A group of adventures breaking into door or preparing for a combat against a group of monsters leaded by a dragon, in a dungeon. But the cover would only show the group in combat position.

MM: The same image, but showing only the monsters, preparing to attack the group.

DMG: An old and powerful wizard scrying the battle through his crystal ball or magical bowl.
That would be just all sorts of awesome. Sadly it is definitely too late this time round. Perhaps when the PHB/DMG/MM 2 come out they will do something like that.

edit: I voted no. 2 mainly because I prefer it and it meshes best with the other covers. I also like the fact that it does not feature the monsters and does have other characters in the background.

btw, I would have much prefered the DM Screen to be the MM cover.
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Li Shenron

Adventurers & Dragon, hands down.

Despite the nose spike of the dragon, and the fact that the action scene is really not as good as it could have been, that cover however has all the elements which D&D cannot live without:


BTW I am sorry at realizing that WAR is not one of my favourite artists anymore... :( his style is kind of involuted at the moment, all faces look the same and the weapons are ridiculous.

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