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W2: The Search For Tomas Quinn (Rae Judging)

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Pendrake is looking about for trouble but is also taking in the sights that he has seen for the past 3 weeks, 'Zees peoples, strange habits they have...I like life that is simple sometimez like throw the cow over the fence some hay' he thinks to himself.

His mind drifts only for a short time for he remembers the sudden appearence of blacklillies at the ship's wheel tavern in the not so distant past.

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Finding Derris doesn't take long. As you wind through the bustling street and side alleys of Merchant's Avenue, asking for the whereabouts of Derris, you begin to notice the crowds thinning out a bit.

By the time you get near a little-used side alley near Merchant's Avenue, Pike street, only a few passers-by can be seen, and most of them stare at their feet as they hurry towards their destination. A few crows, perched on the eaves of a nearby building, fight over some scrap or another.

There is only one stall to be found in the street, an impromptu structure put together by a man who seems oblivious to the world, reading a book spread out in his lap. He appears to be selling scarves, although whether he has made a sale in the past decade is debatable.

The sound of a one-sided conversation can be picked up, if only slightly. You can clearly see a man, wearing a long cloak with a dark gray scarf wrapped around his neck, speaking furtively into the shadows. He stands near the lip of an alleyway, a few rats darting by his feet.

You are unable to see who he is talking to, as it is obscured by the darkness in the alleyway. As for what he's saying; he's speaking very softly. Every few minutes, he looks over his shoulder nervously, and it is then that you catch his face - a pockmarked man with maggot-pale skin, and dirty red hair spilling out in every direction. His face is unshaven, but his two-week old beard is scratchy and unkempt, growing in different rates over his face. About the only place where it has managed to grow to any length is in front of the ears, giving the man massive mutton-style chops.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Pendrake only grunts, looking at the man only out of the edge of one eye. His hand moves non-chalantly over to the hilt of his long sword...it is only then he realizes he has enough money to have bought a better quality weapon. too late now...this is what he has and this is what he will use...if neccessary.


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"I don't think so, not yet in any case"Whispers Aiken "Solange why don't you inspect the scarves. Cepheus what do you say we tagteam shadowing him?


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Corwyn said:
"I don't think so, not yet in any case"Whispers Aiken "Solange why don't you inspect the scarves. Cepheus what do you say we tagteam shadowing him?

Sounds like a plan to me. I want to see if I can get close to hear the conversation and possibly see whom he is talking to. Cepheus attempts to blend into shadows moving as silently as possible to get close enough to see the other being hidden in the shadows and possibly hear their conversation. hide=29; move silent=24; listen=12; spot=17
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"Ok once we start following him you guys follow us, that way he wont see you."Whispers Aiken. Hoping that Cepheus gets a good look.

He does blend well with those shadows Muses Aiken as he "sees" Cepheus go.


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Cepheus quickly and quietly creeps up to Derris, being almost swallowed up by the shadows as he approaches (good roll!). As he gets within almost five feet of Derris, at the lip of the alley, he freezes for a moment, afraid he's been caught.

But Derris continues whispering. At this clsoe, Cepheus can easily pick out the conversation.

"It's just going to be a few more hours, and then you'll get the damned pearl!" Derris whines.

The voice that replies is obviously not human, and spits out it's words in a harsh tongue. It's Goblin - it takes Cepheus a minute to realize this, as it's spoken in a different dialect of goblin than he's used to (which makes sense; each goblin tribe seems to have it's own dialect).

"We've paid good money for your goods before. Do you think we know that you sell way above value? The master has had enough. You lost the pearl, and you've shown us the worth of the blacklilies."

"It's just a temporary setback..."

"Ha! If we get the pearl first, the master can give the gift to the chief... as well as the money we were going to give you! Your failure puts glory in the name of the Master!"

"But what of the benefits of our trading relationship?"

There is the sound of metal being drawn from scabbards. Cepheus cannot tell how many - perhaps two or three, no more than six. He hears the voice of the goblin speaker chuckle. "I think our little relationship is over, blackscarf."


While this is going on, Solange ambles towards the scarf-seller. He seems to be selling multi-hued scarves of dubious quality. He doesn't even look up from his book as Solange closes. Before she is able to speak to him, though, she hears the sharp sound of blades being drawn.




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Everyone's Positions:

G=Goblin Speaker
= =5 feet of wall
- =Five feet (open terrain)^

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