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Warriors Of The Coast


Ari Osten said:
"Silversun, I've been asked by Chapterhouse Master d'Tharashk regarding the presence of any dragonshards amongst the raiders. They have an interest in procuring any you have." "Also looks like you could benefit from a few strong arms. As usual, our services are yours to command."
Having not expected to be hailed while walking the streets, Watchmaster Silversun is silent for a few seconds while he tries to process what the monster hunter said.

"Humh? Uh... oh right. Sorry."

He flashes a quick smile and a nod to Taviss as well.

"That's good of you to say. Come, let's talk further." He turns and walks towards the outpost, expecting Ari and Taviss to following along behind. "'Shards, you say? No... can't say the men have reported any. But then again, they aren't looting the bodies that drop either. No, the only dragonshard talk is from that Yandson kid we've still got locked up. For the entire month he's been going on about the shards he's found."

As the group reaches the outpost, the voices of Amy, Garrick, Symon and Citen can be heard arguing from within.

Garrick Yandson said:
"Now, can you get me out of this pen?"
"You'll stay in there until we're given the word to let you go." Watchman Barr is heard shouting to Garrick. "But we know the Magistrate is going to be speaking to the Guildmaster today, so why wait? Can't we just let him out, boss?" Watchman Citen Boggs says.

"By the gods! Not again!" Silversun turns and walks into the outpost.


Nelson takes off out of the Green Lilac and begins walking down the wide street. About three minutes later, both Khalia and Zan leave the inn as well. They look on ahead down the road and see that while Nelson seemed to be in a hurry to go looking for the twins... he hasn't actually gotten very far. Every couple of yards he stops to speak to the various people walking to and fro... extended family, attractive young girls, Skunn Bilgebottom the gnomish tinker.

They begin walking towards the lad, both of them shaking their heads... when suddenly all three hear a voice cry out from a cross street off to the left. As then turn, they see it is little Rarril Thom, the young shifter boy... rushing towards them at high peed. "Watchmaster Silversun! Watchmaster Silversun! Watchmaster where are you?!?"

Before they can say anything, he rushes through the gap between Nelson and the other two and continues sprinting towards the South Wall district, still calling out for Watchmaster Silversun.
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First Post
Kralin Thornberry said:
Garrick grins through his cell bars.

"What did I do? What did I do? I beat House d’Tharashk to a vein of dragonshards, that's what I did. They don't like the fact that a young, strapping upstart such as myself outfoxed, outwitted and out-explored them, that's what I did. Now, can you get me out of this pen?"

Amy shakes his head, and turns to the nearby guards.

"Can't you folks let'im out? He could give us a hand, at th' least. I'm sure Tharashk won't get on you about it too hard... s'long as he keeps his mouth civil about it."


First Post
DEFCON 1 said:
They begin walking towards the lad, both of them shaking their heads... when suddenly all three hear a voice cry out from a cross street off to the left. As then turn, they see it is little Rarril Thom, the young shifter boy... rushing towards them at high peed. "Watchmaster Silversun! Watchmaster Silversun! Watchmaster where are you?!?"

Before they can say anything, he rushes through the gap between Nelson and the other two and continues sprinting towards the South Wall district, still calling out for Watchmaster Silversun.

Khalia picked up her pace, not quite willing to break into run without any imminent sign of danger. But they were heading to the South Wall district anyway, if the twins' mother was correct, and there was no telling what had sent the boy running for the watch captain.

Greatfrito said:
Amy shakes his head, and turns to the nearby guards.

"Can't you folks let'im out? He could give us a hand, at th' least. I'm sure Tharashk won't get on you about it too hard... s'long as he keeps his mouth civil about it."

" Well, if I must, "Garrick says with a laugh, rolling his eyes in mock exasperation.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Silversun said:
"'Shards, you say? No... can't say the men have reported any. But then again, they aren't looting the bodies that drop either. No, the only dragonshard talk is from that Yandson kid we've still got locked up. For the entire month he's been going on about the shards he's found."
Ari follows Silversun initially, listening for news of dragonshards. Didn't loot them, then? How best to understand your enemy---and ensure they do not profit in defeat?. When the elf has his outburst regarding the Yandson, Ari shakes his head, but does not immediately follow Silversun in. He stops Taviss from entering as well.

"You heard the man: they haven't been checking the bodies. Could be 'shards and other clues to what is stirring up the beasts. Make sure to thoroughly check any scalies we find." Ari looks at Taviss intently for a moment, making sure he gets his meaning, then enters the outpost.

Amy said:
"Can't you folks let'im out? He could give us a hand, at th' least. I'm sure Tharashk won't get on you about it too hard... s'long as he keeps his mouth civil about it."

Ari finds Amy looking a bit worked over regarding the young Yandson. There are mess of guards about, most of which he has at least a passing familiarity. "Oh, Amy, I wouldn't recommend it. The Magistrate knows where the money flows in this town; letting the young man out before Tharashk's say so would only lead to trouble."


First Post
Taviss gives a single nod to Ari. Why wouldn't I check a dead lizard, you fool? he wonders, narrowing his eyes at his fellow hunter. They didn't have a right to what they had when they fight me. Why would they get one after I kill them?

Disgust washes over his face as Ari rebuts Amycoth. Some men deserve to rot behind bars, but Taviss' respect for those who imprison innocents because of the word of a rich man is low indeed.


The man with the probe
drothgery said:
Khalia picked up her pace, not quite willing to break into run without any imminent sign of danger. But they were heading to the South Wall district anyway, if the twins' mother was correct, and there was no telling what had sent the boy running for the watch captain.
Zan picks up his pace as well. Dispite often using the staff to assist his movement, he has always been able to move fairly quickly. Still, he seems to prefer it that way.


Khalia and Zan look at each other as they watch the young shifter weave and bob through the crowd heading to the south Wall District. Without saying a word, the two start hoofing it after the shifter, in hopes of catching up or at least finding out where the shifter is going. Within a few moments of following the trail, they both hear [Listen TN 15 / Khalia 14+2=16 *success*; Zan 19-1=18 *success*] one of the townsfolk yell to the shifter that he thought Watchmaster Silversun was returning to the South Wall outpost, and with a nod of thanks, Rarril doubles his speed. The two continue on down the street after young Thom.


Watchmaster Silversun enters the outpost as the voices reach a crescendo. Watchman Boggs is arguing with Watchman Barr, Garrick is laughing and teasing the other Watchmen in the stalls, Amycothe is trying to get someone's attention, and shortly after Ari and Taviss enter and Ari gives Amy his two cents on the matter.

Finally deciding he's had enough of the hubbub, Silversun shouts above the din. "ALL RIGHT! THAT'S ENOUGH! AT EASE!!!" A command by their superior officer is enough to at least silence the other Watchmen, and soon the others stop their talking as well.

"Look here, people... we've got no time for any of this! Yandson stays there until I hear from the Magistrate or he decides to tell us where he found his stash of 'shards. Osten... Jarga... if you can convince him to give it up, you can take that info back to the Finder's Guild and I'm sure it'll make d'Tharashk's decision much easier." He then turns to Amycothe and nods. "And you've decided to help us out I hear. Good. We need guys like you. Ones that are more concerned with helping the town than helping themselves to a little profit", he says, throwing a quick look to Ari and Taviss. "If you can take a shift at sundown at the southwestern guardwall out by Markin's Marsh, that would be excellent. I'd think--"

Suddenly a voice rings out from outside the outpost and comes closer. "Watchmaster Silversun! Watchmaster! It's Jina! Sir! Sir!"


Nelson never notices that Khalia and Zan not only began following him down the street, but also then took off after Narril Thom as he ran past. He was too busy speaking soft words to Annabeth Steed, the horsemaster's daughter. She laughed at every little thing he said, and the Luttin lad knew where his next night's fun was definitely going to be.

He leaned in to whisper in her ear, when suddenly the crowd began moving back up the street. Nelson took notice just enough to hear a young woman's anguished cries, and various voices saying things like "It's that Silversun girl!" or "Jina's hurt!" and "Where's her brother?" This is enough to really catch Luttin's attention, and as he turns he sees one of the Watchmen carrying Jina Silversun in his arms, and hurrying through the street. He is easily able to spot [Spot TN 10 / 17+2=19 *success*] the large bloodstains on her torso and swordarm, and her cries of pain confirm the severity of the injury.

[sblock=Rayex only: ]Rayex, you are now free to begin posting. Jina and Jango were both out to the southeast exploring outside of town when you got hit from behind and knocked out. Waking up some time later you saw that your brother was gone. When you went looking for him, you got attacked by a pair of lizardfolk. You were able to drive them both off, but you were hurt severely in the process. Luckily you were able to make it back to town where you were picked up by the Watchman who is carrying you into town now. [/sblock]


OOC: For everybody... you've probably noticed that I make a number of internal skill checks for all characters, which then give you more information. On any checks I make that your character fails, I don't bother writing them out because you obviously shouldn't know that you missed anything since you didn't notice it.

However, if at any point you'd like to make any active skill checks (like Gather Information, Sense Motive, Knowledge checks, any class abilities) just write out what you are doing and then put in brackets what you'd like me to roll a check for. I'll then do that and post the results in my next post. As an example:

Watchman Bob begins moving through the crowd and tries to find out everything he can. [Gather Information check please].
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First Post
Jina - Elven Swashbuckler.

Crying in pain, the young elven woman barely notice the town floating by. Her head hurts, and everything is just a big blurr by now. Crying at her agony, she tries to focus and keep conscious.

We should've stayed back. If it weren't for me, Jango would've been here now.

Remembering things in bits and pieces, she tries to figure out what happened out there.

Stupid of me. To insist on going out. "Adventuring". He's gone now. My head aches. We must've been ambushed. Careless. And now he's gone. I was able to drive them away. Where's my blade? He's gone. It was good they ran, I was at my last ounce of strength. I'm in town now? Good, father is here. And mother. He's gone. They'll be mad at me. He's gone. He's... gone... HE'S GONE!

With a piercing scream, she lets the tears flow freely. She is no longer noticing the staring faces passing by. All she can see is her beloved brothers face, slowly disapearing in the haze of her pain and agony.


First Post
OOC: Okay, I'm a bit confused on where everyone is at this point. If Khalia learns Jina is injured, she'll attempt to close with her as quickly as possible, intending to drop a prepared spell in favor of a Cure Light Wounds for the girl. Otherwise, she continues following Thom (and indeed, will double her speed when he does).

Voidrunner's Codex

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