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Watermark's Sunless Citadel: IC Thread


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Imrehsa smiled again. Finally, a new place to explore. Imrehsa looked around at her other companions and followed them to the same place she was thinking of, the tavern. At least there she could find some information.

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Arathar parts ways with Master Gort, then stands by the caravan wagons as their goods are being unloaded, an obvious look of indecision on his face. "Let's see... what is there to do in this little hamlet? Not much, by the looks of it. *sigh* Looks like I'll need to offer my services on yet another caravan to get to a larger city. Hmmm... I should be able to find out who's hiring over in the local pub..."

Arathar heads over to the tavern, taking a seat at the bar. He takes a look around at the various patrons, looking at who looks to know about some possible guard jobs, when he recognizes the woman sitting hext to him at the bar as one of his fellow caravan-mates. In fact, isn't she the one I spotted wasting the time away hiting rocks?

Arathar graciously and politely tries to get the attention of the dark-haired woman: "Excuse me, miss, but weren't you also on Gort's caravan? My name is Arathar Riverwalker. Might it be possible to buy you something to drink?"


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Imrehsa smiles under her cloth mask, she recognized the voice of the elf that had accompanied Gort's caravan. He seemed rather off before. I wonder what he wants. She turned to look at him, "I presume it is possible to buy me a drink, this is a tavern. Whether I drink it or not is another story altogether." She was going to wait for a response, but let down her guard instead. Patting the elf's shoulder, she laughed. "Yes, I was and yes, of course you can buy me something to drink. Though I must ask, why would you do such a thing?"


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Arathar stares at her for a second, then you can see something in his eye as something clicks in his mind. "Ah, my apologies miss. I tend to forget that you humans can often mistake elven politeness for one of your overt (and often disgusting) attempts at coupling. Please accept my forgiveness, but my interests are strictly of a business matter."

"I couldn't help but notice that you had previously ridden with Gort's caravan. I, myself, was hired by Gort to guard his caravan. However, I found the ride to be rather boring and uneventful, and Gort a rather untasteful human. And so, I find myself contemplating finding another caravan for my travels and my work. So, I was simply wondering, are you continuing on Gort's caravan, or is there another caravan you might be linking up with? And if so, do you know if they might need a guard?"


Guest 11456

Galstadt Trustryke : Male Human Conjurer 1

As the wagon he is on comes to a halt, the human conjurer pays little attention. He is quite engrossed in the spell he is reading over at the moment. It is not until he hears Gort's voice that he finally looks up and sees everyone moving about. He finishes listening to Gort's instructions and then sees that several of the other 'guards' are heading into the small town. then he notices that his throat is quite dry and then any change of scenery would be a walcome relief. So he gathers grabs his pack and heads for what looks like the local tavern. He also notes several of the others heading for that very same building and decides that perhaps his first impression was correct. Upon entering the place he sees that it is indeed the place he was seeking. He walks over to an empty table and takes a seat. Then he looka around the room.


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Valeria sits in a corner of the Inn and asks for goat milk. She never really supported well alchool. She then looks around and notices a few of the people she traveled with.

"When the caravan leaves I probably will never see them again" She takes her glass and heads towards the elf and the women.

"I my name is Valeria, I was travelling with you on the caravan but we didn't had the chance to get introduced. I am just here to wish you a safe trip as I won't continue the trip with Master Gort"


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"No, I took no misunderstanding from it, elf. I am well aware of the difference. I was just curious as to why you would buy me a drink when I have done nothing for you." She watches as Valeria approaches and introduces herself. Simply nodding in response, Imrehsa continues. "As far as caravans go, it was simply a way for me to get from one place to another. Gort may have been distasteful, but he was useful. Now his use has.. diminished. I actually plan on sticking around a bit. There are some things I want to find out before I leave again. I am sure there will be another caravan through here soon enough." When her water arrives, she looks away a bit before lowering her mask to down it. Then she replaces it and turns back to face Arathar.


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As Valeria arrives, Arathar stands, and takes a polite bow. "A pleasure meeting you, lady Valeria. As I was mentioning to Imrehsa here," Arathar waves a thin arm to Imresha sitting at the bar next to him, "I too found Gort distasteful, and was inquiring about the possibility of finding something I could apply my humble skills as a warrior to. I have, for wont of better work, been guarding caravans through this region. However, of late my choices have been poor ones. I had hoped to, what do you humans call it... 'network' to find a new caravan." To Valeria: "What are your plans in this, um, 'quaint' little hamlet? And have you need of an elf well skilled in the ways of combat? Perhaps as guard?"


Guest 11456

Galstadt Trustryke : Male Human Conjurer 1

The young human's eyes glance around the room and finally come to rest on the two humans and the elf at the bar. He remembers all three from the caravan. He eavesdrops on their conversation while pretending to look out the entrance.


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To call Oakhurst a 'town' may be a bit of an overstatement. Upon approaching, it really resembles nothing so much as a haphazard assortment of wood frame farmhouses, clustered in ramshackle rows. There are a few business establishments evident, clustered around a well in a central town square...a general store, blacksmith, and house of healing complete with faded symbol of Pelor. There also are a couple of buildings that seem to represent the seat of government...the mayor's office, town jail/constable's office, and an important-looking building with a sign that reads, "Merchant Hucrele." But, most important on this hot day, the two-story "Ol' Boar Inn" rises up like an ivory palace in the desert, offering shade and the quenching of thirst to road-weary travellers.

The Ol' Boar has a few locals enjoying lunch, mostly farmers from the look of them, but it's not much of a crowd. A young, if unattractive, woman waits the tables, while an older, lanky, balding man works behind the bar. The ambiance in the inn is rustic and plain, although clean. The visage of a stuffed and mounted boar's head surveys the room from above a large stone hearth.

[OOC: If I understand correctly, Arathar, Imrehsa, and Valeria are at the bar, while Galstadt has taken a free table.]

The man behind the bar quickly and efficiently serves up cold water to Imrehsa, and milk to Valeria (with an apology, "We don't serve goat's milk, Miss. I hope plain ol' cow's milk will do."). He busies himself polishing plates with a cotton cloth, but he does seem interested in the conversation taking place between the three new arrivals at the bar. Finally, his curiosity gets the better of him, and he interrupts. "Excuse me, excuse me....you all are saying you're caravan guards? Huh...well, I guess I must be losing my touch, I had you pegged for adventurers for sure. 'Come to explore the ruins, they are, Garon,' I said to myself. I was all set to send you straight over to Ms. Hucrele. But, I guess if you're riding a caravan, you won't be staying long. Anyhow, sorry for the mistake...now, what else can I get for you? Something to eat?"

Meanwhile, the homely waitress approaches Galstadt at his table. "Can I help you sir?"

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