We need a cool new name for character optimizers...


Mod Squad
Staff member
You cannot create a name for a group, and expect it to stick - the fashion of names doesn't work like that. They'll will be called what everyone else thinks they ought to be called. And trying to make a name for yourself makes you look pretentious.

And, even if your name does stick, what'll happen is that all the old connotations will shift over to the new name.

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First Post
Aus_Snow said:
'Powergamers' seems to work just fine. Even many well, er. . . powergamers don't mind the title at all. Or they wear it with pride, even.

Couldn't care less what some close-minded elitists like to call me.


First Post
krunchyfrogg said:
What's wrong with optimizing a character's ablities, as long as a reasonable backstory is chosen and it's roleplayed well?

It's cruel to the DM: With those "roleplayers'" characters, the DM can care about them and nurse them (in fact, he must, becuase they'd die otherwise), but a character who's actually good at what he does doesn't need his dungeon mommy. ;)

Greg K

you can optimize to meet a character concept and background rather than power. My character grew up on a farm and spent time his free time hunting and fishing. He also spent nights playing the banjo and telling tales.
I decide my character is above average strength and con from doing farm work and allocate above average scores. I give him Wilderness Rogue, because he has no formal combat training and no magical ability and Wilderness Rogue fits his skills set better than the standard PHB rogue. I give him ranks in Profession (farmer), Handle Animal, Hide, Move Silent, Spot, Survival. I also give him 1 rank in two different perform skills. I may not be making the optimal power choices, but I am making the optimal choices to reflect the character, his background, and experiences prior to play.
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Greg K said:
you can optimize to meet a character concept and background rather than power.
Sure you can.

My point is that I don't have a problem with a powerful character, as long as it's roleplayed well and makes sense. I also don't think there's anything wrong with playing a "wilderness rogue."
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Mod Squad
Staff member
Kae'Yoss said:
but a character who's actually good at what he does doesn't need his dungeon mommy. ;)

Kae'Yoss, please remember that smilies are not proof against people finding your words insulting. If you don't like the style of play, that's fine, but to suggest that others who do are immature is asking for someone to get offended. So, before they do so, I'm asking you to be more polite about expressing your differences of opinon in this thread.

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