Welcome to the Halmae (updated 2/27/07)


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Hello everyone, or anyone who's still left!

Okay, you got me. There isn't a monster at the end of this thread... yet. (Man cheshire_grin, I haven't thought about that book in years.)

I've avoided posting here mostly because I don't want to be the author who is forever promising that there will be an update *soon* and then the update never appears.

All appearances to the contrary, this story hour isn't quite dead yet. In fact, just a couple of days ago I sent a new document to Fajitas to look at. However, it probably isn't going to be posted for a while. And that's because when we start up again, I intend to push on through to the end of the story of the selection of the next Chancellor of the Mages' Academy. But, I'm not going to start that until I have the rest of the story at least in initial draft form.

And that (along with some other factors) is what is causing the delay. There isn't a whole lot of story left, at least not compared to what's already been written, but some of it is technical, and all of it was played more than two years ago, and even my memory starts to get hazy at a certain point.

But while you wait, and I write (or think about writing, or bemoan to Fajitas that you all deserve an ending) I want to take a minute to thank each and every one of you who has helped keep this thread alive over the last six months. You are the reason to keep this going, and I am delighted to see that people are still discovering and reading this thing.

I don't know when posting will start up again, beyond saying that I'd really like to get this thing rolling again by my birthday, but if anyone has any other questions in the meantime, please ask away and I'll do my best to answer.

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spyscribe said:
Hello everyone, or anyone who's still left!

Okay, you got me. There isn't a monster at the end of this thread... yet. (Man cheshire_grin, I haven't thought about that book in years.)
I'm glad you recognized it, then... :) I have an 8-month-old, so it's actually easier for me to quote kids' books than adult ones at this point... :uhoh:

All appearances to the contrary, this story hour isn't quite dead yet. In fact, just a couple of days ago I sent a new document to Fajitas to look at. However, it probably isn't going to be posted for a while. And that's because when we start up again, I intend to push on through to the end of the story of the selection of the next Chancellor of the Mages' Academy. But, I'm not going to start that until I have the rest of the story at least in initial draft form.
That's great news.

Not to sound ungrateful, 'cause I'm really not :lol: but does that imply that "the end of the story of the selection of the next Chancellor of the Mages' Academy" is the end of the story, or will you continue to write up the campaign (at whatever pace) afterwards?

Thanks again for the delightful story hour. Such amazingly memorable characters and setting, you all did a fantastic job with it.


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cheshire_grin said:
Not to sound ungrateful, 'cause I'm really not but does that imply that "the end of the story of the selection of the next Chancellor of the Mages' Academy" is the end of the story, or will you continue to write up the campaign (at whatever pace) afterwards?

To address your question and Seonaid's, the selection of the next chancellor of the Mages Academy was originally intended to be the first year arc of the campaign. (Obviously, it took us a long longer to play out than Fajitas had originally anticipated.) That means that it makes a good natural bookend to the story of the thread so far.

How any write up of other parts of the campaign (including the skipped sub-plot I mentioned a while back) might appear on these boards is a question I plan to deal with when I get there. :)


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spyscribe said:
I don't know when posting will start up again, beyond saying that I'd really like to get this thing rolling again by my birthday

Hey Spyscribe! Your birthday's coming up! heh heh

Wish I could help, but your (and Fajitas) genius cannot be duplicated. I feel lucky that you gave us as much as you already have!

Miss you guys!


Having been away for a bit, I decided to catch up using Stevenac's wonderful compiled pdf's. I just wanted to say thanks to Steven for putting them together.

Now that I have gorged on Halmea goodness, I shall savour the anticipation that comes with knowing I have another half dozen or so instalments awaiting me.


aka thotd

PS: Happy birthday to everybody.


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Oh yeah, what was yesterday again? The FIVE YEAR anniversary of this thread? Another birthday for Fajitas?

And how did I celebrate it? Did I resume the long-delayed saga? No, I sent Fajitas a cheezy e-card.

(Poor Seonaid is off sobbing in a corner somewhere. Sorry about that Seoniad.)

We passed 100,000 views this year, and I can't tell you all how happy it makes me that people are still checking in with, and enjoying this thread.

Our campaign has gone on indefinite hiatus, and I fear that after a year without updates, it's fair to say that this story hour has as well.

I wish I could promise you an update soon. I do want to bring this to a fitting end. I look forward to sharing with you the incident which in my notes reads, "Eva kidnapped, farce ensues." And Anvil's first experience as a trial attorney.

I start a new job on Monday. A job I am very, VERY, excited about. While the commute will be shorter, the hours will be longer. We'll see how that shakes out for the story hour. I'll be in touch though, and someday, the story will resume.

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