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What Are The Top 10/25 D20 Fantasy Product Must Haves?

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
I am curious to know which fantasy D20 products are considered to be a makeup of a quintessential d20 collection.

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Hmm. That's pretty subjective. For me, I'll cast my votes for

-1e DMG
-1e DM's Design Kit (for the Adventure Cookbook)
-Whatever issue of Dragon that had "The 7 sentence NPC"
-Whatever issue of Dragon that had "How NOT to play D&D" (I belive it was Tracy Hickman that wrote it)
-Necromancer's Tome of Horrors.
-Necro's Crucible of Freya (great campaign starter)
-AEG's Toolbox
-DMG 2
-PHB 2 (maybe)
-Judge's Guild's Wilderlands Box Set (to use as a setting)
-Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (to glean ideas for use in the Wilderlands)

That's all I've got to add.

EDIT-Sorry, I realize now that the OP asked for d20. I put some earlier stuff in. I'm gonna leave it there though.


In no particular order, not including the obvious three core books:

Book of the Righteous (Green Ronin) - either to use the pantheon as-is, or for inspiration for creating your own. By far the best book on religion, gods, and clerics I've read for the D&D game.

Weapons of Legacy - a more fully-developed system for "levelling up" magic weapons than what was in Unearthed Arcana. Has some great flavour in the rituals used to learn about and unlock additional powers, and tips for converting higher-powered DMG items, such as the Staff of Power, to a more gradual acquisition of powers. Some of the personal costs for the weapons perhaps need to be toned down a bit though.

DMG II - lots of really useful and time-saving stuff in here, some of which really belongs in the core DMG

Spell Compendium - great variety of spells from a number of different sources over the past 6 years; reduces the number of books/magazines to carry to each session. Really adds a lot of flavour and utility to the Bard, Ranger, and Paladin spell lists in particular.

Eberron Campaign Setting - Eberron has become my favourite (by far) of the official D&D campaign settings. One of the few settings that really considers the impact of the assumed (default) level of magic in D&D on the development of a society. The setting is built around the core rules of the game, rather than trying to force the game rules to fit a certain concept. The world is clearly designed to allow the PCs to take center stage.

Sharn: City of Towers - assuming one uses the Eberron setting, this is a fantastic book. Only thing it's missing is a pull-out map of the city.

Complete Adventurer - the Scout class is probably the most solid of the new base classes introduced in this series, and the book features many well-designed feats and prestige classes that are suitable for all character types. Also includes many new uses for the skills listed in the PHB. It's the only book of the "Complete" series that I found worthwhile enough to buy.


First Post
My ten favorites are:

Player's Handbook
Dungeon Master's Guide
Monster Manual

other good general resources:
Player's Handbook II
Spell Compendium
Complete Arcane(primarily for the addition of the Warlock)
Expanded Psionics Handbook

Green Ronin's Advanced Bestiary(100 monster templates -- great for taking old monsters in new directions)
Monster Manual III (interesting monsters that make very fun encounters)
Lords of Madness (very well-designed aberration book)


First Post
Atlas Games (Penumbra line)
Crime & Punishment
Dynasties & Demagogues
En Route
En Route II
En Route III
Love & War
Seven Civilizations
Touched by the Gods

Fantasy Flight Games
Midnight Campaign Setting
Legends & Lairs: Portals & Planes

Green Ronin
Advanced Bestiary
Advanced Gamemaster's Guide
Advanced Player's Manual

Malhavoc Press
Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved
Beyond Countless Doorways
The Book of Iron Might
The Complete Book of Eldritch Might
Monte Cook Presents: Iron Heroes
Spell Treasury
Transcendence: A Player's Companion


I think the only people here qualified to answer this question are the ones that have read them all!!

For my part, the ones I've been most pleased with are

Artificer's Handbook (yes, I wrote it, but I also use it!)
Wilderlands of High Fantasy
Tome of Horrors
Tomb of Abysthor


Slumbering in Tsar
I'll go with what's in print right now, though if you ask me in three months two products would most likely be added: Ptolus and Rappan Athuk Reloaded.

In order, 1 being the best, here's my top fifteen....

1. Shackled City Adventure Path (Paizo)
2. World's Largest Dungeon (AEG)
3. Wilderlands of High Fantasy Box Set (Necromancer Games)
4. Book of Fiends (Green Ronin)
5. The Tome of Horrors (Necromancer Games)
6. Oathbound Campaign Setting (Bastion Press)
7. Arms & Armor v.3.5 (Bastion Press)
8. Battlebox (Fiery Dragon)
9. Midnight Campaign Setting
10. Tomb of Abysthor (Necromancer Games)
11. Lost City of Barakus (Necromancer Games)
12. Dungeons of Doom (Green Ronin)
13. Toolbox (AEG)
14. City State of the Invincible Overlord (Necromancer Games)
15. Rappan Athuk I, II & III (Necromancer Games)


First Post
My Top 10:

1. Dungeon Magazine
2. Dragon Magazine
3. Monsternomicon
4. Advanced Bestiary
5. Tome of Horrors III
6. Complete Book of Eldritch Might
7. Tome of Horrors II
8. Dragon Compendium
9. Arcana Evolved
10. Portals and Planes

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