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What Are The Top 10/25 D20 Fantasy Product Must Haves?


Staff member
Ignoring the core, I'm a big fan of the following D20 fantasy products:

1) Savage Species
2) Book of the Righteous
3) Complete Warrior
4) Complete Arcane
5) Complete Divine
6) Complete Psionic
7) Complete Adventurer
8) Expanded Psionics Handbook
9) Hyperconscious
10) Dragon Compendium volume 1
11) Dragon issues that have yet to be compiled, like #341 (feats for Soulblades- some better than in CompPsi) or #319 (Oriental Adventures 3.5 update).
12) Midnight 2.0
13) Arcana Unearthed/Evolved
14) Spell Compendium
15) Book of All Spells
16) Oriental Adventures
17) Iron Kingdoms
18) Forgotten Realms setting
19) Eberron Setting
20) Nyambe
21) Northern Crown

For D20 modern (beyond the core):

1) Ultramodern Firearms D20
2) Spycraft 2.0
3) Mutants & Masterminds 2.0
4) Modern Magic
5) Second World
6) Urban Arcana

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Just add a couple to the pot:

Mystic Eye Games - Urban Blight - IMO, one of the best supplements for running a city game you can get. Of the 20 locations in the book, I used 14 in my Shelzar (Scarred Lands) campaign. I've never had a supplement book that useful before or since.

Oh, and for Nightfall - Creature Collection Revised. (Never really liked CC2)


Non-WotC, fantasy d20. Let's see.

A Magical Society: Beast Builder
Tome of Horrors Revised
Advanced Bestiary
Book of Templates Deluxe v3.5
Denizens of Avadnu
A Magical Medieval Society - Western Europe
A Magical Medieval Society - Silk Road
Fiery Dragon's Counter Collection Digital

And for setting specific stuff probably Iron Heroes, Arcana Evolved and True20.



First Post
Frukathka said:
Clarification: non-WotC. ;)

So 1e/2e's in then? ;)

I've bought far less 3rd party stuff for 3.5 than for 3.0, so this list'll be a bit out of date.

1) Monsternomicon (Privateer)
2) Relics and Rituals (Necromancer)
3) Spells and Spellcraft (Fantasy Flight)
4) Book of Eldritch Might (Malhavoc)
5) Vault of Larinn Karr (spelling?) (Necromancer) - a near perfect mini campaign
6) Tomb of Abyssthor (Necromancer)
7) Nyambe (Atlas)
8) The demon/devil books from Green Ronin
9) 1e DMG (TSR) - more than just rules


First Post
Outside of the three core books:

1. Feats (AEG)
2. Mercenaries (AEG)
3. Arms & Armor v3.5 (Bastion Press)
4. Alchemy & Herbalists (Bastion Press)
5. Spells & Magic (Bastion Press)
6. Torn Asunder: Critical Hits (Bastion Press)
7. Way of the Witch (Citizen Games)
8. Dweomercraft: Familiars (Dark Quest Games)
9. Magical Society: Beast Builder (Exp. Retreat Press)
10. Portals & Planes (Fantsy Flight Games)
11. Wildscape (Fantasy Flight Games)
12. Advanced Bestiary (Green Ronin)
13. Advanced Player's Guide (Green Ronin)
14. Advanced GameMaster's Guide (Green Ronin)
15. Shaman's Handbook (Green Ronin)
16. Unholy Warrior's Handbook (Green Ronin)
17. Book of Fiends (Green Ronin)
18. Denizens of Avadnu (Inner Circle)
19. Villain's Design Handbook (Kenzer & Co.)
20. Spellbound (Living Imagination)
21. Complete Book of Eldritch Might (Malhavoc)
22. Book of Iron Might (Malhavoc)
23. Monsternomicon (Privateer Press)
24. Master of Arms (Second World Simulations)
25. Relics & Rituals (Sword & Sorcery)

Add in Wotc material and you have:
- Manual of the Planes
- Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
- Spell Compendium


Complete Book of Eldritch Might
Arcana Unearthed/Evolved
Book of Roguish Might
Books of Hallowed Might
Book of Iron Might
Iron Heroes
Witch's Handbook
Kingdoms of Kalamar


First Post
My top ten list is going to look like a Chris Berman (of ESPN fame) top ten list:

1) Wilderlands setting plus Bard's Gate and other Judges Guild (Specific setting info)
2) Magical Medivial Society/ Ecology/ Silk Road (setting and feel modifiers)
3) Foul Locales and En Route series (round out locations and encounters)
4) Denizens of Avadnu and Monsternomicon (cool monsters)
5) Advanced Beastiary/ Book of Templates/ Beast Builder (modify cool monsters)
6) Dungeon Crawl Classics (specific adventures)
7) Redhurst/ Bluffside/ Freeport (cool cities and places)
8) Arms & Armor v3.5 /Alchemy & Herbalists/ Spells & Magic (fun options)
9) Fiery Dragon's Counter Collection Digital / Chunky Dungeons /Skelton Key's maps (cool visuals)
10) Book of Planes/ Portals and Planes/ Ronin Arts Guide to demi planes PDF (fun places to visit)


Stuff I use the snot out of:
(Note for the purposes of this, I am focusing on d20 fantasy material and not including Paizo stuff since it is (c)WotC.
  1. Spells & Magic (Bastion Press)
  2. Beyond Monks (Chainmail Bikini / Goodman Games)
  3. Necomancer's Legacy (EN Publishing / Mystic Eye)
  4. Portals & Planes (Fantasy Flight Games)
  5. Advanced Bestiary (Green Ronin)
  6. Advanced GMs Guide (Green Ronin)
  7. Book of Fiends (Green Ronin)
  8. Book of the Righteous (Green Ronin)
  9. Denizens of Avadnu (Inner Circle)
  10. Hyperconscious (Malhavoc Press)
  11. Beyond Countless Doorways (Malhavoc Press)
  12. Complete Book of Eldritch Might (Malhavoc Press)
  13. From Stone to Steel (Monkey God)
  14. Classic Play: Book of the Planes (Mongoose)
  15. Tome of Horrors, Revised (Necromancer Games)
  16. Legend of the Samurai (RPGObjects)
  17. Masters of Arms (Second World Simulations)
  18. Second World Sourcebook (Second World Simulations)
  19. Book of Templates Deluxe Edition 3.5 (Silverthorne Games / Goodman Games)
  20. Relics & Rituals (Sword & Sorcery)
  21. Creature Collection II (Sword & Sorcery)
  22. Creature Collection Revised (Sword & Sorcery)
  23. Warcraft: Magic & Mayhem (Sword & Sorcery)
  24. World of Warcraft: More Magic & Mayhem (Sword & Sorcery)
  25. -- reserved for something I obviously forgot --

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