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D&D 5E What awesome thing happened in your game recently?

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In the campaign, last Saturday night, I roleplayed an encounter in Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle where the party met an insane inventor Dwarf. We had a ton of fun with the 15 minute encounter. Speaking as the Dwarf and his sock puppet "Aldo" (all part of the adventure by the way), I persuaded two different PCs to help Von with his contraptions at some risk to the PCs in return for special iron coins that opened vaults in the dungeon. First Von asked for help with a machine that had hand axes on a windmill (a chopper type engine). He told them that he wanted to test the force that his machine generated. "Please, put your arm down here. It may hurt a bit." The wizard PC casted blade ward on herself and put her arm down. Two of the axes hit her but her spell turned a lot of the damage. Von cursed and started to "tune up" his machine. Then he asked another PC to hold on to an electrical element that bathed the room in blue electrical light. "Please, hold on to this element for just a second. It may tingle." The fighter in the group acquiesced and took a considerable charge of electricity. Needless to say, her hair was standing on end afterwards. The PCs earned 2 iron coins for their daring help.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Mine isn't from a 5e D&D game - it is classic Deadlands - I hope that's okay.

Last night, all in one scene, my players got hired by the voodoo king of New Orleans to stop railroad construction trouble that is the party's fault, discovered that their mad scientist's hyper-intelligent monkey had become evil and had poisoned one of the lieutenants of said voodoo king, and that one of the PCs is pregnant. I almost needed a new mechanic for subtext in this scene. :)


First Post
There is a certain DDEX adventure in which the PCs might capture a member of the Cult of Tiamat.

PCs have been treating the captured cultist as some sort of treasure item or burden they have to bring back to Phlan. But in today's session, he addressed them, raving, about the current form of the Traveler.
PCs: "What traveller?"

Cultist: ""The Traveller, the one who opens the way for Lady Tiamat's return.
The Traveller will come in one of the pre-chosen forms.
During the rectification of the Vuldronai,
the Traveller came as a large and moving Torb.
Then of course in the third reconciliation of the last of the Meketrex supplicants,
they chose a new form for the Traveller -
- that of a Sloar.
Many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Sloar that day, I can tell you!"

One of the players got the reference. Whew.


First Post
Let The Rise of Tiamat begin.


As someone who hasn't read or played the Tyranny of Dragons adventures, what sort of outcome is this? "Bad guys win because you chose not to intervene in the right way"? Your comment makes it seem like helping the giant steal a dragon hoard was somehow the wrong thing to do.


The party was fighting a Huge froghemoth in the gladiator arena. The fighter rolled d% and determined it was very cute and therefore must die. With a battle cry of "Froggie!" she charged. The party attacked and watched as the fighter was swallowed whole.

Their intel was bad as the fire vulnerable frost salamander turned out to be a fire resistant and electricity immune froghemoth. The party poured on the damage, and the half gnoll paladin was swallowed off of his giant hyena mount with his lance sticking out of the froghemoth's mouth like a giant toothpick. The paladin managed to crawl back to the throat, but decided to fire off the fireball stored in his flail behind him to launch him out like a half-gnoll cannonball, injuring the fighter who quaffed a potion of superior healing.

The monk was swallowed and decided to just do damage from within. The paladin decided to help the monk and fighter. So he used a smite on the froghemoth, and when it opened its mouth in pain, he used misty step to go into the froghemoth's mouth. He was not able to use his lance in the mouth, so he pulled out a dagger and used level 3 smites against the froghemoth. The frog expelled the paladin ("Looks like Team Rocket is blasting off again...."), and the monk finished it off. The fighter finally managed to crawl out.

The halfling rogue with an 8 strength decided she needed to help rescue the monk. Running on adrenaline and a nat 20, she forced open the limp mouth of the giant frog and held the upper lip open with her limbs locked and shaking and the ends of the lips drooped around her. The monk climbed out and 18,000 fans screamed the team name of the party.


Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
The Tree Witch* got a surprise round spell off and our cleric promptly fell asleep. It charged and knocked my warlock unconscious.

The two other PC's managed to knock it below zero hit points several times, but on its turn the Tree Witch rose up to continue the battle.

Finally, after two failed death saves, the ranger healed my warlock. On my turn, I used Mage Hand to slap the cleric awake so he could cast Flame Strike and finish the monster off. Yes, the awesome thing was the slapping! When was the last time you had the opportunity to slap another PC in game--and had a good reason to do so?

*A custom monster by the DM: a cross between a troll and an oni. Rather a difficult fight for third level PC's, especially with two going down before getting to act.

Tommy Brownell

First Post

As someone who hasn't read or played the Tyranny of Dragons adventures, what sort of outcome is this? "Bad guys win because you chose not to intervene in the right way"? Your comment makes it seem like helping the giant steal a dragon hoard was somehow the wrong thing to do.

I'm just upping the threat level. Actions having a reaction. They dealt big blows to the Cult, the Cult fires back. As written, the PCs foil the Cult and leaders of nations go "Oh, the Cult is a huge problem! We must join forces to stop them!"

In my game, it becomes "The PCs foil the Cult, the Cult absolutely levels the most iconic city in Faerun, Elves, Dwarves, and leaders of human nations come together out of anger and fury to avenge this wrong".

Tommy Brownell

First Post
They have become aware that they were only following one thread: The Rezmir thread. The Cult has always had a larger scale an reach...and, in this case, it wasn't the Cult that did it, it was the dragons...and only after the Draakhorn sounded (they specifically heard it a couple of days before they reached Waterdeep).

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