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What do you eat for a typical breakfast?


Trust the Fungus
I don't normally eat anything special for breakfast. If I'm planning for drivethru, I usually plan a late breakfast to avoid breakfast menus... unless one of the burger places offers a whole fried egg as a "breakfast burger" topping.

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Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
I'm usually the only one awake when I do breakfast, and I don't bother to cook for myself often. According to my food diary (trying to lose some weight) my most common recent weekday is a muffin, 1-2 black coffee, and 12-20oz of water.

I like bagels, especial pumpernickel, but I'm in New Jersey which means that I'm really freaking picky about good bagels. Don't talk to me about frozen, mass produced ones. I can get them fresh from the bagel shop about a 5 minute drive away, but they do just about every bagel decently (read: better than any none NJ-NY bagel) except pumpernickel. They are too tight.

Bagels and pizza, NJ's bright points in national cuisine. Elsewhere we're backwards - for example we often think there's only one type of BBQ.


A suffusion of yellow
A glass of Lemon and garlic water (homemade)
Black coffee and cream

I dont actually eat till about 10.30-11 so will do brunch (yogurt & nuts, or egg (poached or omelet) or soup)


Recently, I have been having 2 slices toast and peanut butter with coffee. Weekends used to be me making the kids pancakes or waffles, but now I may make bacon, egg and cheese on english muffins or just laid on toast. I sometimes splurge and get donuts or muffins or such to bring home. Another recent development is that my wife and I go out for breakfast on the weekend, but I tend to have bacon and eggs there as well. I did have coconut-dipped french toast recently and it was great.


Pretty much the same thing every day.

Flavoured oats, hot milk and peaches, pottle of yoghurt and a coffee sometimes a piece of fruit.

Cooked breakfast every 2-3 weeks as a treat at local restaurants.
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Deluxe Unhuman
Ezekiel bread (a sprouted grain bread that's stored frozen), well-toasted, with Earth Balance "butter".

I will throw lettuce or other greens on that every time we have some, which is usually, or sliced radishes it we have them. I like to get a fresh vegetable in my breakfast whenever possible. Sometimes I'll add some pre-sliced deli meat, maaaaaaybe a slice of cheese.

As an alternative, the toast with Earth Balance and some raw honey.

On weekends I rarely eat my first meal until after I've gone for a run and done whatever other sweaty work needs to be done.

I've found that the more breakfast I eat, the hungrier I am the rest of the day, so in the interest of weight management I eat as little for breakfast as possible.

In the rare occasion I do have a big breakfast, it's probably going to be pancakes, with blueberries and pecans cooked into them, some bacon and/or eggs, some sauteed vegetables, and fresh-squeezed orange juice.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Okay, this is pretty far afield from Geek Talk, but I just find it endlessly fascinating how people eat around the world.

What do you typically eat for breakfast?

On Weekdays, I tend to have a slice of sourdough toast (woo San Francisco, home of the sourdough!) with extra-chunky peanut butter, and a cup (or two) of coffee.

On Weekends, I sometimes make fried eggs with toast and avocado (woo California!), and I pair that with one to three cups of coffee (I love coffee).

What is your typical breakfast?
Coffee, 2-3 eggs (usually sunny side up), 1-2 slices of sourdough toast with unsalted butter, and if I’m quite hungry I’ll make a couple breakfast sausages as well, or some ham.

Usually a few slices of bread with toppings (chocolate sprinkles or cheese or scrambled eggs or peanut butter), and of course a cup of tea; red bush, earl grey, honey or breakfast tea.


I tend to eat a roll of Tunnbröd.. Basically soft flat bread, about the size of an A4-paper. Butter it up on one side, put in some topping; for me that would be either salami or cheese (right now slices of Brie), and roll up. On weekends I will have tea with this. On weekdays, I usually eat it as I walk from the buss stop towards work.

If I am at a hotel (which I am usually for the Swedish championships in Archery, then corn flakes with milk, some bread, slices of melon (if available), a hard boiled egg, and tea and juice to drink)


41st lv DM
Coffee (black + sugar) & lots of it.

After that it depends upon the day.
*Sausage/egg/cheese either homemade or from the Mc'donalds 5 minutes down the road.
*Cheerios or such
*Sometimes leftovers from the night before.
*Fri is generally breakfast at one of several local restraunts. Several of us get together for late breakfast & then go play boardgames at the local game shop about noon.

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