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What is your gaming white whale?


Bruce Baugh, Writer of Fortune
Gary McBride was writing an AP that could be played by an all-Dwarf or all-Drow party. Unfortunately he only got as far as book 2 before stealing his kickstarter money and running off into the sunset. It was a great idea though!

It was pretty bad. There was a great community of us and we were pretty bummed.
My #1 Kickstarter disappointment, and I doubt anything else will hit me in quite the same way again because I’ve become more cautious. I liked a lot of the first campaign but not that particular flavor of lawful evil, so had a lot of hopes. It doesn’t seem like anyone else has tried the same kind of thing, either. (I should spin off a thread about evil campaigns, come to that.)

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Cubicle 7 have just released Imperial Maledictum - a crunchy W40k rpg derived from WFRP. It’s certainly
Interesting. I’m very interested to see what they come out with next.

A lot of their Wrath and Glory adventures are very good if they could be combined with a more nuanced system!

Yeah, I'm aware of Imperium Maledictum, but the old WFRP system and its variants, including the FFG stuff, doesn't really excite me too much. I've been considering writing a 40k binding of the Mutants and Masterminds system actually, especially for a Heresy-era game. Astartes (and others of similar power level like Assassins, secutors, potent psykers, etc) are basically low-level superheroes already, and M&M is crunchy enough to be true to the setting's wargame roots while also having has all the minion rules etc to make the quasi-superhero side of things work built in. I'd basically look at setting up packages of powers that you could buy to be an Astartes of different legions or specialisations, which helps alleviate the analysis paralysis that newbies can get when looking at M&Ms point buy system and trying to create a character, and allows you to prevent some of the more obvious exploits etc. The Complications and Hero Points system would work really nicely to emulate the whole theatrical Greek tragedy vibe of the Heresy fiction, where your flaws create your destiny, and also makes it more likely that if you die, you'll die in a dramatically appropriate fashion against a powerful enemy, not just cos some cultist with a lasgun got lucky with the dice. I did like the squad cohesion rules from Deathwatch though, so I'd probably try to steal/adapt that somehow.

Other gaming white whales of mine:

To play, a long-running epic VtM game (since we're talking White Wolf...) that follows PCs through different periods in history as they age and change. Something like Giovanni Chronicles.

To play: A fast-paced, character-driven as opposed to overly tactical superhero game. Not sure what system, maybe Masks?

To write: an adaptation of Ravenloft set in fantasy Gothic Regency England. musketry and brightly coloured military uniforms, the Austenian marriage market, the Industrial revolution, piracy and highwaymen, village vicars and a bloody Old Faith that meets secretly in stone circles, civil unrest and the birth of steam power, colonialism and manners and hypocrisy; with feywild-refugee elves and Wind of the Willows woodland folk, demon cults in the gentlemen's club and dhampirs at the ball, misty moors and bog mummies.

To run: in an Arabian-themed setting which isn't quite Al-Qadim, a modernised combination of Al-Qadim's Ruined Kingdoms and Assassin Mountain campaigns.
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Staff member
Oooh, another white whale of mine: Having a long-running Planescape and/or Mage: The Ascension campaign where all of the players take all the philosophical themes very seriously. As in, I want the game to be essentially a long discussion about metaphysics. But I'm the nerdiest one in my gaming circle (I'm the one doing a PhD in philosophy after all), and I just don't think I'll find enough players to get such a group.
Hmmm…I can see an Illusionist named Berkeley. Nietzche would either be a Conjuror or Transmuter. The rest would be a tad trickier.


Trust the Fungus
Oh... another big one for me, though not a long-running one: Street Fighter, West Marches, Anti-Canon set during the Rise of Shadoloo with quite possibly a huge heaping serving of Metal Gear Solid, mixing many of the former's ideas about martial artists with many of the latter's ideas about soldiers and spies.


Bruce Baugh, Writer of Fortune
To play, a long-running epic VtM game (since we're talking White Wolf...) that follows PCs through different periods in history as they age and change. Something like Giovanni Chronicles.
The Storyteller’s Vault at DriveThru has some excellent fan material under the heading Classical Age. Rome in various eras, Carthage during the Punic Wars, and like that. I’d use it myself if I were doing such a thing.


Yeah, I'm aware of Imperium Maledictum, but the old WFRP system and its variants, including the FFG stuff, doesn't really excite me too much. I've been considering writing a 40k binding of the Mutants and Masterminds system actually, especially for a Heresy-era game. Astartes (and others of similar power level like Assassins, secutors, potent psykers, etc) are basically low-level superheroes already, and M&M is crunchy enough to be true to the setting's wargame roots while also having has all the minion rules etc to make the quasi-superhero side of things work built in. I'd basically look at setting up packages of powers that you could buy to be an Astartes of different legions or specialisations, which helps alleviate the analysis paralysis that newbies can get when looking at M&Ms point buy system and trying to create a character, and allows you to prevent some of the more obvious exploits etc. The Complications and Hero Points system would work really nicely to emulate the whole theatrical Greek tragedy vibe of the Heresy fiction, where your flaws create your destiny, and also makes it more likely that if you die, you'll die in a dramatically appropriate fashion against a powerful enemy, not just cos some cultist with a lasgun got lucky with the dice. I did like the squad cohesion rules from Deathwatch though, so I'd probably try to steal/adapt that somehow.

Other gaming white whales of mine:

To play, a long-running epic VtM game (since we're talking White Wolf...) that follows PCs through different periods in history as they age and change. Something like Giovanni Chronicles.

To play: A fast-paced, character-driven as opposed to overly tactical superhero game. Not sure what system, maybe Masks?

To write: an adaptation of Ravenloft set in fantasy Gothic Regency England. musketry and brightly coloured military uniforms, the Austenian marriage market, the Industrial revolution, piracy and highwaymen, village vicars and a bloody Old Faith that meets secretly in stone circles, civil unrest and the birth of steam power, colonialism and manners and hypocrisy; with feywild-refugee elves and Wind of the Willows woodland folk, demon cults in the gentlemen's club and dhampirs at the ball, misty moors and bog mummies.

To run: in an Arabian-themed setting which isn't quite Al-Qadim, a modernised combination of Al-Qadim's Ruined Kingdoms and Assassin Mountain campaigns.
When you write the adaptation of Ravenloft in Gothic Regency England, count me in as both a play tester and a buyer! Your description sounds awesome.
I’m a historian and a lover of British folk tales so it ticks every possible box for me. Your few words may have created a new white whale.


Staff member
To write: an adaptation of Ravenloft set in fantasy Gothic Regency England. musketry and brightly coloured military uniforms, the Austenian marriage market, the Industrial revolution, piracy and highwaymen, village vicars and a bloody Old Faith that meets secretly in stone circles, civil unrest and the birth of steam power, colonialism and manners and hypocrisy; with feywild-refugee elves and Wind of the Willows woodland folk, demon cults in the gentlemen's club and dhampirs at the ball, misty moors and bog mummies.
A small island where they burn human sacrifices in human effigies made of wicker in order to ensure a bountiful harvest…

A castle built over the caves inhabited by a white wurm, worshipped by the castle’s inhabitants…

Were-border collies…


A small island where they burn human sacrifices in human effigies made of wicker in order to ensure a bountiful harvest…

A castle built over the caves inhabited by a white wurm, worshipped by the castle’s inhabitants…

Were-border collies…
A Neolithic stone barrow where a bloody cult meet on storm-riven nights, with one of its leaders being a senior Royal Family member

The ghost of a former lover at the window of a lonely moorland farmhouse

A high-sided, thickly tree-shrouded lane, where travelers trapped by its magic through ages past, can still be met, some bringing weal, others woe.

A rocky, storm-tossed island off an inhospitable coast, where according to legend dwells an unaging bronze-armoured warrior woman who will teach a supplicant peerless skill at arms, but who will extract from them a binding oath that those skills will be used to shed blood in great amounts.

An isolated school on the moors, where the disobedient or inconvenient daughters of the landed gentry are taught strange lessons by pale-skinned instructors.

A society of natural philosophers, disdaining the old superstitions and religions, whose meditations and research grant them strange powers of the mind, reinforcing their conviction that they are the highest expression of evolution.

Voidrunner's Codex

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