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What setting are you using?


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On the old general board, I asked about Dungeons and Dragons needing campaign support. One of the replies included the following.

They don't have to worry about dividing their user base, because if you don't like Golarion, you weren't buying Paizo products in the first place.

I don't know if that's necessarily true. For example, I wasn't using Greyhawk back in the Dungeon days of Savage Tide... etc... and some of the Pathfinder adventure paths were out before the setting proper.

So what setting is everyone using for their Pathfinder books?

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Now I am using Golarion. I like the setting very much.

I have used adventures from the first and second adventure paths in our long Dragonlance campaign.


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The quick, smart-ass answer: any setting I want. :)

Mostly I plan on using my own home brew world, but from time to time I'll run stuff in Greyhawk, maybe even classic FR or Dragonlance.

A buddy is starting his own campaign that I'll be playing in, and for that we're using Golarian.


Mind, I've worked some of their adventures (not the paths, just the individuals) into my campaign(s) before Golarion achieved any kind of real (to me) cohesion.
In fairness, generally I'm a homebrew person, and seldom go with the published campaign world for a given game.


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(repost of my reply to the original thread http://www.enworld.org/forum/genera...dungeons-dragons-need-supported-settings.html)

For example, is every Pathfinder buyer doing so because they like Golarion, or because they want to support 3.5/Pathfinder?

In my case, I was using the relatively system-free Pathfinder Golarion books for my 4E game, mainly for expediency and a lack of time. These days I just don't have the patience and time anymore for designing my own homebrew world. If I had more free time, I would certainly go back to designing my own homebrew world.

As far as my 4E players are concerned, they had no idea what Golarion was and largely didn't really care for the most part. To them, it was just a backdrop for the game.

As to whether I'm actually supporting 3.5/Pathfinder, I actually couldn't care less whether the Pathfinder ruleset completely disappears from the world overnight. I'm not the target audience for the Pathfinder ruleset, nor the crunch heavy Pathfinder supplement books.

Because they want to adventure in Golarion, or because they want pregenerated adventurers?

For me, the Pathfinder AP books have sort of been a replacement for Dungeon Magazine since the magazine went online-only for 4E. I've used them to scavenge ideas for storylines, encounters, etc ... to use in my previous sandbox 4E game.

But now I'm not DMing any D&D games anymore at the moment. I'll probably stop buying any new Pathfinder Adventure Path titles, once the present "Council of Thieves" AP is over in month or so.

With some upcoming Pathfinder supplement books being more crunch heavy than previously (ie. NPC guide, Armory, etc ...), I probably won't be buying these supplement books either. At this time, I have very little use for 3.5E/Pathfinder crunch heavy books.


Well... I'm using Pathfinder for many different sessions, in different settings.

My main session right now is a Golarion game that is not using any pre-written adventures.

My other weekly game I run is a Rise of the Rune Lords game, using the AP in Golarion, with some side quests and custom adventures added and character backgrounds all tied to Golarion.

My third game I run using Pathfinder, we are actually playing Castle Ravenloft in Greyhawk. We are mainly using Greyhawk here for the ease of using the adventure, so character backgrounds aren't tied into the setting as much.

Finally, I've run the game using a homebrew I'm working on. This homebrew isn't really being developed anymore though, but it may be soon.

From what I've seen though, there is a large portion of the Pathfinder fanbase that DONT use Golarion. If you look in these very forums, most of the discussion about Pathfinder has very little to do with their campaign setting or adventures at all!

Though, of course, there is also a healthy potion of the fanbase that does.


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I am using Golarion with 4E rules.
Currently my campaing is a mixture of the AP Curse of The Crimson Throne and Scales of War. The City of Overlook stays where Janderhoff is.
But one thing I can tell you about my players is that i could be using any set i wanted. They dont really care as soon as the adventures are good.
Since we have been roleplaying for about 20 years now, they only want to have a good time, with lots of roleplaying intermixed with interesting combat.

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