What setting would you love to play in?


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Just wondering, if I would ever be mad enough to start a new attempt at PbP, what setting would you love?

I've got way too many D20 books gathering dust on my shelf, and I realised the other day that I've got enough different 'base books' to play any technology and magic level, with umpteen different variants on the theme.

So, if you look at the boards, the various games that are offered, which 'era' do you feel is lacking?

Let's start with technology/magic level/feeling.

What would you choose:

Hell, I never heard of a game set in the stone age. No technology whatsoever. Would be weird.

The oldest civilisations. The early years. Celts. Druids. Atlantis. The old folk. The age of heroes. Bad television shows.

Iron Age:
Here come the Romans. Too early for full plate. Chariots. Hoplites. The rise and fall of nations. The Vandals, Germanics, Gauls, Belgiae. Aegyptian necromancers vs amazon women. Very bad television shows.

Dark Middle Ages:
Survival of the fittest. Live and die by the sword. Vikings, Crusades. Witches. Sorcerers. Corrupt Priests.

Chivalric middle ages:
Sir lancelot. Most D&D worlds. Troubadours, wandering minstrels. Tournaments.

Pirates sailing the seven seas. Musketeers fighting for queen and country. The early explorations.Gunpowder. Fencing. Fancy plumes in hats and outrageous costumes.

Victorean age:
Sea battles.The colonies. The foreign legion. the wild-wild west. Six-shooters, gentlemen with swordcanes. The league of extra-ordinary gentlemen. Steam engines. Mad inventors. P

Pulp Era.
The Shadow. Indiana jones. Nazis. Zeppelins and airplanes.

Omaha and Utah beach. The Ardennes. The desert campaigs. Secret agents. Sabotage behind enemy lines.

Delta green. Cultists. UFO's. X-Files. Cold war. Big cities with shadow wars..

Mad max. Guns&Dinosaurs. Planet of the Apes.

Moonbase alpha. Mechwarrior. Space opera. Hard Sci-Fi. Traveller.

So, without choosing things like how much magic, what races,... what tech/magic setting would you like to play in?

PS : yes, i know bronze and iron age examples dont quite fit historically, but it's the idea that counts.

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DrZombie said:
a few names in my little black book come to mind :lol:

What kind of future game? Any Sci Fi?

Generally speaking, I am a fan of any Sci-Fi. But I would prefer something with starships...nothing like a good 'ol starship battle to get the blood flowing every now and then.

Dire Lemming

First Post
Unless you start thinking about all of the physical impossibilities involved. :p

Well the settings that I haven't seen much of are well, basicly everything but Modern and Chivalric. WW2 might be interesting if you weren't playing a soldier. All the other... well the same I guess.

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