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D&D 5E What Subclasses would you like to see?


Other than that, I would like to see at least one more subclass of Sorcerer.

No complaints of the existing two, and I don't have any particular ideas.

I just feel this class deserves at least three choices, like most other classes.


PS. For instance, the Wizard already have so many subclasses I feel it should stand last in the line for more.

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If I may widen my wishes beyond what I believe 5E will ever get us...:

- a "tanking" fighter subclass. A subclass that actually can influence enemies targetting (read "force them to target the fighter"). This subclass does not need to "come into its own" until, say, 5th level at the earliest: at low levels, 5E characters simply do not have enough hit points to work as tanks; remember, the idea is for this character to draw in lots of enemies. He needs a lot of hit points if the Cleric's job shouldn't become impossible. This subclass should probably have the ability to turn a "save or die" effect into a straight hit point loss (since the party will probably be close to a TPK if the tank falls).
- a controller fighter subclass; a subclass that completely disregards the current balance between martial (sub)classes, and provides us with a fighter subclass with 4E levels of ability to affect multiple enemies (bunch them together, whirlwhind them, hurl them away etc). This subclass should not and cannot be balanced against the Champion or Battle Master; the explicit aim is to allow martial non-magical characters a greater level of battlefield control while still not playing in the same league as high level spellcasters. Specifically, this class is not expected to replace or obsolete a Cleric or Wizard in any way, it is only meant for those groups who loved the way martials played in 4E; groups who don't subscribe to the current "high-level fighters are supposed to just whack people just harder than low-level fighters" and "if you don't like being simple, learn to cast spells" philosophies permeating 5E.
- possibly a Rogue subclass to complement the controller fighter subclass above; this pair is meant to be coupled with regular Wizards and Clerics, not regular Fighters and Rogues
- At least one "martial controller" class. A class that is completely and utterly non-magical, and still can both heal and buff party members as well as apply a modicum of battlefield control. The primary design goal for this class should be to allow for completely mundane parties that doesn't need to rely on magical items in any way, including "no healing potions".

That would be good :)

Wednesday Boy

The Nerd WhoFell to Earth
Other than that, I would like to see at least one more subclass of Sorcerer.

No complaints of the existing two, and I don't have any particular ideas.

I just feel this class deserves at least three choices, like most other classes.


PS. For instance, the Wizard already have so many subclasses I feel it should stand last in the line for more.

I agree with you on both counts.

...vestige... ...pacts for the warlock.

And I'd be willing to write some of them if Wizards asked me. *cough* ;)

Who do I need to talk to at Wizards to make this happen?


First Post
Honestly, I'm having trouble coming up with concepts that don't exist within the PHB already. Someone mentioned a duelist and I could very easily create a duelist archetype from either the Battlemaster or Champion subclasses. Someone also mentioned re-skinning the barbarian as a samurai with a battle focus instead of rage, which is a great idea. So that's a good thing.

A third sorcerous origin is essential. It's the one class I look at and really go, "This is it?" in regards to subclass options at least. The base features are nice.

Another warlock pact would be great too.

About the only archetype I can't recreate from the existing system is a "shaman" type, particularly the 4e version with spirit animals and such. This could be an interesting new Druid subclass. Or you might be able to finagle a Nature Domain Cleric into something like this.


I love the breadth of the PH but I wish there were more mundane classes.

1. A ranger without spellcasting (and I wish this had been the default--if hunter's mark is needed to balance the class, then it shouldn't have been a spell)

2. A marshal/knight/warlord (yeah, battle master does an OK job but I'm thinking mundane leader--a fighter/bard hybrid maybe, without spell slots)

3. (seconding) A primarily social rogue--the rogue base is fine, but a subclass with a handful of bluffing/misdirection (and why not--inspiration again) powers would be nice.

4. Artificer (wizard subclass)


First Post
A pet-type Druid could be nice.

A spell-focused Bard would fill in a gap too. College of Lore is more of a skill-monkey with minor magical addition.

DRUNKEN MASTER (Monk) sub-class!

I've been looking for this too! Alright, screw it - I'm just going to have to buckle down and make up my own homebrew version. I'll have to kick some ideas around and type up my thoughts in the House Rules and Homebrew forum when I get home from work this evening.

what no i'm not browsing enworld at work what are you crazy get out of here with your wild accusations

Sir Brennen

A Barbarian that doesn't rely on Strength.

Or rather, strike that, what I need is a Barbarian who can actually use her Unarmored Defense feature = essentially remaining the same but dropping armor; making armor a purely aestethic choice with neither armored or unarmored being substantially better/cheaper.

Without having to focus on THREE stats.

So I am hoping to see a Barb subclass that key of Dexterity. It's okay that the goodies from this subclass aren't as strong as the berserker or totem barbs, just as long as the core feature of the class keys off of Dex: ideally a Rage variant that allows for two-weapon fighting (does not require the bonus action) and Finesse weapons (no explicit mention of Strength-based actions/attacks).

Perhaps a whirling dervish, where each "whirl" corresponds to one rage...?
Yeah, this.

Joe Liker

First Post
If I may widen my wishes beyond what I believe 5E will ever get us...:

- a "tanking" fighter subclass
- a controller fighter subclass
I hope you are right that 5e will never go there. This kind of thing fundamentally alters the dynamic of the game, to the extent that I would have to pull out of any campaign where another player wanted to play such a class.

- At least one "martial controller" class.
Battlemaster is already very controller-y. I don't know that it makes sense to push it further than that. For example, you don't need an explicit AoE attack when you already get multiple attacks per round.

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