What To Do with Player?

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Thomas Percy said:
I'm reading yours advices and I'm thinking "is it the character problem or the player problem?"
I'm not. There is no question. It's a player problem (or, in what I consider the base case scenario, a former player problem).


First Post
librarius_arcana said:
That lacks logic

It implies a degree of dedication to the telling of lies. I cook, but I'm not a chef. I've told lies, but would not consider myself to be a liar. Since pretty much everyone has told a lie, the description 'liar' would lose all meaning.

So the term liar, in every day use, is reserved for those people for whom its become a common part of their day to day communication.

Psychic Warrior

First Post
Jim Hague said:
Kick him to the curb. Is anyone else disturbed by the mention that this guy is admiring a clear villain's Nazi-like ideology?

I was going to comment on that myself. That was the thing that tells me this guy is bad news. Get him out of your group and your life as quickly as possible. He sounds like a poisonous individual from what you have posted here.


First Post
Kae'Yoss said:
Yes, isn't it oh so great? Reminds me of that "virtue of egoism" crap I heard recently.
Muh? :confused:

Which particular "virtue of egoism" crap might that have been? I'm pretty sure I missed it, but it sounds like so much fun, could you link it?

Cheers. :)


Thomas Percy said:
Oh, no. He's a player and DM from 7 years (AD&D, 3e, Cthulu, Warhammer).

Killing of sleeping innocent NPC was a peak of his "evil" career for now. He signed a pact with demon, he trying to buy a cloak of Vecna in every shop, he tortured a lot of people (he has charm person spell), and he was impressed very much by Nazi-like ideology of campaign top bad guy. The player said his character is neutral-aligned, so he can do such things.

I'm reading yours advices and I'm thinking "is it the character problem or the player problem?"

Given what I have read here and what you said about his behavior up to this point, my only questions would be: What took so long to bring things to a head and why is there any question about getting rid of him? Is he the brother of the GM's Significant Other or something?

I think that you should keep him as he provides contrast to the group. Often people get so caught up in their goody-two-shoe little ways that people like this help to provide a bit of perspective and insight into just how idiotic some people can be.

Tell him to have fun playing with "real men" somewhere since your group obviously aren't. :lol:

Olaf the Stout


Kick jerk to the curb.
If you're wanting a serious game with good players, this kind of person will drain any bit of fun from them. That may cause your better players to find a new table to play at.

Then you're left with you and the psycho.

Happy now?

Thomas Percy

First Post
TheEvil said:
What took so long to bring things to a head and why is there any question about getting rid of him? Is he the brother of the GM's Significant Other or something?
He isn't my brother etc.

We (the players & me-DM) interpret his every "weird" act in the way most exonerative for him, in the name of freedom of his choices and character development as the player , eg.:
- he tortures -> he likes to use intimidate skill and feels like a macho
- he admires Nazi ideology -> he admires DM history knowledge
- he signs a pact with a demon -> he likes unusual familiars
- he wants cloak of Vecna -> he likes rare, customized magical items
- he's wants to gain demonic (Azrai) bloodline -> he's fond of drama-heavy character development.

I considered REDO action (thanks for your advices) and I think it can create precedent, so I will try PSEUDO-REDO action, interpreting this PC misbehavior as result of possession.

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