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What's the tone of your campaign?


Samothdm said:
BTW, sorry that you're feeling depressed today.

Oh, thank you so much. :) I've just been sick (mostly with allergies) and lethargic, and I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.

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The game I'm playing in has an interesting mixture of Intrigue, Epic Conflicts, sporatic Dark Humor, and the occasional seasoning with the Creepy.

We're trying to overthrow a Master Manipulator, who's set herself up in the power vaccume left by a war with a Necromancer (who we had to help put down, too,) using an army she recruited from another Prime. We're in the proscess of allying the Baronal factions of our small continent to rise up and crush her, but it's slow going. She has high Magic, we don't. The most impressive thing we can pull is some Teleportation between circles, she has 5+ permanant Gates to the other Prime which we only recently took offline.

To top it off, one of Her former Allies, a Shape Shifter, has set himself up as the ruler of a very important Trade City. Once we take out the Manipulator, the next book will probably revolve around a Shape Shifting Menace. And the 2 PC's are already having Trust Issues.. After that, we're going to get a major infusion of the Abyssal, which won't be helped by the revelation that my character has Demon blood. (Yay templates!)

The worst part of the game, from my character's perspective, is that since all this crap is going down in the world, she has no time to spend with her new family. Life sucks when you're a Hero. I need a retirement pension.

- Kemrain the Overwelmed.


First Post
Hmmm... I'm not sure I know how to explain my wide-ranging FR campaign...
Henry said:
My FR campaign that I DM is somewhere between "Princess Bride" and "Kevin Costner's Robin Hood." It's got its serious moments, but overall, it's pretty light-hearted
Well, whaddaya know? This explains it pretty well!

The tone does vary, though - as we find that one particular tone can get boring over time. Thus, the above explains the general tone, but depending where the PCs are, it can get serious, dark, gothic-horror-y, or swashbuckling quite quickly.


hong said:
D00d, ninjas and pirates is _so_ 2003. Vampires and werewolves is where it's at today!

Well, given that the time frame I was referring to was around 1988-1992, I'd say I was still ahead of the curve! ;)

-The Gneech, old geezer :cool:

Ibram said:
My games tend to be somewhat Gothic Horror / HPL weirdness, with a bit of swashbuckling / Wuxia goodness thrown in.
I'd say that's reasonably close to mine as well -- dark horror, bleak, grim and gritty, yadda yadda yadda, but with a hefty dose of Swashbuckling overlayed on top of that. I mean, pretty heavy. Kinda like Robert E. Howard meets Pirates of the Caribbean.


Weekly Tuesday Campaign (aka Tainted World) - Heroic fantasy w/ epic overtones. Homebrew world that features slightly less than normal magic and treasure (about 70% of the DMG's recommended dose) along with some special rules for arcane spells and casters.

Monthly Weekend Campaign - Standard fantasy set in Greyhawk. Currently adventuring in Geoff using "Liberation of Geoff" as a framework.

Hm. Good question.

We're more of a high-action, kick-the-door-down, forget-the-plan-when-it's-time-to-execute-it, get-killed-more-often-than-not, try-not-to-talk-about-the-simpsons,-futurama,-or-family-guy-during-play-please kind of group. Nothing too serious. Always a lot of fun



The game I'm still working on will have a seafaring theme with the game taking place in an island empire just recovering from a magical plague. The game isn't really dark or low magic. Powerful items aren't for sale at ye olde wal-mart, but there are some magical public works and mundane disease is largely healed. I'm stiving for a mix of realism and high fantasy. In other words their is a logic to magic, and higher powers are having an impact on the lives of normal people. Most of the sillyness and humor is out of character at our game table. The players are mostly old friends who don't have a chance to get together that often, so we tend to socialize and wander off topic. Because of the infrequent play I'm going to try and keep the sessions high action al a summer movies with plot twists and machinations going on behind the scenes between sessions via phone and email. There will be primative fire arms and psionics ala the Xpsihb. Orcs, a few giants and centaurs live with humans, dwarves, halflings, and gnomes. The elves (reguardless of color) are evil and live on the mainland. They are too greedy to let the empire cut down any of their trees for wood to build more ships which are the lifeblood of the empire. I've been reading a lot of Dumas and Sabatini for the swashbuckling feel. There will be a considerable gap between the haves (wealthy powerful sealords and merchant guilds) and the have nots (pretty much every body else). Following the plague (almost certainly the work of evil elves) some islands of the empire have fallen into chaos. The plague sometimes kills and sometimes transforms victoms into beast men. The dead often rise as undead. This leaves places of danger, mystery and plunder near realatively normal civilized places. The players are special people with a special destiny to rise in power and have a chance to save the world or at least the empire.


Voidrunner's Codex

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