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Where to Next?


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Tyrm's near death happenings have made him think that if we can not take on more then a few gnolls at a time perhaps we need to go back and recruit more people in an attempt to better handle the gnolls. Plus who knows, if we return the cylinders to Mr. Featherwright perhaps he will have some insight as to what is going on and maybe we can find an ally who might be able to provide some sort of assistance.

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Kultar said:
Tyrm's near death happenings have made him think that if we can not take on more then a few gnolls at a time perhaps we need to go back and recruit more people in an attempt to better handle the gnolls.

Tyrm's comments bring up an idea that we probably should discuss - tactics. I know this is obviously important to Tyrm, being as he is weaker than most of the rest of the party. I too am in this position. Being as such, my opinions will probably be somewhat biased, so anybody who wants to interject, please do. When in a combat situation, I believe that we, as a group, should try to keep Tyrm, Oceus, and myself, protected from melee combat. This would mean forming a front line essentially. This front line should have Li and Tormal taking the brunt of the attacking force, which would likely be positions towards the middle. On either side of them should be Ayla and Felix so they can try to prevent attackers from spilling around the sides and help out Li and Tormal as needed. Directly behind this front line, the three of us can do what we need to. Each of us can cast attack spells through front line gaps, I can fill extra gaps with summoned creatures, and Oceaus and I can heal the front line when needed. If we can better anticipate the actions of our allies, then we can look for ways to individually maximize our actions every six seconds.

Kultar said:
Plus who knows, if we return the cylinders to Mr. Featherwright perhaps he will have some insight as to what is going on and maybe we can find an ally who might be able to provide some sort of assistance.

Though I am thoroughly interested to see what Mr. Featherwright has to say, I feel that if there is any connection between the gnolls and the ancient Merinthians, he probably wouldn't know what it was. Should we come across a definate connection, and can clearly explain the details, then perhaps he can provide insight. This takes us right back to the fact that we do not yet have enough information to return. As far as gathering assistance, we are the assistance that was gathered. Right now time is on our side, but leaving now would give the gnolls the advantage, plus it might cost those still living here their lives. So Li, have you considered offering those survivors we save here the opportunity to work at your manor?


First Post
First,a s to tactics: I like the idea of tactics, but grouping that closely is a problem. If we all stay together, we give our opponents the advantage of being able to rush us. We also risk being much more easily surrounded. How bout this idea:

Tormal and Li: Skirmishers. We engage the enemy, and choose targets as need be. Li can heal, so we can stand getting a little ways away from support.

Ayla: Archery Support. She stays towards the rear with the casters and picks off any enemies who approach the rear (only Tormal gets to approach the rear ;) ). Having Ayla prevent melee mighters from getting to our casters will be much more efficent then waiting unitl they get close enough for Li and Tormal to take them out. Ayla would also try to keep combatants from escaping.

Felix: Flexibility. Felix is our wild card. He does whatever needs to be done, but for the most part I would think he would stay closer to the rear then Li and Tormal, but further forward then the casters.

Oceas: On battlefield support. Clerics can hold their own in battle, so I would think Oceas could wade out into melee to do any nessecary healing. Keep in mind that Li can heal some, so, with any luck, in any but the most drawn out battles, healing can wait until after the fighting dies down.

Tyrm: Tyrm is the only one we really can not afford to let get into melee. He should be towards the back, with Ayla keeping enemies from getting close to him.

Ceru: Ceru should stay back with Tyrm, using summoned creatures to slow down anybody who tries to get to him.

So we end up with a setup like this: a front 2 of Li and Tormal, Ayla, Ceru and Tyrm towards the back, with Felix and Oceas somewhere inbetween, filling in the holes.


Let's take 15 minutes or so pre-game tonight to sort out tactics. That way you will have map space, with minis to kind of place with spacing.

Heck, I will even get down some of my terrain. Oceas asked about hills and rises last week anyway, so I have an excuse to mix up the terrain a little bit. :)


It is mid-morning when the Seekers of Legend manage to get the golem to return to it's post in the tunnel. Brother Oceas retrieves his net; Tyrm and Felix pull a still unconscious Li from the bushes they had hidden him in; Ayla, Ceru and Tormal return from their scattered directions. Li took quite a pounding and will likely be soure and bruised for a while, but the general consensus is that he was knocked unconscious rather than suffering life-threatening wounds. A bit of rest and he will likely come around himself.

While waiting, Ceru requests that his friend the Spirit Hawk to fly another scouting mission. Some of the more aware Seekers can detect a faint presence nearby as the familiar wings away into the sky. It isn't long before Spirit Hawk returns. The more perceptive Seekers note that the stick on Ceru's back shifts. Whispering into Ceru's ear, Spirit Hawk speaks of a large group of dog-like two-leggeds that are moving from the North. "How many? Very many, a large pack. How do I know if it's a larger pack than usual, I don't keep track of two-leggeds. Sure, if it's really important to you I can go count them." Spirit Hawk soon returns to the sky and Ceru tells the Seekers about the Gnolls heading toward you.

It is well over an hour before Spirit Hawk returns. Li is up and moving, though he is still heavily battered from the iron fists of the golem. Spirit Hawk lands on Ceru's shoulder and nips at his ear. "There are two less than six counts of man of the two-leggeds coming this way. Most of those are dog-faced two-leggeds, but there are two hands, plus two of non dog-faced two-leggeds as well. The non dog-faced two-leggeds are bound and look pale. They will pass a short flight toward where the sun rises."

Moving to the top of a nearby rise, many of the Seekers can see what looks like a large group moving South. They are perhaps a mile away, but Ceru spots a picket of scouts to the flanks no more than a half-mile away. Soon after passing the Seekers' position, the column comes to a halt. They are behind a rise or two, so it is difficult to make out. But Spirit Hawk soon confirms that the pack has stopped moving. They have formed into a large circle and some of them may be napping. Others are moving into sentry positions. It looks like the group will be stopped for a little while yet. The bound and pale two-leggeds are staked to the ground in the center of the circle.

The distance to the camp is roughly two miles from the Seekers' position. I will post this so you can begin discussing tactics, and possible actions. We can pretty much go online up until you engage the enemy, if you do. If you want to replenish HP and spells, let me know so I can advance the narrative a little.


First Post
Li could use some hp before the assault, so a little delay might be good, be we can't wait TOO long, I bet they'll move on soon. As for further strategy, let me think...


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I say that we keep an eye on the camp and if they start anything that is ritualistic in any way or start playing drums we move in and try to rescue the hostages. Even if nobody else is in agreement to this Tyrm will be attacking if they start their ritual butcher of the captives.


First Post
I don't think attacking them is the best way to go right now. We need to get them separated from the hostages and each other. I think the best plan would be to try to draw away as many as possible. Maybe we could start a fire in the morning and set up some bundles to make it look like people are sleeping around it. Hopefully the gnolls will split up to investigate and then we can try ambush the gnolls that stay behind with the hostages. Or we could ambush those that come to investigate and then wait for some more gnolls to come see where the first group went. Ultimately we should keep in mind though that getting the hostages to safety is the priority. We could always engage the gnolls, have one person focus specifically on getting the hostages (I think they're all chained together) and leave. Then everyone else can strategically withdraw.

Voidrunner's Codex

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