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Whirtlestaffs Wizards Academy Action: in-character thread


Whirtlestaffs is located in a very large, square, squat building. It originated several centuries ago as a classic wizard's tower, but outgrew its space, and additions and new wings kept popping up until a limit was finally imposed. Then, it became a perfect cube, 500 feet by 500 feet by 500 feet, quite coincidentally, the exact limitations for the Academy that had been established by the city fathers. Some claim that WWA actually exceeds those limitations by the use of extradimensional space, pocket planes, gates, and ethereal portals. In their defense, Academy officials simply offer their critics a certified measuring stick and tell them to proceed to measure the outer boundaries. There is no claim made that the INNER dimensions equal the outer dimensions, rather, officials simply say, "Pish Posh," or some similar phrase of dismissal.

WWA consists of the aforementioned cubescent building, which has seven floors. The first floor is comprised of the Academy's administrative offices, examination rooms, interview rooms (for prospective employers to conduct interviews of students), and what is commonly referred to as The Vestibule. [The Vestibule is a series of rooms where those inside Academy premises are "cleansed," or "de-magicked" (or as some of the more cynical professors say, "disenchanted") of magical residues before leaving campus.] Near the exit door, the Academy has a very prominent sign that proudly states, "Whirtlestaffs is proud to have achieved 100% Dweomer Containment for the past ____ Days." The blank is the location where wooden numbers are affixed to the wall, and it is the task of Jerabewal (JERROB-YULE), the Chief Custodian/Night Watchman to maintain the correct number on the sign. Currently, the number stands at 684: it's been almost two whole years since that unfortunate business with the City Councilmen sprouting jackass ears right there in the middle of the Mayor's inaugural address. (Damned shame, that!) Immediately above the first floor is, you guessed it, the second floor, which consists of student dormitories. The third floor is also student dormitories, but is reserved for upperclassmen nearing graduation, and graduate students. The fourth floor is a mix of classrooms, libraries, and laboratories. The fifth is almost completely taken up by an extensive library, but has a couple of the more advanced classrooms and laboratories, also. The sixth is faculty housing, for those professors who choose to remain on campus when they are not actually performing professorial duties, and the seventh, well, no one can really say about the seventh floor. Students are forbidden to even approach the stairs leading to the seventh floor. And, incidentally, there would seem to be no way for the seven stories to take up ALL of 500 feet, and yet the view from the sixth floor windows seems to give the appearance of actually being from an altitude of greater that 500 feet. Most peculiar....

We now proceed into one of the Common Rooms of the Upperclassman's Dormitory Floor (the third floor) where we join Tylara (Delunamanth Tylarapelotheenia) and Durgeon Firebelly having one of their ubiquitous debates about racial relations. (Tylara usually wins these debates, because, like most females, she is usually more prepared to escalate the debate into out-and-out bloodletting.) Let's listen in....

(Other students are arriving and leaving in a fairly constant stream, as classes have just dismissed for the day. All players should enter and either choose a side of the debate to support, work on your homework, read the campus paper, or however else you choose to occupy your time.)
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American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Durgeon (Dwarf Conjurer)

"Dangnabbit, you, you confounded pointy eared, glade prancing, fey-wannabe, they do too have beards. Now listen, flora, you can take your silver tongued, elitist, ear-wagging, tree-hugging, dance party somewhere else. You don't have a clue about dwarven women. All red faced and blustery, Durgeon throws his hands up in exasperation "Gaaaahhh!" and stomps over to the farthest desk he can find, drops his dragonhide-bound spellbook on the table, scowls at her, and then sits down.
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Tylara Grey Elf Conjurer

"Now my dear Durgeon, let's be honest. Even though I'm not a dwarf, thank Corellon, I suspect that I know more of dwarven women or any woman for that matter than you do." She tsks sadly as the dwarf retreats just when the discussion gets interesting. She adds to no one in particular, "I could have just summoned a dwarven woman and solved the whole matter, but I doubt Durgeon would be able to take his eyes off his own feet in her presence to see the truth of my assertions." She settles languidly into a chair and begins munching a moderately overripe pear from her bag. She takes up a paper she has been working on for the permutations on summoning of elemental beings class and begins to make some corrections.


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Durgeon (Dwarf Conjurer)

Durgeon, even more red faced than before stops mid page-turning and looks up to her "Flora, do you really think you can just summon up a dwarf like were some sort of extrplanar creature ripe for summons? Oh, I forgot, you probably missed that day. *Grumble, Grumble* '...conjurer' *Grumble, Grumble* 'planar..' *Grumble, Grumble* 'dear Durgeon' *Grumble, Grumble* 'Hrrumph!'

[OOC: If I get to be too much, let me know.]
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Tylara Grey Elf Conjurer

"Oh do stop that grumbling. Just because you can't make a dwarf woman appear doesn't mean that I can't." She smiles sweetly and tosses her pear core at a nearby trashcan. Unfortunately, her smooth actions are spoiled by missing the can. She discreetly calls up an unseen servant to clean up the resultant mess and focuses back on her paper. After flipping a few pages she sighs and gets up and goes over to Durgeon. "Look no hard feelings. I really could care less if dwarven women have beards or three breasts for that matter. Let's not feud, I have a new spell I've been just mastered." She dangles her working spell book before him and waggles it temptingly. "Besides, I'll be it would be really easy to Summon a Swarm in that dungeon you call a room, " she adds with a wink. Tylara places a hand on his shoulder and leans over him. She runs a long slender finger over his book, "What do you say, got anything good in there to show me."

OOC: Apple toss (1d20+3=8)
(Likewise, somebody stop me if Tylara begins to offend too much. She's gonna offend some, but I'll try to keep it short of too much. ;) )


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Durgeon (Dwarf Conjurer)

He glowers his eyes at her, shrugs her hand off his shoulder, and the brushes her finger away from his precious spell book. "Wouldn't you like to know Elf. Summon Swarm... " *He looks around furtively* "Later.."

"Your paper shuffelig over there. Its basic Planar Methodology, right at the top of the page. Diagram 10-7 with the set of words on the page before and then you finish wit the 'Faerie Flourish'." *Shakes his head at her*
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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Pandak Kaswitikan - Dwarf Transmuter

Pandak saunters into the room, his tall gangly (for a dwarf) form dripping sweat in spite of the fact that he seems hardly winded.

"Kumusta, Ty! Grumblebelly! What are we arguing about today?"


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Durgeon (Dwarf Conjurer)

"... and another thing, Miss Faeri Princess, how can you not have wanted to study 'Advanced Planar Mechanics and Summoning Theory' prior to graduation in our field of specialty. That is like asking to become those fabled damsels in distress. You will end up summoning things that you know nothing about assuming you live long enough ..." Durgeon stops speaking mid-sentence and shakes his head in disbelief as Pandak enters the room and speaks. He stomps back to his table and grumbles "Gnome!" and goes back to forcefully shuffling papers and studying.
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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Pandak Kaswitikan - Dwarf Transmuter

Pulling at his sweaty clothes, Pandak glances around the room for a moment before 'coming to.' He snaps back to present time and place with a small shake.

"My lady Ty, I hope you have an excellent day! I have to clean up and hit the books. Got a test in Molecular Composition tomorrow and Professor Orfhlaigh promised to winnow out every last one of us that doesn't have the material down cold.

Make sure Grumblebelly stays focused - you get him thinking about the girls again and his grades will drop two or three points at least."

With that comment, he heads off to his room to clean up after his workout.
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First Post
When Alexandra bustles in, she has a package, a thick bundle of parchment, what looks like a tiny tree, and a vase all bundled together in her arms in a stack that covers her face...making her look like a pile of odds and ends with arms and legs, with a golden-blonde mop at the top.

"Excuse me!" she bleats desperately as she operates the latch and opens the door with her foot, while precariously balancing on the other...then quickly hurries through before the heavy wooden aparture can close. "Pardon me! Can't see you if you're in front! "Clear a path!"

She starts taking big, high steps towards the doors to the dormitories, as if terrified of stepping on something...or someone...volatile.

Voidrunner's Codex

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