• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Wilderlands of High Fantasy - Wots...Uh The Deal?


Geoffrey said:
I'd definitely go with the Wilderlands of High Fantasy boxed set. The Player's Guide, while good, doesn't hold a candle to the boxed set, which is the best d20 product I own. The City-State book is mostly a city. Though cool, how can it compare to the whole of the Wilderlands?
To be fair, it was the Player's Guide that got me interested in the setting. Upon reading that one, I immediately wanted to run a campaign in the Wilderlands, which reminded me somewhat of a Conanesque kind of game. Although the info might be somewhat sparse, the Player's Guide is enough to run a campaign there. It even contains a foldout color map. Of course, the box set then delivers the glorious detail, with the notable exception of any but the sparsest city info. At which point CSIO comes in, which leaves you at least with one fleshed out city; but a great one :).

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Princess of Florin
A Wilderlands thread that I haven't posted in? How did this happen?

I love the boxed set with all my heart. It's so inspiring that I have a hard time reading it for any length of time, because my mind wanders off on tangents of the hundreds of campaigns I could run in it. There is enough material in this product for a lifetime of campaigns.

You can start on any map and find something to fire your imagination. The players can go anywhere and they will stumble onto adventures. The random encounter tables make my rat bastard heart sing. :]

The City State book, while good, is really just a city. The Player's Guide is useful, but not essential. The boxed set though, is a masterpiece. I'm seriously considering buying a second copy to leave in the shrinkwrap, because I never want to be without my Wilderlands.


First Post
Buttercup said:
A Wilderlands thread that I haven't posted in? How did this happen?

I love the boxed set with all my heart. It's so inspiring that I have a hard time reading it for any length of time, because my mind wanders off on tangents of the hundreds of campaigns I could run in it. There is enough material in this product for a lifetime of campaigns.

You can start on any map and find something to fire your imagination. The players can go anywhere and they will stumble onto adventures. The random encounter tables make my rat bastard heart sing. :]

The City State book, while good, is really just a city. The Player's Guide is useful, but not essential. The boxed set though, is a masterpiece. I'm seriously considering buying a second copy to leave in the shrinkwrap, because I never want to be without my Wilderlands.

You missed the $25.00 boxed sets across from White Wolf at GenCon? Shrink wrapped and in "new" condition.


First Post
This thread has soothed my nerves - I was afraid that the C&C version of Wilderlands was going to replace the NG version.

I am very glad to know otherwise. While I like the 'retro' feel of Wilderlands I have no urge whatsoever to use a 'retro' system. :)

Now I can feel glad for those people who do play C&C who will have access to a great setting.

The Auld Grump


First Post
We already have access to this great setting. Now we will just have more. So will you since he is going to have d20 conversions available for download on any "crunch" that comes out. So we all win. Except for the gamers who will never go on the internet and see what is available to them.
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Princess of Florin
Treebore said:
You missed the $25.00 boxed sets across from White Wolf at GenCon? Shrink wrapped and in "new" condition.

No! Really? Man, I could just cry over this one. And to think I came home with money unspent!


First Post
Yep. They had about 12. I went there to buy a friend of mine (I think you've seen him around ENWorld-Grodog) and myself another copy. Unfortunately I waited too long. They were down to one when I got around to them. So Grodog got it, because it was his first copy and would have been my 4th (1 for me, then 1 for each of my kids to inherit).

Who knows? Maybe next year they or another vendor will have as good or better a deal for you. I can get my 4th.


Buttercup said:
.... I'm seriously considering buying a second copy to leave in the shrinkwrap, because I never want to be without my Wilderlands.

While I certainly appreciate the sentiment, if I were to get an additional copy of the Wilderlands, I would probably go with the pdf version. The Wilderlands 'box set' is in many respects well-served by the pdf format: you can simply print up the maps and descriptions of the area(s) that you want to use. It is a lot easier to print up the 30 or so pages that cover a particular region than it is to lug around the huge volumes in the box to games. Also, you can mark up the map, make notes in the text, etc., without feeling guilty. :)

I own the box set (plus a pdf version of the maps), but find myself photocopying the regions I actually want to use. In retrospect, I would have been better off with the pdf version -- although I don't regret buying the box set!

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