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Wizardru's Story Hour (updated 11/21)

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First Post
I should have included that.

Kayleigh says to Meepo "When word gets out that there are nasty ogres and drow and kobolds living in a fortress in the hills, adventuring groups are going to start coming to destroy them. What are you going to do when the first group of adventurers shows up? Huh?"

Meepo sheepishly points "They're over there working on the awnings."

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First Post
Note for the Readers:

I'm afraid we have finally had to bow to the forces of board mechanics. The thread was getting pretty big, what with having run so long. I finally broke down and pruned the thread, removing almost all the posts that were not directly part of the story.

It's not that I don't appreciate the feedback from all the readers; I truly do. A single hello or "Love the story" post is enough to make my whole day and I cherish each one. But there are limits to technology, and in order to make things easier on the boards and our hosts, as well as new readers, I've had to remove the posts up until the most recent ones. Please don't take this as an insult, and let me offer my thanks again for reading.


First Post
Ah, pruning is a fact of life around here. Don't worry about it.

I have to say, Kayleigh may be annoyed, but I pretty much laughed my butt off throughout the latest update.

Love what you've done with Meepo, Wiz... not to mention how much I enjoyed the raw annoyance Kay felt as I was reading through the update -- great writing, Zad.

By the way, how *did* Kobold Country stop the adventurers, anyway? Or are the new forces in this city so powerful even adventurers decided not to chance it?


Elder-Basilisk said:
Hmmm. An ogre mage paladin named Haggarak? It appears that Blackdirge has been contributing more than just foes to this campaign. (Even if the spelling has changed slightly...)
Shhh! Quiet...they'll hear you! :D

The disadvantage of this update being written from Kayleigh's perspective was that a few things were lost because she wasn't there. Which is by design, generally, but should be mentioned.

One: no mention was made of Lecter, the sole prisoner of Kobold Country's jail.

Two: Though hinted at briefly, Scorch actually spent a good amount of time with Morris Denby and his wife, the librarian from the Grey Guild. Any resemblence between James Mason and Dame Judi Dench are...well, they just are, is all. Scorch also dropped major coin on the Emerald Covenant, a group of Grey Guild ex-patriates located north of Ruun-Khazai proper, who Scorch has recruited as part of his growing power base.

Three: Only Valanthe bore witness to the Skullfire mages domestic life, and only she knew that Val was single-handedly responsible for the mage's psychosis...that our Sleepless one had already stolen her spellbook once before, on a secret mission for the Hammer. Pity her familiar...or laugh at him, which is what Scorch did. Of course, the fact that she got attacked by a rug on that mission came out, as well.

Four: Kayleigh pretty much thinks that Meepo is a total liar, but events pretty much bear out what he says. Namely that after the crack opened up and the Meepites went missing, he went into the underdark, hoping to find and even possibly rescue them. Instead, he had quite a few adventures, outwitting ogres and even two Illithids, and freeing more than a few slaves. Of course, when the refugees started coming, he took them in. Half the party was proud of this and the other half dubious.

Five: Aethramyr showed his true paladin nature again, making peace more than once. When the group first arrived, Kayleigh was walking around with a nocked arrow, and when she threatened to go on a killing spree, said ogre mage paladin was not about to allow that. As far as he knew, Kayleigh was in deadly earnest.

Six: Did we mention the puppies? Meepo's not the only one who's been busy while the group was away. Ahem.

Seven: That wasn't a female drow running away at the beginning. A very effeminate male, yes. The women would have drawn down on Kayleigh, given half a chance. Did I mention they work in the town Bakery? You know, the one that Bolo's...whatever she is, owns.

I'm sure there were other things, but I can't recall which. The details of the Great Goblin Road, for example. The amusement of Dravot when Forbin gave them the 'please don't smite us' treaty was pretty amusing.

It was a bit madcap, this session. :D
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First Post
Journal - Returning to Ruune Khazaai

Tired and hungry after our trip to Kalstrand, our arrival at Ruune Khazaai wound up being quite the surprise, both for us and for our new tenants. I nearly had my head taken off by an ogre who was moving a large oak beam into place for some construction project. When we recovered from our surprise, and the new occupants recovered from theirs, I left the group to find out what was going on, and went to check on our quarters. I gave Aethramyr a look and knew that he'd keep Kayleigh in line while I was gone.

Much to my relief, our quarters were untouched in our absence. In fact, someone had been in recently and dusted our rooms. At least the new-comers had brought some civilization with them, I thought as I scanned the area. As this was happening, I heard over the scales that Kayleigh was on her way to confront Meepo, and I hastened to make my way to where he was, in case there was any bloodshed.

The more we learned about what had been going on, the more bizarre things became. Drow, goblins, an entrance to the Underdark, mind-flayer prisoners…it just kept going on and on. Given information from Meepo, we split up and tried to find more information about the situation.

I tried to find out where the temple to Pelor was, and was given a bit of a shrug and a nod toward the ash trees over the hill. Zira, Thorkeld and I headed there and found a makeshift temple to St. Cuthbert. I asked the first person I found about a temple to Pelor, and the boy, probably a novitiate, fainted dead on the spot. Zira looked after him while I found someone with a hardier constitution and asked her.

Apparently, there was no temple to Pelor yet, but she wasn't certain why. I resolved to rectify this soon, but first I needed to move on and talk to the ambassador from Bissel, who was staying at the Inn.

The dour, but polite priestess of Cuthbert offered to escort us to the inn, which we gladly accepted. On the way, we came across some followers of Pelor. When we stopped to talk to them, they all dropped prostrate before my feet. Normally, I don't mind such behavior, but when one is trying to get answers, it can be highly annoying. I managed to get one of them, a Halfling to stand up and speak with me.

"Pray tell, my good sir, can you tell me why there is no temple to our Lord Pelor? Certainly there are more than a few of his followers here by now."

The Halfling kind of shuffled his feet, and looked down at the dirt. "Um…we were waiting for you to do it when you returned. Sir." I couldn't get him to look me in the eye.

I must admit, in my current state of agitation, somewhat influenced by Kayleigh, I lost it. "Must I do everything? Are you incapable of doing anything for yourselves? What if I hadn't returned for a year? What then?"

The Halfling began to cry. I just hoped that Bolo wouldn't hear about this as I tried to redirect my anger. "How about you start working on a temple right now? I'm sure that you can do it. Thorkeld and Zira here will be glad to advise you." I gave them each a look to make sure that they would only advise and not take over construction of the temple. The group assented readily and headed off to make plans and we continued on our way to the Inn, and met up with Kayleigh and Aethramyr on the way.

The inn was small but functional, and obviously of hastily built construction. I asked for the ambassador, and someone went to fetch him. Shortly thereafter, a dwarf came down the stairs, nervous and fidgety. He kept tugging at his shirtcuffs as he made his way over to us. I put on my best diplomatic smile and invited him to sit with us. He reeked of fear, but I tried not to let that show and tried to put him at ease, by ordering him a drink.

Forbin, that is to say, the ambassador meekly introduced himself to us. Clearly he wasn't really selected for this position based on any personal merits, but rather because he didn't say "No" quickly enough. It took me 10 minutes to convince Forbin that we weren't going to kill him outright, nor were we going to conquer Bissel.

Drink after drink, and eventually some lamb and potatoes managed to calm down Forbin and we were able to get some details out of him. It turned out that Meepo had signed a non-aggression pact with Bissel in our absence, as well as some trade agreements and managed to turn "Kobold Country", that is to say, our lands, into some form of semi-autonomous principality of Bissel. I called for the documents describing these transactions, and began to pour over them carefully, asking questions from time to time. I must say that I was quite impressed with the job that Meepo had done, but I wonder how much of it was Meepo's negotiations, and how much of it was outright capitulation on the part of Bissel.

Regardless, I amended the documents in several small places, all of which added up to no real changes whatsoever to the agreements in principle. As a test of Bissel's resolve, this ploy worked perfectly, and just served to reinforce the notion that we wanted to be left alone.

It was after that that we met with the beggar who was Olidamarra. I'm not sure what he's up to, but I'm glad that he's on our side, even if he doesn't want to admit it. I won't say anything aloud about it, for fear of jinxing it, but I'm glad nonetheless. I just wish that he weren't so obscure in what he says. Par for the course with him, though, I suppose.

After that, we evicted the mage and zombie who were squatting on the lands. As much as I wanted to obliterate the zombie, I was convinced that they were misled into coming here, and the less trouble the better for the time being. I told Scorch that one way or the other, the zombie was leaving these lands, and the zombie got to choose which way he wanted.

Thanks to the library demi-plane that Scorch found, I am now working on my newest magic item. The difference in the time streams takes a bit of getting used to, but I project that I'll be done with it within a few days on the prime.
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First Post
A small teaser...

After a night’s rest, I was no closer to a good idea of how to proceed, but at least I felt much better. Of course, being nowhere near Ruun-Khazai might have something to do with that.

I decided that it was time to seek wisdom from those would be better at thinking on the large scale. My first stop was the palace to see the Queen. I hoped that she could trigger new insights, as I sorely needed some.

The Queen received me, this time in the presence of a strange being, more artifice than alive. It appeared to be a metal ball with strange metal feet, and a single eye where a face might be. On it's back, two delicately crafted armatures looked like mechanical wings. Though it had no mouth, I heard a strange, lilitng voice emit from it, though in what language, I could not say. It's speech was set to a strange set of music that only played when it talked. The Queen gestured for me to wait, while she sang a conversation in the same tongue. After a moment they stopped, apparently reaching an accord.

The curious creature's wings began to move, fluttering like the wings of a hummingbird or perhaps a dragonfly. It lifted into the air, and then with a flash, disappeared.

Only then did the Queen motion me forward. "Yes, child?"

"Your Majesty, I find myself disturbed by any number of things and I was hoping to seek your council. I am in dire need of wisdom right now. First, are you aware of creatures called Primals, and do you know of any imprisoned in Celene?"

She had to search her memory a bit before responding. "The ancient tomes speak of beings by this name, but I know little else on the matter. Onselven would know more, as this is scholarly pursuit of his, I believe. I do know that if one were imprisoned here, I WOULD be aware of it. I am told that the locations of the binders have something to do with the locations of the primals...but I do not pretend to recall the details. Onselven is a fine teacher, but in my younger days I was a poor student."

A shuffling gait and the echo of staff to stone heralded the timely arrival of the Queen's counselor. Onselven looked desperately tired, as if he had been at a great task for some time. He leaned more heavily on his staff than I was used to and the staff was a simple wooden one rather than something more elaborate. But for all it's simplicity, it projected a greater presence than the ones he normally bears, though I could not discern exactly why it seemed so.

"Woe for the kingdom had you been remained so, Majesty," he said in a tired voice.

The Queen questioned him but was not reproachful. "Master Onselven, We have been waiting on you. I had expected your aid in negotiations."

"My apologies, mistress. Reinforcing the palace defenses is a more time consuming task than we first thought."

I repeated the question to Onselven, who looked at me as though he was noticing me for the first time.

"The Primals? Yes, I know of them, Lady Kayleigh. They came before the Elves, before the Dragons...before all the others. They are for whom this plane of being is so named. They came from elsewhere, and met here, in this place that we now call home. Where they came from, and why, I do not know. It is a great mystery. All that I know is that the Leshay and Dragons joined together and made war upon them, and found a way to inter them that is lost to us. Where they did place them I do not know."

I nodded. “I see. Well, perhaps it would do well for me to combine my knowledge with yours in case it proves useful in the future. I know the Primal of Disease is imprisoned below Brindinford, and I believe the Primal of Water is contained below Kalstrand. Orcus’ undead forces have recently taken Kalstrand, and we found them taking steps to flood the city. We believe this is related to the water Primal, but cannot fathom why Orcus would want to release it or how he could harness it. We stalled their designs but it is only a temporary step.”

Onselven took all this in and added “I shall refresh my mind on the Primals at my first opportunity.”

I turned back to the Queen, ready to go on to other things. "Of late, it seems the assorted gods of good have distanced themselves from the Prime. Their agents have withdrawn from many off-world places such as Sigil, and they are not taking a hand in the radical events happening in our world. I went to Arboria in an effort to redeem the captured souls of our bretheren, but the host would not even speak to me, and Dravot was also told that there would be difficulties in contacting his god. I am at a loss to understand this. One being told me that they were staying their hand, lest the Prime be crushed in a war of titans, but it seems the alternative is to consign us all to Orcus and Fraz's plans. Is it possible that the divination binder could shed some light on this whole situation since the divinity will not?"

The Queen talked as if this were a simple matter, but I could see it troubled her. "It is not just the good gods who have removed their divine agents. All deities not native to this world are gone. I have faith that Corellon will protect us in our hour of need. Perhaps the divination binder can help, but what would you have me ask of it? I trust little that I have learned of the Demon Prince of Deception through the binder. Powerful as it is, it is not immune to deception by one such as Fraz, who was tricking mortals before it was conceived. I would aid you, but I need to know what it is you would know, or try to know."

This was the answer that I had expected. I could not help but express my heart's fears where the gods were concerned. “As for Corellon, my heart tells me that he will protect us. But my fear tell sme that he has turned his back on us. I pray my heart is right.”

“As for the other, I confess I do not even know what to ask. Indeed we are always constrained in that we do not know what questions need answering, and hence cannot seek information. This is by Fraz’s design I’m sure. We cannot even begin to comprehend his plans. Yet I am left with the undeniable feeling that with each step we take to stop our enemies, we take a step to further his designs. I am sure, though I cannot say why, that the attack of the githyanki was nothing more than a diverstion - a distraction orchestrated by Fraz to draw attention. At each turn he guides my path - how can we hope to thwart him if we constantly take the bait he has provided? There are times I feel as if I'm advancing his plans just by getting out of bed. But there has to be something better than complete inaction."

The Queen of Celene thought about this for some time before answering me. "If what you say is true, then you need to do something completely unexpected. A being such as Fraz lays plans within plans, but even he has limits. It may be that you have already confounded some of his schemes, though he has prevented you from being aware of it. He is the rarest of creatures...a patient demon. You need to find a way to strike at HIM, and not his distractions. If the Githyanki were a distraction...." She shuddered at the thought. "There must be a way to change the rules of his game. I will meditate on this."

The Queen had echoed my own thought and I had to say it out loud. “Aye, we need to change the rules of this game.”

There was one other small matter I had to mention but it would require some explaining. I quickly sketched out the release of Ralishaz and the appearance of Ruun-Khazai on the Prime and then went on to the troubling bit.

“Due to the actions of a certain kobold, which were I to tell you them you would call me a liar, there is now a very active community there. It includes many freed slaves and many refugees from a war in the underdark. Among them are well over a hundred dark elves. Whether they are truly "redeemed" I cannot say, but they are there."

The Queen went from pensive to serious. "I can have a hundred bows and three mages at your side within the hour. If they are not seriously entrenched, culling them should be a simple enough process. We shall not suffer..."

"My Lady", Onselven intterupted her. "The Suel God Ralishaz is a matter for concern. He is a master of chaos and strange chances. This matter changes everything. Do I understand you to say that you have been living in a fortress that has been in contact with the Suel's lord of fortunes for over a century?"

I had been trying, unsuccessfully I’m sure, to suppress my smile at the thought of eliminating the drow enclave as a threat. But Onselven’s question made the smile fade fast enough. “I do not care for them either My Queen. I believe Aethramyr has extracted an oath of some form from them, but I know not its nature, and I fear he does not realize how little such things mean to the dark ones. If it is your will, I will destroy them."

"But as to your question Onselven – yes, that is the essence of it."

The Queen was puzzled. "Meaning what, Master Onselven?"

"Meaning, my Lady, that we should take care for any rash actions. I appreciate your...zeal...where the Storm Lord's children are concerned. But there are weighty matters to be considered. I must consult my charts to see what kind of significance this holds for us all."

The Queen was not completely convinced but she was cautious. "Very well, we shall wait on your words, Onselven. If I mislike them, then Kayleigh is to kill every one of these abmoinations."

I shared the Queen’s mind on this. “Onselven is quite correct about Ralishaz – he governs unusual happenings, and often for the better. But know that if it is Your will, then I shall see to it they are destroyed.”

With that, I thanked the Queen and cursied and withdrew. She had given me much to think on, and triggered the start of an idea. While I considered it, I went to seek more council. This time I went to the quiet glade where the Celenian told me I could speak with him if I had need.

I found him where he promised to be, where I left him just days ago. He sat, motionless, covered in snow as if he had not moved for days. He remained in silent meditation as I approached, until he suddenly opened his eyes. They betrayed no emotion, save a sense of calm. Then while I watched, the snow crawled away from him as if it were a carpet someone were rolling up.

"Hail, Daughter of the Forest. What words do you seek from me?"

I spent some time relating the tale of our attack on the githyanki in Celene and then our assault on the Lich Queen. He seemed disturbed by the fate of the lost elven souls but said nothing. After I had finished, I went on to my questions.

"You spoke of the primals. How many do you know the prisons of? Are there any in Celene?"

"Once there were nine Primals and nine Prisons. Three gods of light came and sealed the prisons, to ensure that they could not escape. Only the divinities knew the location of all the prisons, and I only know the location of one. It is the prison of Earth, and it is located at the bottom of the Wislanna Dallisa...what is now called the Nyr Dyv. Each being was placed in a prison built in an element that was foreign to them. They are rendered weaker when they are out of their own element. Each prison was unique, but protected by powerful wards and forged, at least in part, of Isometril, an ancient ore fashioned by my people."

Now I knew at least one more than I used to. I then asked about Fraz, hoping that his longevity would give him an insight into the larger picture.

"I know little of this being you speak of. Demons came after us, I think, or perhaps came before but did not reveal themselves. For whatever reason, they never chose to trouble my kind. They commerce in souls, and we are of little use to them in that respect, for our souls are sealed and wholly ours. They cannot be sold or bartered. Such being are only concerned with two things, possessing power and obtaining power. Seek to what power this demon seeks, and how he hopes to obtain it, and you will understand his designs."

I thought a moment, the idea begun with the Queen forming further here. “Demons seek souls. Perhaps I have worried too much about the why. Perhaps there is something that can be done after all.”

“I thank you, elder. The Queen’s words sparked an idea, and you have given strength to that spark. Perhaps I can cause that flame to catch.”

I left him to his meditation and went to do some of my own. Perhaps the secrecy is the thing…

This just might work.
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Argent Silvermage

First Post
Bolo awoke from a nightmare in the dead of the night. Windsaber, awake and standing next to the would-be grand druid says, “You smell of fear.”
“It just occurred to me what a perfect place the Underdark would be for the Shadow King to use. It’s a natural weak point in the world’s defenses against the Shadow realm and with all the infighting there is a very good chance that they would not even notice a new player on the field if they kept to themselves. Now I’m actually worried about Geo and Wilo’s safety. Maybe I should whisk them away to the grove.” Bolo said. “And please eat some of the mint leaves I gave you. The smell of raw meat on your breath is a more than a bit disturbing.”

The dire Lion simply harrumphed and lay back down at the side of Bolo’s hammock in the gardens of the ruined Pyramid at Ruun-Khazai. Bolo did not sleep again that night.
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First Post
Undying - Chapter 4

Undying – Chapter 4

OOC Notes:
Experience: 21st = 3675, 22nd = 2900, 23rd = 2000.

Reader’s note: Yes I know you don’t care about exp but this is also our historical record of the game. Also we had a lot of different activities going on this week, so don’t be surprised if you hear from other characters.

Ring of disintegration
Wand of Raise Dead, 1 charge

This Week’s Adventure:
I now had a fairly good idea of what I wanted to do. What I didn’t know was how to go and do it. It would take some research and digging on Scorch’s part to find out what we needed. So when he let everyone know he was heading to the Stone Tooth and the Glitterhame to speak with Durgeddin, it was a perfect chance to handle two things at once.

Durgeddin had appeared in the forge. No longer the dwarf he was in life, he was now an astral deva of Moradin. But even as a celestial servant, he returned to the forge to do that which he had done so well in life. Durgeddin was also one of the two people we knew of who knew the secrets of creating supremely enchanted weapons, which made his counsel most valuable to me.

I appeared just outside the Glitterhame and met up with Scorch and Valanthe. The mountain now had a stone tower projecting out one side – it belonged to a wizard called The Concordant that Scorch needed to speak with. While we walked, I sketched out some of my ideas to Scorch. He appreciated them for their somewhat underhanded quality, and agreed to undertake the research of the destination of stolen souls as well as finding some of Fraz’s likely enemies.

The forge itself was revitalized and beautiful. Many improvements were made, but the greater beauty was just in seeing it vibrant and alive with activity rather than a festering refuge for orcs. We proceeded deeper into the mountain, and at the great staircase Scorch went off to speak with The Concordant.

Scorch entered the tower and found The Concordant quickly enough – a spectacled man sitting behind a desk writing furiously. He looked up from his work with one thing to say.


“I mean. Wow. You’re Scorch. THE Scorch. Wow. I mean… well it’s just… that is…”


“This is just… wow.”

“Oh but you didn’t come for this. You need to look at this. Come here.” The Concordant then showed Scorch an egg. Normally if you break the egg, the soul would fade off into the astral to wherever those souls go. But using a special lens, Scorch could see the soul twist until it hit a current in the ether, and then a tentacle wipped out and grabbed it.

“It’s not supposed to do THAT,” The Concordant explained. He was becoming quite excited at discussing these things with Scorch, but was at least still making sense. “Astral mechanics are all messed up right now. Something is messing with the whole potential soul thing. Someone is routing certain soul… wavelengths. Weak souls are getting pulled into these currents. Normally they would disperse but they’re getting caught in the tide.”

Scorch listened carefully, then asked “But where are they going?”

“I’m not sure. The tentacle is linked to the Far Realms. But where are they going? I don’t know. I suppose we could set up something to track it. Take some time of course.”

Scorch had no trouble recognizing that this was linked to our current situation, and tracking was critical. He was relaying key bits over the mental link, and repeated a question I asked him: “How long will it take to set up?”

“Hm… Hard to say… I’d say about eight days with the right help.”

“Very well,” Scorch nodded. “Get cracking on it. I’ll arrange the help you need.”

To this, The Concordant could only reply “Wow.”


Valanthe and I descended into the cavernous forge. At one of the anvils was a dwarf with greenish skin and feathered wings, pounding at a sword blade with equal measures of force and care. We just stood quietly, not wishing to interrupt a delicate process. He noticed us there, and nodded once in greeting but otherwise did not pause in his hammer strokes. Valanthe went off to speak with the Hammer and I waited, watching a master at work.

After an hour of heating and hammering, he nodded at the blade in satisfaction and quenched it in a bucket of thick amber liquid. He turned to nearby dwarves, all of whom were eager to aid and learn from the legendary Durgeddin, saying “The blade is ready for decoration. Bring silver.” Only after the dwarves had gone off did he come over to speak with me. Despite the heat and hard work, there was no sign of sweat or strain on him.

“Greetings, Master Durgeddin,” I said as I curtsied slightly.

He took in the sound of his name as if it were unfamiliar to him. “Hail. It is good to see the forge back in the hands of dwarves, doing what it was meant to. You are one of the ones who made that happen. I thank you for it.”

How could scant years seem so long ago? “I am glad I was able to help. I am grateful for your thanks, but it is not why I came. I seek your council and wisdom. Those that should know tell me you are one of two beings who have the skill and knowledge to produce enchanted weapons – weapons that transcend the magic of mortals.”

He sat on a rock shelf and stared at me in silence for some time before answering. “Aye, I have this skill. But my skill is not suited to create a weapon such as you would use. My skill is with steel and fire. But I can show you the way and pass on some measure of that skill.”

“Tell me, mistress elf, do you seek to create something lasting?” I nodded in reply. “Well it is not a simple task, but it requires more earnest nature than true skill. It requires a piece of your very soul, and the right ingredients to bind the unique properties of the item. And it requires the right place and time.”

At that I sighed. “Aye, time. That is something I have in short supply these days.”

“Ah it’s not a matter of how much time. It’s a matter of picking the right time. Such things can’t be made on a whim – they require the right time of day and year, when the cycles are aligned. And you would not create a weapon of power on the same day I would. For the dwarves, Firemeet is a very powerful day. But for you, that would be the Days of Melting, which are starting now. The Equinox is the time of the elves, when snows recede and life is renewed.”

“Now as for materials, you already have the most important part. But you will need others as well. But you need to chose the soul of the bow first.”

“Well,” I said “I have had some ideas.”

We spent hours. We talked about properties, spells, materials, and the very living soul of wood and string. By the end, I had a clear vision of what shape this staff would take and how to make it so. I had a lot of work to do before the equinox but it could be done.


I was speaking to Hammer, Scorch and Valanthe about materials when Aethramyr called over the scales: Ruun-Khazai was under attack by Gulthias horrors. He was going to go engage them.

I sighed. Hard. As far as I was concerned, you could hang the whole place. The defense of “Kobold Country” was Chief Meepo’s problem from where I stood. But that didn’t matter – they were attacking Aethramyr, and that would not do at all. And so with a popping noise, we returned to Kobold Country.

At first glance, the large moving trees looked like the same ones that we had repulsed in the attack on Brindinford. But these trees were oozing a thick bloody sap, and wherever they walked, they corrupted the very life around them. As they lumbered closer, I realized the branches were formed into two distinct heads, and they carried a massive spiked club in each arm.

[OOC: I’d like to point out that Dravot arrived from the research demi-plane just after we teleported in. He used a Gate spell to show up. I point this out as it is the first occasion that someone in the group has used a ninth level spell because they were just too lazy to walk. :)]

Windsaber leapt at one and brought his jaws down around the trunk of a leg. And stayed there. The thick sap held him firm until with a second effort he wrenched free. Well, we wouldn’t want things to be too simple now would we?

We swung into action, releasing volleys of arrows, fire storms, and a sonic Meteor Swarm. Valanthe used some oil on Shatterspike to make sure it wouldn’t get stuck on the trees, and Aethramyr put it to good use. Within moments, the horrors were all destroyed.

A blind kobold could have followed where these things came from since they left a trail of blighted vegetation in their wake, and that’s nearly what happened. We started following the trail backwards when we found Meepo, who had done the same thing and subdued a human in plain robes. He had a wand in his hand and a conspicuous ring on his finger. Behind him there was a large area of disturbed earth giving the distinct impression that a large ring gate was used recently.

As we walked over to the human, he began waking up. I was hoping that as soon as he saw himself surrounded by us, he would be overcome with a friendly spirit of cooperation. Instead his eyes went straight to the ring on his hand.

The next instant, the ring was all that was left. It hung in the air for a moment, along with the dust that was all that was left of the man’s body, then fell to the grass below. I’m not entirely sure if he knew the ring would completely disintegrate him but I have the feeling that he wouldn’t have used it if he did.

I wish I could say I’m surprised, but I can’t. Fraz always covers his tracks.
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Zad said:
Ring of disintegration
Wand of Raise Dead, 1 charge

Heh. Worst. Lewt. Evar.

Just so we're clear, that's a ring of distintegration, target: self only.

Poor, poor Dwegman. Or rather, I should say DWEGMAN. As in: DM Wouldn't Even Give Me A Name. Also known as Mook # 127. To clarify further, he thought the ring was his way to evade capture...which it was, just not in the fashion he expected. It may have sounded, from the writeup above, that he intended to reduce himself to ash, when quite the opposite was true. He was terribly disappointed, I can tell you.

Zad said:
Scorch entered the tower and found The Concordant quickly enough – a spectacled man sitting behind a desk writing furiously. He looked up from his work with one thing to say.
Zad said:

“I mean. Wow. You’re Scorch. THE Scorch. Wow. I mean… well it’s just… that is…”


“This is just… wow.”

The two things one needs to know about the Concordant are this: his bat familiar has a bladder-control problem (just ask the Hammer) and he reminds Scorch of nothing so much as a member of the Lone Gunmen from the X-files. This whole act highlighted something that Scorch, the character, hates...everyone knows him in the magical community, now...and most of them just assume he's the head of the guild. He's not Scorch, he's Scorch. Of course, what you don't see reflected quite as much here is how much Empire-building Scorch has been doing. Every visit to a mage translates into a little cash (or, in some cases, a LOT of cash) being dropped into their coffers, and a foundation being laid. Scorch is rapidly gaining influence over a large chunk of mages, which is pretty good when you consider that I play almost all NPC wizards as neurotic wackos. I think I can blame Glen Cook for that.

Zad said:
[OOC: I’d like to point out that Dravot arrived from the research demi-plane just after we teleported in. He used a Gate spell to show up. I point this out as it is the first occasion that someone in the group has used a ninth level spell because they were just too lazy to walk. :)]

One of the funniest moments of the game. Meepo bursts into the demi-plane, and before nearly getting smacked around by the Card Catalog Shield Guardian, indicates that the town is under attack. Dravot casually uses a Gate spell to jump from the demi-plane to the town square, taking Bolo with him. Zad just stared at him, incredulous. "Wait a minute...you're using a Gate spell to get there?" Dravot just smiled broadly and stared back at him. "Yup."


Zad said:
Valanthe used some oil on Shatterspike to make sure it wouldn’t get stuck on the trees, and Aethramyr put it to good use.

From the Arms & Equipment Guide...which is like Val's Acme Catalog. She buys seemingly innocous, marginally useful items out of that thing, and then pull them out of a belt pouch at a moment's notice. It certainly made this combat a lot easier for Aethramyr.

Destan said:
Au contraire! I wish more SH's included this sort of information. I love when authors peel back the story to show a little bit of the mechanics behind the tales, or when the DM's pull aside the DM screen to explain their methods or thought process.

On an unrelated note, I think I've enjoyed reading the updates more since you guys officially went "Epic" - and I originally thought the opposite would prove true.
Well, thank you kindly. It's proving something of a challenge, but I think we're doing OK. I've got a lot of balls up in the air, and it's nice to know that the group seems to think it's working. I had my doubts, I don't mind telling you. The combat ran about as I expected, being an interesting battle, but of no real consequence to the Meepites. With Scorch, Bolo and Dravot all having mass damage spells that are shapeable, things get ugly quickly.

For the curious, I've posted the stats for a sample Gulthias Brute in the Rogues Gallery thread. They're a little underdeveloped, as I put them together without much thought (adapting them from some work of Psion's), but they did the job.
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I'll see about posting some mini pics to the thread soon. Honest.

In the meantime, here's the stats on one of Valanthe's blades, the deadly ShadowCut.

Sceadusceaft ("Shadow Cut")
Shadowcut is a Jade Vitaesis blade forged by the Diamond Prince.

Shadowcut: +6 Chaotic Vitaesis Medium Longsword; AL CG, INT 13, WIS 10, CHA 13, Ego 17; Empathic communication, 60 ft. vision and hearing

Lesser Powers: Darkness 3/day; Locate Object 3/day, change from longsword to shortsword or back as a standard action.

Special Purpose: Defeat the Shadow King and his Minions

Dedicated Power: 15d6 Greater Shout 3/day

Personality: While incapable of speech, the blade of the Shadow Hunter is strongly attuned to it's purpose, and makes it's feelings known to its wielder. A blade of considerable power, it hungers to eradicate all evil shadows and corruptions of the Mirror Prime. It rarely likes to let an enemy shadow escape or even survive, no matter what the circumstances. It openly defies lawful agreements which prevent it from serving justice to any who would corrupt the Mirror Prime. It is believed that a former Jade Prince placed a fraction of his soul in the blade, but this is conjecture.

Like many intelligent magical blades, Shadowcut can make itself glow with an inner magical power at will...unlike others, though, it can also summon the darkness, too. Sceadusceaft is currently on extended loan to Valanthe the Sleepless, as a tool to aid her in eventually stopping the ShadowKing by any means possible.
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