WotBS (conversion to Pathfinder) OOC


Thy wounds are healed!
a) how does one get less likable yikes!
b) the cleric role from Songdragon
c) I guess if you do have a death wish for the character than a close range spell like that would do it. LOL

I need to work on dieties as it is very open only mentioning 8 main gods and I have scoured the adventure for more info will have something before we start.


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Walking Dad

First Post
I woild like to take these traits (fresh from the APG):

Forlorn: +1 to Fort save.
Reactionary: +2 to initiative

I change from evoker to illusion (shadow) specialist (same as illusion, but different school powers (also from the APG).


Thy wounds are healed!
Yes it may not be so much in the beginning but later on when you are at the mage's school and all. Take what you wish and I will help find you time and extra XP to use it. ;)

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Thy wounds are healed!
Deities in our War of the Burning Sky Campaign.

[U]NAME                 ASPECT[/U]
Davendithas         Knowledge
Gracenys            Rulership                      
Alidiana            Magic
Jamven              War
Quimorel            Dreams
Zinnastine          Weather
Ravaonna            Fire
Hortumal            Creation

All the gods are unaligned, and each embodies both the positive and negative aspects of their aspects. There are multiple religions based on the gods, from those worshiping all aspects of all the gods to those revering only the negative or positive aspects of one god. While these are the primary spheres of influence of the gods, they are by no means the only things they have control over. If you want to add a smaller facet to a god to round out a concept for a character's beliefs, please let me know.


Thy wounds are healed!
The only thing in the above post that is mine is the names LOL. :p

I was in a game lasted all of 1.5 rounds that had this bases for a religion. And I think it will fit the game. How does it work. Well with my character I worshipped the goddess of fire. And my character was Lawful Good I choose to worship the fact that fire brings forth light and warmth (good aspects).

I could just as easily chose to be Chaotic Evil and chose to worship how fire brings about pain and destruction (evil aspects).

You as players can chose any or all the deities above and how you chose to interrput what their aspects mean to you from the way you play your character and alignment.

There are no evil gods only evil men. :D


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