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Would you allow this paladin in your game? (new fiction added 11/11/08)

Would you allow this paladin character in your game?


Funny, I was just wondering yesterday when this thread would resurface :)

Patryn said:
Hi all,
Haven't quite finished reading the thread so I'm still up to be persuaded but I think that Cedric shows the kind of nobility seen in Sam Vimes in Pratchett's disc-world novels (particularly the early ones and I wouldn't be surprised if old Sam was part of the inspiration for Cedric). Coincidentally the closest thing that they have to a paladin is Carrot who lives with a collection of 'seamstresses'.

I'm a huge Pratchett fan, actually, and Sam is one of my favorite characters, but I wasn't really thinking of him when I came up with the character concept. But he definitely has some things in common with Cedric. Cedric = Sam with Klatchian Coffee :D

Thunderfoot said:
I think the character plan is great and if you don't mind, I would like to use this template as an NPC in my campaign for a "fallen" hero the party is destined to run into.

Not at all. Have fun with it.

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First Post
Bump It Real Good

Don't you think it's time for Shil to update his story. For all those that want an update say YAY. For all those that don't want an update say YAY!

Thia Halmades

First Post
Ironically, I made this same argument without the fanfic. You can be a womanizing carouser and still uphold your code of honor. Assume that 'Paladin' does NOT necessarily mean attached to an order; it can simply be a calling. What, no Lawful Good person ever patronized a whore house? Shoot, he paid for it. The girls know how to deal with pregnancy, guaranteed.

Not only would this be legal for me, I'd encourage it to be played to the hilt. Both hilts.

LCpt. Thia Halmades (a Paladin, amusingly enough)


Canis said:
I can't help myself... YAY!

A little bit of Cedric would be a good thing :cool:
Cedric's pickup line: "Do you have a little paladin in you? Would you like to?"

Alas, with the combination of reading for my Ph.D. exams, working for a literary magazine (just got done proofreading a 300 page manuscript), and DMing two weekly campaigns (and playing in a biweekly one), writing more fiction on Cedric is very low on the list of priorities right now. I wouldn't go expecting anything till the winter break. By which time this thread will have surfaced three or four more times, I'm sure :)


shilsen said:
I know only one paladin who died of old age. Bodel the Shining, worshipper of Pelor. Oh, he was an inspiration to paladins everywhere! As long as you knew only of his deeds and never met him, sitting upright on a bed in a corner of a Peloran temple, gruel dribbling down his chin as an acolyte fed him. You see, Bodel once met a demon terrorizing a town and he unhesitatingly attacked. It didn't go as planned. The demon was much more powerful, and both clever and cruel. It ripped Bodel's arms and legs off, intentionally using its flaming body to cauterize the wounds so he would not bleed to death. Bodel spent the rest of his life, sixty years of it, sitting in that temple as an unmoving lump of flesh.

The temple of Pelor couldn't ever get the moxie together to organise a Regenerate spell effect? I would have thought it was a cheap price for getting a paladin back on the warpath. Probably cheaper than 60 years of board and nursing.

Rystil Arden

First Post
Agback said:
The temple of Pelor couldn't ever get the moxie together to organise a Regenerate spell effect? I would have thought it was a cheap price for getting a paladin back on the warpath. Probably cheaper than 60 years of board and nursing.
Maybe the demon did Vile damage and they couldn't figure out that they needed to heal him in a Hallowed area :lol:


The Sigil said:
However, I'm genuinely curious... if frequenting brothels, swearing, and drinking is not seen as dishonorable, what IS seen as dishonorable?

Lying, cheating, stealing, abuse of trust, betrayal, embezzlement, perhaps victimisation of the weak (though that might be seen as evil rather than dishonorable), perjjury, false witness, …


maddman75 said:
The answer depends on many variables. One of the most important, its clear to me as this debate goes on, is whether your world features are modern or medieval outlook.
I'd like to add a suggestion that your campaign might feature something else again, such as a pre-Mediaeval outlook. You know, with paganism and all that.

The Julio-Claudian dynasty, the one that established the Roman Empire, claimed descent from the goddess of whores.

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