X-Files season 10


First 2 eps have hit Hulu, so I saw them last night.

It's been awhile since I saw the original series/movies. Why does it feel like they've reset the button on "weird stuff and aliens" exist. It's like neither one of them remembers seeing all the weird stuff or being on an alien vessel in the Antarctic.

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It feels a little like Carter sat with Oliver Stone and watched Torchwood: Children of Earth for inspiration so far. Sure, the aliens may ultimately be in the background, but stupid humans are behind most of the crap happening.


How did you arrive to that conclusion?

it just felt that way from the first half of the first episode. Fox's comments to scully and the TV guy. Scully's comments showed lack of belief in any of this stuff, which given what she'd seen, you'd think she at least buy into; weird stuff exists, aliens seem to exist, government conspiracies exist. they just sounded like they disbelieved all the crap they went through


David Jose
Yeah, I'm not sure if I want to put the time into it; but if I'm going to watch more of the series, I'm going to have to go back and watch the first two episodes again cause I must have missed something.

Also, before I start, I'm going to apologize because I work in the industry and it has been insinuated once or twice before that it makes me a bit too critical.

First and foremost, aside from the returning cast members, almost every other major actor really felt like they were way too over the top. The sets were sloppy, especially Scully's hospital and Mulder's old office. Also, didn't someone tear it down or take the poster away in one of the old episodes or movies?

The opening exposition sequence has a stacks photographs, documents and IDs signed by Mulder and Scully, and then like a minute later they have the opening credits which have totally (totally) different signatures for them. Signatures so different that it stuck out to me, and I wasn't even paying attention to the signatures. You'd figure that maybe the prop department would have watched an old episode or two to match a recurring prop.

Sanjay and Gupta? Are you freaking kidding me.

The entire thing made me feel like I was watching a no budget, fan made show that somehow tricked Duchovny and Gillian Anderson into appearing in it.

I should have really gone back and watched the old episodes, I feel like a lot of the problems I was having with the story were because I was operating off of the story my memories had rewritten over the past years.

Fox has spent his entire life hunting UFOs. Hunting, asking questions, believing, finding things out, uncovering plots, having his belief challenged, discovering weapons, technologies, spaceships, and OTHER aliens, and even more coverups. Wasn't the entire reason he had gone into hiding because he figured too much stuff out and the Super Soldiers were looking to kill him? How did one afternoon of talking to a guy Mulder had already written off as a crackpot get him to totally give up on what he had spent the entirety of his life uncovering, and make him decide that it was all just a double secret government plot to fool people into believing in aliens?

It feels like they're abandoning the previous however many established seasons of the show to put a twist on things and have Fox and Scully swap roles, and then sloppily tie everything into 9/11 conspiracy theories.

The transition from not agents to agents confused me so much that I had to go back and watch the tail end of the first episode. I think that it would have been better to give them a little bit more runway to get them back into their old routines and explain why that happened. Hadn't Fox and Skinner's last conversation ended with them agreeing that something needed to happen, but that the system they had worked in was too flawed? And then they're back and they're going to get to the bottom of it all, and there are all those world ending, Machiavellian schemes and loose ends, and they...are investigating a random guy (graaaaah Sanjay Gupta!!!) who committed suicide?

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
I found the show to be rather sloppy myself compared to what they use to have for plots. I also have to give my own rant about black lung.

[sblock=spoiler] On a medical basis I am greatly limited on knowledge, but what I do know, I know to be right. Let's talk tracheotomy. That is what black lung was smoking through at the end.

I learned a long time ago in CPR/Heimlich maneuver training when I was in the Air Force that if a person could not breath, they could not talk if there is no air flow across the vocal chords.

I experienced it myself when I woke from an induce coma with a tracheotomy in my throat. It bypasses the chords in the movement of air with the ventilator machine and I was not able to utter a sound, not even a croak.

also, another spoiler, why did the ufo kill that girl?[/sblock]


I found the show to be rather sloppy myself compared to what they use to have for plots. I also have to give my own rant about black lung.

[sblock=spoiler] On a medical basis I am greatly limited on knowledge, but what I do know, I know to be right. Let's talk tracheotomy. That is what black lung was smoking through at the end.

I learned a long time ago in CPR/Heimlich maneuver training when I was in the Air Force that if a person could not breath, they could not talk if there is no air flow across the vocal chords.

I experienced it myself when I woke from an induce coma with a tracheotomy in my throat. It bypasses the chords in the movement of air with the ventilator machine and I was not able to utter a sound, not even a croak.

also, another spoiler, why did the ufo kill that girl?[/sblock]

I have to admit that I've seen very few of the final episodes of the original series, from the point after Duchovny left. I just lost interest, as the show just didn't feel the same. That might give me a different perspective on the new mini-series though I definitely do agree that it suffers from continuity issues and has a definite 'on a budget' feel to it.

[sblock]Presumably the "UFO" took out the girl because she was a loose end for the Illuminati types, who act from the shadows. Of course this has the added effect of helping confirm the conspiracy aspect of the whole thing, which seems to be at odds with whatever they hope to accomplish, but their whole conspiracy has been about as solidly explained as why glasses make Superman impossible to recognize anyway.[/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
[sblock]Presumably the "UFO" took out the girl because she was a loose end for the Illuminati types, who act from the shadows. Of course this has the added effect of helping confirm the conspiracy aspect of the whole thing, which seems to be at odds with whatever they hope to accomplish, but their whole conspiracy has been about as solidly explained as why glasses make Superman impossible to recognize anyway.[/sblock]
[sblock=spoilers! alert alert!!]I was thinking that, just not sure. as for the glasses / Superman thing, What are you insinuating?? That clark kent and and superman are the same person?!?[/sblock]


[sblock=spoilers! alert alert!!]I was thinking that, just not sure. as for the glasses / Superman thing, What are you insinuating?? That clark kent and and superman are the same person?!?[/sblock]

I would never insinuate such a thing. Everyone knows he's really Lex Luthor. All that "protest too much" going on.
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