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You are in charge of what WOTC puts out for DnD.


As for a book of feats:

At one time they seemed rather overloading to me.

However, they seem to have evolved into the crafting tool of preference for my players. Two of the most functional official books of late have been the PHBII and Dragon Compendium, precisely because of the selection of feats.

(I was actually disappointed to discover that neither Mongoose nor AEG have their feat compendiums in PDF.)

So yeah. I'd green light a feat related book or compendium.

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My thoughts are for a re-write of the 3.5 rules... effectively a version 3.75. It should be inclusive of all the various 'complete' books, 'heroes' books, 'races' books, environmental books, etc. and because of size issues ought to be divided up into volumes that cover certain aspects. Each concept should include all errata, revisions, expanded rule options (like the additional skill usages explained in certain books), extra conceptual ideas (like 'sage advice' commentary to clarify issues).

The Players Volumes could be divided into:
1. Ability Scores & Races
2. Base Classes
3. Skills & Feats
4. Equipment, various Mounts (with stats), transport (ships etc. with various rules), etc.
5. Spells (possibly divided up into arcane/divine/other tomes)
6. Variant Class or Race options (like what is being put into PH2, or substition levels)
7. Prestige Classes (although it could be argued to be included into the DM line)

DM Volumes could include volumes for organizing play, different locales or environments, magical items/places/artifacts/etc, planar rules, specific variant rules (taint, alternate alignment system, etc). Specific Setting's would supply the Deity Information, although a simple base group of deities might be supplied here or in the player tomes.)

And Monster Volumes could be broken up & re-organized into various volumes based upon monster types, and should include the extra stuff found in various tomes like Savage Species progressions (monster/paragon levels), non-setting specific Ecology, Knowledge tables,
1. Monster Rules (Monster feats, advancement, "savage species" type rules for those critters not fully explained in their individual entries).
2. Abberations
3. Animals
4. Humanoids.... etc.

Again, in all these instances the books should include all the various material presented in the various books so far... only reviewed, error corrected, play-tested, re-balanced, and otherwise quality controlled. Every little rule variant need not make the cut, but most is fair game.

For WOTC, the endeavor would be big, but not so big as many might think, as most of the material is already written and owned already, needing only to be re-organized and re-compiled (and likely with new art). It might be better designed as a truly electronic version accessed by subscription (like a paid website, no more expensive than say ENWorld) to allow for constant updating and revision without commiting to hard-copy (and expensive) books, although when appropriate Hard Copy books would likely be produced - I know I would want a set, just for the ease of finding stuff in a complete & organized set of tomes.

Again, if the company approached the project in stages, it could be viable and profitable to produce, especially as the world moves increasingly digital, and also because all the IP is already there - just needing re-organization. And this kind of endeavor would be compatable completely with any characters created with the existing book material with little or no updating necessary.
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Races of Water: Merfolk, Locathah, Sea Elves, and a few new races...

Hydronomicon: Sahuagin, Ixitaxhitl, and Morkoth and other subaqueous baddies...

A sourcebook for natural magics; witchcraft and shamanism

The Hagstone Chronicles: detailing a new source of magic and various new hags.


1. A series of Campaign Classics books. Each of the discontinued, old 1E and 2E settings - Birthright, Planescape, Dark Sun, Mystara, Spelljammer, Ravenloft, and, yes, Greyhawk - revisited for one 320-page hardcover, done in the style of the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, converting the key setting rules to 3.5. This would include 3.5 modron stats, with illustrations, for Planescape and compiled regional feats for Greyhawk. The campaign books would also include updated timelines for when the line dropped off. With Greyhawk, this would be current to the beginning of the current Living Greyhawk campaign year.

2. The next books for the Complete, Races and Heroes series: Complete Epic, Races of the Sea, Heroes of Comedy. Plus a big monster book for the fey.

Also, there would be less 160-page books and more 224-page and even 288-page books. A bit fewer products in favour of meatier and more thorough ones. Quality instead of quantity, really.
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First Post
A decent D&D starter (support for levels 1 to 4 or so) set.

Negotiate for Star Wars RPG so we could release at least two supplements a year (yeah right)

make good on the My Little Pony RPG tease :]
release a customizable card game with the Wizards of the Coast and Hasbro designers, we could call it "Wizbro-Hackopoly".

Nightfall said:
What? No Scarred Lands?! ;)

No. Bad Sage, no biscuit.


First Post
Here's What I'd Put in the Pipeline:
Heroes of Intrigue - A book focused on running political campaigns with backstabbing and all that. Possibly with a PC-centric 'Noble' class (sorry, the one in the DLCS sucks).

Fiendish Codex III: Scum of the Lower Planes (Title Pending) - A book devoted entirely to the Yugoloths, Night Hags, Demodands, Hoardlings and other miscellaneous fiendish scum of the Lower Planes. Preferrably with printed stats for ALL of the Yugoloths (done right, not that MMIII tripe), Demodands, plus some new creatures. 224 pages.

The Elemental Codex - A book about the Elemental, ParaElemental, and Quasielemental planes and the creatures that live there. It would also officially return the Paraelemental and Quasielemental planes into the planar cosmology.

The Codex of Giants - A book devoted entirely to creatures of the giant type, with more troll variants than you can shake a big, burning stick at.

Classic Adventures: Keep on the Borderlands - A new line of adventures, basically updates, of classic adventures from 1st and 2nd edition, beginning with KotB.

Greyhawk Campaign Setting - A one shot book, big and full of Greyhawk info, a large map of the world AND a map of the City of Greyhawk. No need to expand upon it with further releases, make it quite clear that this is a one-shot book.

Expanded Epic Level Handbook - People apparently like Epic Levels, so I'd do some research on what the 'best' and the 'worst' parts are about the original and either seek to expand on the better parts and fix or remove the worst parts.

Dungeoncrafter's Guidebook - A book devoted entirely to helping DM's build dungeons, with focuses on creating believable Dungeon Ecologies and making memorable encounters.

Worldcrafter's Guidebook - Like the 2e counterpart. Helping DM's to craft homebrew worlds.

I think pretty much everything I'd suggest has been mentioned already.

I'd like to see a "3.75" PHB and MM to incorporate the changes that have accumulated over the past few years (e.g., swift/immediate actions, changes to wild shape). No major revisions, just refinements that incorporate errata and smooth out a few areas.

A good single-volume Greyhawk setting book. The core setting deserves better.

A giants book.

Heroes of Intrigue, as described by Pants.

A feats compendium.

An SRD update that would include the bulk of Magic of Incarnum and Tome of Magic.

The My Little Pony RPG--because unlike Wizards, I'm not averse to making boatloads of money. :D


First Post
My ideas, and other people's ideas I liked.....

Turn the Epic rules revision into a multi-book process.
Book I - The basics. Have epic progression for ALL WotC classes to at least ten levels. Have all epic feats reprinted and balanced, with an appendix stating which feats that were epic (3.0) but are no longer. Revisit epic skill DCs, being slightly more (and less) reasonable. Some real Epic Prestige Classes. Some real Epic Magic Items. Epic Magic. Big section, one deatiling epic magic for Incarnum, Invocations, truenaming, binding, etc., etc. One section about the "regular magic" (i.e. Divine and Arcane spellcasting) that revises the Epic Spell creation and casting system, including how to translate those DCs into "regular" spells at what levels. (I know the Epic class progression for many classes and Epic feats have been pronted elsewhere, but it needs to be collected together, some for revision.)
Book II - The monsters. Possibly revisit the origional monsters. Not a whole lot had to be done with them, except for proper editing and math-fu. Lots of new monsters. Enlist some help from DiceFreaks and Upper_Krust.
Book III - The gods. Create gods that USE the epic rules. Yes, I would give the gods stats, but stats worthy of gods. ACTUAL RULES, not just suggestion, for acquiring DvR and transitioning to god-hood. Rules for creating Artifacts, though you would not HAVE to be a god to do so.
Book IV (possibly just web supplements) - The people. Revised stats for the Epic personas of the different worlds.
Release these Epic books one a quarter.

One FR regional hardcover a quarter.

One Eberron hardcover a quarter.

A new and updated Arms & Equipment guide collecting all mundane and magical items from all the other books, along with new ones. In-depth rules governing (magic) item creation, and alternate rules for magic items creation (i.e. a no-exp system).

One hardcover for GH and Planescape. ALOT of fluff.

Fully integrate web-offerings. Update the SRD. Add Manual of the Planes (fluff mostly). Add MM II. Instead of including sections in class and PrC write-ups about integration into different settings, turn this into a web-enhancement for each setting.

Continue the minis with the same progression of Huge and Starter sets as already mentioned.

Create COMPLETE adventures (MSRP ~ $50). Include full color maps and miniatures for most major encounters.

Fiendish Codex III - 'nuff said.

More moster specific books. (Don't need to cover every kind of monster, but some additional ones would be cook. Golems, giants, maybe fey.)

Possibly another run of three Hereos of books. (Intrigue, stealth, justice.)

MAYBE Races of the Mind (Psion's suggestion) using some of Shemeska's idea. Make this one primarily Gith (zeri and yanki) with one or two new races.

A Book/guide (possibly just a web-enhancement) deatiling how to run (insert specific setting here) games and how to play in them.

Also agree with Crothian about allowing reference and use of material not in the SRD by third party publishers. Limit just how much they would be allow to reprint though.

Tome of Shadows.

Dungeoncraft - Hardcover, written by Monte Cook. More than just a compilation of his articles. This could either be part of or sell in tandem with The Campaign Builder's Handbook.

Complete Rework of Oriental Adventures.

GREAT idea by JVisgaitis about the online virtual tabletop with voice. Even the "event" ideas are awesome.

Possible add the complete books to the SRD. If not them, then Tome of Magic and Magic of Incarnum. (Maybe create a policy that most books go to the SRD after two years....?)

Stop and destroy any development of 4th edition.


Nyaricus said:
Pick up Iron Heroes man, and you are set. Oh, and that's NO magic items, and an essentually optional Arcanist class. That;'s where it's at ;)

Got it and love it. And since Mearls is now working for Wotc, this goodness might spread to the gaming world in general...

Planescape 3.5 Hardcover one-shot ala Ghostwalk
Likewise for Dark Sun
The Rest of the Realms: Faerun’s other regions all in one harcover: Maztica, Evermeet, Zakhara, etc.
Greyhawk campaign setting.
Fiendish Codex III
Celestial Rolls, volume I: Aasimon (we’ll see if it sells well enough to warrant Guardinals, Archons, Eladrins, etc.)
Dictum: Being a guidebook to the realms of Law and their denizens.
Freedom: Being a guidebook to the planes of Chaos and inhabitants thereof.
Adventures published in premium fashion with non-random minis and climactic battle terrain sheet.
Player’s Guide to . . . for Eberron, Greyhawk, Forgotten Realms, Dark Sun, and Planescape, like the one published for Monte Cook’s Ptolus: distributed free as a PDF and at cost in print. Instead of another sourcebook, this should be a slim intro to give an idea what this world is and isn’t in contrast to every other world.
Myriad Worlds: a collection of very succinct campaign worlds and adventure hooks (two pages or less each, with illustrations)
The rest of the environment series: swamps, mountains, et al.
Historical Cultures for D&D: Eight pages on Greece, Rome, and Classical Adventures, Eight on India, Eight on China, Eight on Japan, Eight on Middle-
Americans (Inca and Aztecs together as though they were one or as co-extant) Eight Pages on Arctic Circle tribal hunters, Eight on Vikings, Eight on Celts, and Eight on Southern African adventures (like in Nyambe). This is only 64 pages and could be one of a DM’s greatest resources ever on architecture, variant classes, exotic spells, linguistic differences, whatever. A grab bag of crunch attached to historical fluff. All of the flavor text is already available, but a prestige class here, a spell there, and some exotic delicacies there can enrich an adventure, or even a campaign, better than yet another combat encounter with a fairly innovative monster.
Monster Manual V

Incomplete Player’s Handbook Series:
Complete Races: a collection of previously published and new PC races, including those from the player’s handbook and the various subraces thereof, and including the races featured in the races of series, with paragon and racial substitution classes. Possibly include a pantheon for some, or a race-exclusive spell-list, or other cool feature.
Complete Classes: Fighters, Sohei, Warlocks, Psions, Scouts, Wizards, but also Bear Totem Barbarians and flying squirrel style monks, celestial-blooded sorcerers. Every WoTC class for 3.x and variants for most of them. Perhaps include some highlight third-party classes like the Yogi.
Complete Skills and Feats: a compendium of skills from the PHB and splatbooks with variant and epic applications and a complete list of WoTC feats with a discussion of how to design, limit, and implement feats and skill uses in one’s own campaign. This would include a reprint of the skills portion of Unearthed Arcana, with simpler and more complex skill systems and a new discussion on the impact of increasing or decreasing the number of feats a character gets and the different types of feats like “only at first level” feats like the talents of AE and the feat trees like those used in Iron Heroes.
Complete Equipment: a new Arms and Equipment Guide with more options for magic item creation, more comprehensive random treasure generation tables and pre-bundled adventuring kits for first level adventurers to expedite the shopping for beginning PCs.
Complete Spells: A well-written collection of all of the 3.x spells. This would clearly be a multi-volume tome, so it could be divided either alphabetically, as the AD&D Wizards Spell Compendium and Priest’s Spell Compendiums were, but from a single complete spell list, or could be done by class spell list. Because of the immense overlap and the sheer number of minor casting classes, though, I believe that an alphabetical list is the best way to go.
Complete Magic: This one, I actually wouldn’t publish now, but it would have been what I would have done in place of the new Tome of Magic: A discussion of how magic works and a comparison/contrasting of the various magic systems in D&D and an examination of how they might be broken down and put back together in interesting ways (i.e. What if paladins got invocations instead of spells? Which is more powerful: spontaneous casting from a short list or prepared casting from a long list? What would a bard look like if his spellcasting were Intelligence-based? How would one build a power-slot psion instead of a point-based one?)
Complete Player’s Handbook Toolset: An expansion of the Description, Combat, and Adventuring chapters, this one, like Complete Magic, would get down to the “nuts and bolts” of the system and examine the rationale behind various rules (e.g. Why doesn’t falling damage incorporate acceleration and terminal velocity? Why do quadrupeds get better carrying capacity? Can I safely ignore AoO and forbid grappling, or will that change my game? How do I change/fix/ignore/eliminate alignment? What do I really need when designing my own pantheon? Why would a PC not just retire to blacksmithing/begging/casting Wall of Iron? Can I change the disabled, dying and dead thresholds? What are combat zones and environmental hazards.)

(In house) a workable plan for designing D&D4e for release at GenCon 2012

Voidrunner's Codex

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