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You Bastard! "A New Begining?!"[Players and Intrest Wanted!] [Feedback Requested!]


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I'm still here too! Haven't been around this part of the forum for long now, but I've been here on ENworld since YB and before. I also miss the simple beginings of the RP heavy YB game. There is something to be said for rules lite gaming though I confess to liking the rules heavier version also. Heck, I'd still love to play a wizard based version of YB with spells and stuff instead of martial arts. Maybe even make the system generic enough to handle either or any concept?! Probably too much to ask, but it'd be cool. Maybe use the same generator process but have a button for martial arts, one for magic, and one for Psionic that each generate the same type of moves with different wording to make them separate but equal???

Rathan! I just remembered. I saw Number47 on ENworld a while back but he's got a different user name now! I must have seen something in his sig or his post referencing his old username. I don't remember what the new one was though, sorry.

Anyway, I too would love to see some form of YB returned to these boards for play and fun. We could even keep all the rules on a separate website and just link to it in all the playing posts so that we don't clog up this forum like we did originally. I'd be willing to try and contribute some time to the project or resurrection, but I can't promise how much. That, of course, is what killed YB in the first place. Being stuck in limbo for too long with no usable rules to keep the game being played. Makes me wonder if hashing out new rules in the forums here is the best idea. Too much of a committee thing and not enough iron fist enforcing it's will on the weak willed peasants! ;) Just kidding! (Kind of...:p)

Anyway, I gotta get some sleep before work tomorrow...I mean later today. So I'll come back and see what fruit this discussion bears in a bit a go from there. Later all!

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YB actually sounds like fun. I missed out on it when it was beginning, and by the time I got around to checking it out it was in such full swing that it was just a bit daunting, so I stuck to normal PBP... Anybody wanna gimme a quick run-through of these 'simple' rules? It kinda sounded a lot like just normal free-form RPing, which I've been missing for ages.


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ok..... for a more.. rules heavy version of our old game Jemal... check out this site.. http://webpages.charter.net/midknight/yb.html it's the actuall website to our old move generator.... now.... aside from the paths and tiers... the top portion of the rules link at the top gives you a basic overview on how to PLAY the game.... in any version that it may be in and also conduct and the like.....

now... if you do check out the new tiers... you'd notice things get.... well.... power heavy... I aim to change that if and when I can resurect this passion of mine... I am pondering... at least to start to have it be exactly as you say... FreeForm RP.... which nothing but the match.... and the move and the judge... NO powers.... see how that goes and maybe add one or two buyable powers with Yen (explained in the rules heh) but no more than that..

I want this game taken SLOW... at least creation and rules wise... I think the over infulence of heavy powers and rules all too quickly killed thew game for some or most in the past.. I aim to keep it VERY simple.... let those people who want to play run away with character ideals and passions rather than ground them with heady powers and rules....

in a sense... if you want a caster..... just make the flavor text you post along with your move genereated be about him casting a magic missile.... or if you are more the boxer..... have him throwing jabs and punches as he floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee..... things to this nature......

this game WAS in fact the intended to be so utterly simple.... that people could do as they please (within reason mind you) and have as MUCH fun as their imagination would allow.... mind you I will be comming up with 'skeletal' paths and and the tiers to advance within them.... for now.. I beleive I'll just make them open ended.... no highest tier within the path.... person with the most notches on his black belt..... well they get bragging rights... simple as that.....

those of you that wish to help are more than welcome.. and it's a honor to share something I miss play so much with anyone and everyone.... I mean.. there's no prize... no money... no anything except fun with you imagination.. and that's what's so great and so missed about this game.....

- Rathan


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sorry... had to get that all out..... wow... Phoenix my friend.. it's been TOO long... I'm glad to see SOMEONE I used to know here is still around... I'd almost given up all hope..... it IS so good to see you and yes... my crazy little self wants our old game back.. and if I have anything to say about it we will... I emailed Morrus this afternoon asking if and when I do deside to push forward with this if I could have my own forum.. or even a subforum for the game as it used to have..... doing so would eliminate clogging of the current forums heh... please please PLEASE keep in touch my good friend and post more here... and as I said in the post above.... any and all help with this little endevour would be a bouns for me like none other :)



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for those of you who have seen the rule pages on the generator link.... and or who have played before you have seen how the paths are set up by now more than likely..... well I went ahead and made up some new paths.... that follow the four poles of metal pull.... Good, Evil, Chaos, and Law.... keep in mind this is just my brain spitting out a rough draft at 4:53 in the morning.... but I thought I'd post them and see what you all think.... any and all renaming suggestions will be welcomed and considered heh.... I also really liked the idea of signature styles in both the early and revised editions of the old game so I will more than likely keep those as well... what benifits they will give I've not thought hard enough on yet though.... suggestions here... again.. always welcome

Path of Good:

Tier 1/Unskilled: No Ranks
Tier 2/Honored One: 0-2
Tier 3/Enlightened One: 0-4
Tier 4/Virtious One: 0-6
Tier 5/Valient One: 0-8
Tier 6/Saint: 0-10+

Path of Evil:

Tier 1/Unskilled: No Ranks
Tier 2/Thief: 0-2
Tier 3/Dark Warrior: 0-4
Tier 4/Vile One: 0-6
Tier 5/Master of Shadows: 0-8
Tier 6/Dark Lord: 0-10+

Path of Law:

Tier One/Unskilled: No Ranks
Tier 2/Law Giver: 0-2
Tier 3/Defender of the People: 0-4
Tier 4/Warrior of Truth: 0-6
Tier5/Knight of Justice: 0-8
Tier 6/Paladin: 0-10+

Path of Chaos:

Tier 1/Unskilled: No Ranks
Tier 2/Mischief Maker: 0-2
Tier 3/Unpredictable One: 0-4
Tier 4/Havoc Bringer: 0-6
Tier 5/Twisted Master: 0-8
Tier 6/Lord of the Void: 0-10+

again just a rough draft... and as I said I want things to go semi slowly... so that's the reasoning for so many tiers for each path.... let me know what y'all think....

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Rathan... WOW! When the heck do you sleep?! When do you work for that matter?!

Well, color me excited too. Your tiers and ranks sound okay for now. My only question is whether or not things should be nailed down first before releasing it to the public. I know that can cause a downfall for the game too as it did last time. You see, I don't really believe that the abundance of rules is what killed YB2. It was the empty time between playing the game and waiting for the new rules to be released that killed it. It was all piled up on Kal mostly and we were waiting for it to get finished so we could start playing again. I fear that making up the rules as we go along and having it open for all to play while it's evolving will leave some on the outside waiting for the final rules to form so they can jump in and play.

What do you think of opening up 'playtesting' of the new system to a limited number of people until we finalize the initial rules? Then we could do a restart and maybe give the playtesters a leg up by starting one tier higher or something. Or maybe their playtest characters (one for each Path???) become NPC leaders of the initial dojo's for that path and live on in the world's history that way?

I can't believe you found Midnight's old generator and rules page!!! That's awesome! I had so much fun just clicking the buttons and making new moves and hands of moves! What I really miss isn't the system though, it's the people! Never did I have so much fun as I did spinning stories with Lady Tsin the White Spider!

Anyway, count me in for trying to get this revived and going. My oldest son is even interested in playing because he remembers how into it I was years back when it was going on originally. Definitely count me in for playtesting!

Gotta run for now. Too much lightning going on here to be on the computer right now. I'll check back later...


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As for the rules.... for now I want to stick to signature styles and rules for followers (dojo's) only..... see how the limited rules thing goes and add more as we go along... see what works.. and what doesn't and get feedback from those spectating...

Why don't your son and youself make an initial character if possible Phoenix in this thread and we'll give the masses a sense of how a battle might go..... again it can be anything your minds want to come up with.... I'll volenteer to judge and will get some moves and flavor text going on a explanatory battle for all to view?.... how's that sound? for these purposes give yourselves two siganature styles each.... and I'll post here what a signature style actually is so we don't confuse.... then we'll go from there to a match and show them all what it's all about..



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A little rules set I've been working on... the Powers are slightly new... or at least tweeked from the last version of the game.... the rules are more reworded and reworked.


These are the 'units' that a fighter strives to obtain to win the match over thier opponent. For this explination lets assume a fight was set for three flags to win the match. All three flags would start in a Neutral Position, i.e, 3 Flags Neutral. Opponent 1 jumps out into a commanding lead winning the first two rounds, giving him two flags leaving one flag still neutral. On the third round Opponent 2 finally chimes in with a win of his own. At this point a flag would be taken from Opponent 1 and returned to the neutral flags in the middle making the battle score in essence look like Opponent 1: 1 Flag; 2 Flags Neutral. And this seesaw battle would continue untill one opponent is able to obtain all three flags to win the match.
Unlike descibed above, this type of flag gaining method can make things move a bit faster. Instead of the flags moving back and forth between opponents from a neutral position, flags just accumulate as you win rounds. The first opponent to reach the set number of flags to win the match is victorious.

Types of Matches:

Regular Matches
In a regular match the winner of the insult round at the beginning the match will set a number of flags to fight towards. Each round a move will be generated by both opponents and a judge will base a judgement off said moves as how one move does aginst the other. The move that the judge chooses to prevail over the other will win a flag for the round. The match will continue in this way untill one fighter or the other reached to specified number of flags to win the match.
Strategy matches
In a strategy match, every three rounds, the fighters post five moves and subsequently choose which move they will decide to use. Judges are encouraged to pay special attention to moves that might well cancel out another's. After three of the five moves are used, another hand of five moves is generated. The advantages to this is that fighters can try and choose their best moves, are more likely to get a signature style and are able to attempt to match defenses to their opponents attacks.
Style Matches
In a style match the fighters use the generated move as a basis to describe what they do to their opponent. Judges must first decide if they think the description is fair based on the generated move, and they must then decide which description sounds more like a move that would garner a round victory. In a style move a better-generated move is a move that allows for good description. A good description is one that appeals to the judge as a round winner. It is the description of the attack, not the generated move itself that is judged by the judges in a style match. Obviously the better your writing skills the better you will do in such a match.

Powers and Character Perks:

Signature Style: If a character uses a move with a signature style he knows and wins the round, he wins an extra point. Fighters are immune to moves generated containing a signature style they know. Signature styles are normally chosen from the last style used to win the fight that led to the tier advancement. If this style is already known, the next move is used and so on. If necessary a judge can randomly choose a style for the fighter.

Followers: Once reaching the third tier in any path, a character can now choose to join a gang/faction/group/dojo or start one of thier own. Those wishing to start some sort of group for others to follow, let it be noted it can be anything really, from a gang in the inner streets, to rockband if you so choose and anything inbetween.
I ask those of which that choose to start such a group please use disgression on what is chosen, as you will not be allowed to have an all powerfull mob with connections out the wazoo. Choosing members carefully is essential, as only groups in good standing (i.e. with a winning record) may take in new members. A winnging recond means that each fight fought while in one of these groups by all members will be recoded victories and losses for the whole of the group.
An Example if you will; John Doe's just started his dojo and has recruited two new members. He along with his two new students each fight one match aginst an opponent that has challenged them. Two of them are victorious, the other was not. For terms of the Dojo's record it would be 2-1 as two of them were victorious and one suffered a loss. The Dojo is still in good standing but not looking so hot. Never-the-less they can still recruit new members as they still have a winning recond.
Unless otherwised discussed with the group leader, only the founder or current group leader can accept requests or offer admittance into his or her group.
A group may have diffrent paths in thier little gathering as well, but remember to keep this within reason. It is acceptable that a Law Path group leader my ask or accept a Good Path member to join his or her group, but not so much so for a Chaos Group Memeber to invite or accept entry of a Law Path to his or her group.
If a group leader wishes to remove a memeber from his or her group a challenge must be issued to said person he or she wishes to oust. This challange may either me accepted and fought, or the challangee may opt to forfeit the match and leave under his or her own valition. No loss will go on record for this forfiet of the leadrers challenge.
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