Young Justice

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First Post
It was mighty awesome! The animation was superb, the character design was very good and the interplay between the kids was top-notch.


First Post
IIRC, it has the same writer from the outstanding Spectacular Spider-Man show that ran for a couple of seasons (available on Netflix Watch It Now, for anyone interested).


IIRC, it has the same writer from the outstanding Spectacular Spider-Man show that ran for a couple of seasons (available on Netflix Watch It Now, for anyone interested).

Yeah, one of the two producers (Greg Weisman) wrote the pilot episodes for Young Justice. He was also one of the producers and writers for Spectacular Spiderman, and also Gargoyles (from the 90s - not counting season 3 which was done by a different staff). Both of those other shows were excellent shows.

I wanted to watch the Young Justice Premier but, alas, was unable to due to spill-over holiday visitors still taking up couch and tv space ;)

The series itself will run in January 2011, so I hope to be able to watch it then! :) Until then, I shall just envy all of you that did get to see it ;)

Diamond Cross

I watched it, it looks quite promising.

The animation is not Bruce Timm style, it is more like the DC Animated flicks of Superman/Batman Public Enemies and its sequel Apocalypse.

But minor things I don't like.

Superboy is Superman's clone. They don't even mention the background of how Cadmus was actually able to clone Superman.

I don't like the way they introduced the Manhunter's kid counterpart.

However, these are just minor things to me. The plot seems intact without an y major plotholes I can see.

What I did like about it.

I really want Robins wrist computer. Oh do I want Robin's wrist computer. It just looks like a wrist band but when he activates it a holographic image comes up complete with keyboard and screen from which he can hack into anything. This is affectionately know as computer pron. And I really really really really really really want one. Drool. Drool. "When you see it in the show you'll know what I mean.

I like that it actually involved the Cadmus Project. That is a rare thing indeed in the world of animation.

I halfway expect them to bring in Supergirl as part of the team at some point.

I'd also like to see Superboy develop a little bit more powers that Superman had. I can see it now "When will Clark fly!" But right now he is actually closer to the original Superman who could just literally jump tall buildings in a single bound. Just like in Smallville.

Overall I give it a B.


First Post
I'm sure how Cadmus was able to clone Superman will be addressed during the series.

Miss Martian's introduction was indeed abrupt, the only foreshadowing was the dialogue between Flash and Martian Manhunter when Speedy stormed out:

Flash: "Glad you didn't bring you-know-who?"
Martian Manhunter: "... Indeed."


First Post
Just got throught watching this. Great stuff. Glad to see a move away from the clunky big-head-tiny-feet animation style that became the dominant DCU style after Batman TAS. And the writing was sharp.

Superboy is Superman's clone. They don't even mention the background of how Cadmus was actually able to clone Superman.
Not sure what you mean about how. I think cloning is sufficiently well-established as a trope that we don't need an explanation on what cloning is. They scraped up some Superman DNA and started a project. What more do we need?


First Post
BTW, I'd like to mention how much I loved the Cadmus xenomorphs! The design and the abilities of gnomes, trolls and the unnamed "blade" xenos werevery good!

And Dubbilex never looked better!

Oh, and I also loved the Guardian's tiny buckler shield, as opposed to his usual Captain America-esque shield. Very distinctive.

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