Do the players get to know what number they got hit with?


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There are a few powers that allow you to do an Immediate Interrupt if they get hit by an attack, that allows them to boost their AC or such. However, it may not be worth it to do it if the attack hit by more than the bonus to the AC.

Are the players supposed to know what number they got hit with? I tried to find it in the rules, but I couldn't.

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James McMurray

First Post
Our GM doesn't tell the number (unless he's asking for your AC). I stopped memorizing Shield because of that. Expeditious Retreat (my other Utility 2) gives gauranteed results every time. Doesn't necessarily make it a better power, but it's more palatable to me that way just because I prefer certainty when deciding whether to take an action.


Our GM doesn't tell the number (unless he's asking for your AC). I stopped memorizing Shield because of that. Expeditious Retreat (my other Utility 2) gives gauranteed results every time. Doesn't necessarily make it a better power, but it's more palatable to me that way just because I prefer certainty when deciding whether to take an action.

Our GM usually tells us the number, so we don't have the same problem. I almost exclusively prepare Shield.
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James McMurray

First Post
I'd probably do Shield every time too, but in our last game Expeditious Retreat is what changed it from a TPK to a win, because it kept me from dying, and I managed to kill the baddie after my retreat was blocked and I had to go back. With my luck Shield wouldn't have stopped me from getting hit, dazed, knocked prone, weakened, dominated, and forced to jump back in a pit. :D


AFAIK, there's no rule, it has something to do with DM preferences - personally, I have a very open approach about numbers - I think obscuring such knowledge doesn't improve mystery (as such numbers are not in-world constructs).

In the case of shield, I think, it'd be at fair if the DM says whether shield would help or not, even with hidden numbers. Reasoning: It's the same with the powers that improve your attacks - you roll and it misses. By looking at your actual die roll, you get a rough idea how well you did and can hence judge it.

Shield should get the same treatment - the DM should at least say something like "it was a close hit" or "dead on" to help you to make your decision.

Cheers, LT.

I agree. I don't think the defense number that is hit is meant to be hidden. It makes so many powers a very poor choice and that is definitely not the design behind 4th edition.

I do think that it's fine that the actual roll be secret or in the open as the DM chooses. A little mystery never hurt anyone and within a couple attack rolls you can have a good idea of what a creature has as a hit bonus and that is a touch of meta gaming.


It's all up to the DM really.
Our DM doesn't usually tell us the numbers (at least not at first - but after a long battle with the same foe, he sometimes does to speed up combat), but, as it is, we can usually figure out the number after a few rounds of hit/miss rolls.

I prefer not knowing (at least not for the first few rounds) just because it turns the encounter in to too much mechanics. And, for me personally, if that means I wasted a power as a last minute ditch effort to save myself, I am okay with that (though I realize not everyone is).

What Lord Tirian said about the DM should say stuff like "it was a close hit" or "just barely hit you" would be a good way to handle it if numbers aren't said. That would defintaly help with the decisions.


First Post
I always tell my players the monster's AC, and also my attack roll numbers, and I tend to make special note of barely missed ot hit attacks ("The hobgoblin's attack barely passes beyond your shield to nick you..I hit with a 15", "You get your shield up just in time, and barely deflect the attack...I miss with a 14").


First Post
Given shield, staff of defense, periapt of wisdom, and other abilities, I think it's only fair to say the number you hit. It does go both ways, too - creature sometimes have similar abilities.

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