GODZILLA 2: King of the Monsters Trailer


Ack more humans! Let's see : We got Rodan, Mothra and king ghidorah..but no gamera friend to all children lol

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Staff member
Not too sure about that “unless all of the Titans are found” plotline. The critters look good, though, if a tad under illuminated. I’m also a tad unsure if Godzilla plus at least 3 other monsters* isn’t going to strain the running time a bit.

* clearly saw Rodan, Mothra, and Ghidorah. Could be more...


As I recall, Toho Studios (who made the Godzilla movies in Japan) were impressed enough with the recent Godzilla movie (where he fought the MUTOs - creatures made up for that movie) that they agreed to allow the US filmmakers to use Rodan, Mothra, and King Ghidorah. So unless they make up additional monsters for them to fight, the movie will likely focus on those four. (Although the recent "Kong: Skull Island" is in the same cinematic universe, so he's always a possibility - although they'll probably save him for a future "Godzilla vs. King Kong" movie.)

As for Gamera, he's the creation of a different Japanese company - Daiei - so expecting to see him in a Godzilla movie is like hoping to see Spider-Man make an appearance in a Justice League movie: wrong universe. :)



Mod Squad
Staff member
(Although the recent "Kong: Skull Island" is in the same cinematic universe, so he's always a possibility - although they'll probably save him for a future "Godzilla vs. King Kong" movie.)

Yeah, ,Godzilla vs Kong comes in 2020, I think, so don't expect him here. Of course, that'll be interesting, in that both of those monsters are considered to be almost protagonists, so having them go at it will be awkward, unless there's yet another thing they can eventually team up against.

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