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Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica


4 out of 5 rating for Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica

I did not expect to like this product. When it was announced, I was disappointed that Dark Sun, Planescape, or Ravenloft were not getting the setting treatment. The races in the book, however, are interesting and unique. The world is exciting and fresh. All in all, I could see myself running games in Ravnica. The setting also inspired to me to create a homebrew race. All in all, I really like what I am seeing. I don't know if I like it as much as I like the other books so far, which is why I am giving it 4 stars instead of 5, but that is neither here nor there. All in all, I consider Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica to be a positive addition to my bookshelf.

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5 out of 5 rating for Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica

There are plenty of good reviews already, both pro and con, so I won't go into much detail - I just wanted to offer this book some much needed love, as it is a great product if you embrace it for what is rather than focusing on what it is not, or how it didn't meet your expectations.

I certainly would have liked more depth on the history, more of the city itself. But a lot is packed into its 256 pages, so really my only complaint is that it isn't 300+. The fact that I want more speaks well of this product and my feeling for it. Great art, tons of interesting ideas, and a nice collection of monsters - can be used as a campaign book or a resource for your homebrew.


4 out of 5 rating for Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica

The book gives an in depth dive into each of the ten guilds which are really the lifeblood of the setting. Along with new mechanics in backgrounds, new subclasses, new monsters and new magic items the book plants plenty of seeds to inspire creativity in how to make the setting come alive at the table.

Ash Mantle

5 out of 5 rating for Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica

I had only recently gotten this book, and I've been slowly digesting its contents ever since. It's only one of a few hardcover D&D books that I've read cover to cover, and yet I find myself getting constantly inspired by what's being included. I really like this book and I'm actually quite impressed with what the devs have managed to do with it. It's really well written and there's so much inspiration in the book that you can use for your own home games, anything from the various guilds, to the two subclasses, to the monsters, to the magic items.

While I've only ever dabbled in Magic, I noticed that a lot of the content, especially the mechanics of the creatures and classes, is written with synergy - especially synergy with allies - in mind, and with effects that are essentially D&D translations of a Magic card. This is excellent. Though to that same effect, it would've been ideal if they could've included more lore overall especially about Ravnica itself as the book focused strongly on the guilds and not on the setting. There are an incredible array of bite-sized plot hooks and little snippets of lore throughout, but ultimately I would've liked more lore overall, to get a better feel of the setting.


5 out of 5 rating for Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica

I had never heard of Ravnica before this book, but it does a great job of selling the social setting of the Guildpact. The individual Guilds can be removed and the serial numbers filed off for other settigns as desired, and the PC and Monster options mean there is plenty of use to non-Ravnica tables. This is the future of D&D setting books.


4 out of 5 rating for Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica

Like my mad mage, I’ll edit when I have more time. I don’t know much about the setting so I liked how it helped evoke the imagination and the monster were cool to read up on and plan on using them in my campaign. Probably not going to use it as a setting unless the other players are wanting to change it up but plenty in the book to make it worth the purchase.

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