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[Tavern Thread] The Dunn Wright Inn


First Post
Zoryk Wolfheart Lvl1 Fire Elemental Sorcerer

"Basically, a frog-man, though not in the lycanthropic way. I'm fairly certain they look like that all the time. I'm sure they're all quite handsome to one another, but ... " the sorcerer shakes his head to remove what's clearly a distasteful image, then winks.

He turns to the newest addition to the growing conversation to say "Well met, Tahn. Nathan Tchanlach. Never been to Irthos, myself, but I like to think the sort of folk who frequent the Dunn Wright are pretty open-minded 'bout a person's background. Takes all kinds, right?"

As talk turns to the swordsman school, Nathan shrugs. "I'm not much with a weapon, I have to admit. I think grandfather knew better than to let me learn to defend myself. Would have left much sooner if that had happened, I think. Much as I resent Dad, I suppose I've grown to lean on my minuscule kin now that I'm out and about."

Zoryk looks thoughtful for a second but then replies:"I understand relying on our natural gifts, but I myself find that a certain versatility can help in certain occasions. Although I am skilled at using my gifts I plan on adding to them with some martial training for when my magic will prove innefective." replies the half-elf.

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First Post
Nathan Tchanlach, human sorcerer

Zoryk looks thoughtful for a second but then replies:"I understand relying on our natural gifts, but I myself find that a certain versatility can help in certain occasions. Although I am skilled at using my gifts I plan on adding to them with some martial training for when my magic will prove innefective." replies the half-elf.

Nathan seems about to respond when the door to the kitchen burst open. Along with the aromatic smell of the Dunn Wright's specialty frog legs comes a very large man in a chef's uniform, red-faced and beaming.

"Mon frere de Le Main Rouge!" the chef bellows, and Nathan turns a bit red-faced himself, though for obviously different reasons.

"Master Zitteaux, nice to--" he doesn't manage to finish before Zitteaux plops the tray of frog legs on the table and catches up the brightly-clad sorcerer in a bear hug. As Nathan tries to catch his breath, Zitteaux holds him out at arm's length, then kisses both cheeks.

"You are well, yes?"

"I am, yes," Nathan says, recovering. "Business is well for you?"

"Ah, ze adventurers, zey keep coming, and zey are always 'ungry, but of course! Our brozers in the Society of ze Red Hand, some 'ave been here, but zey are always needed to protect ze people, no?

"Sit! Vite! Ze frog legs, zey are best 'ot and fresh. Now Zitteaux must go cook more for all ze adventurers. Per'aps more of our brozers will come back soon, no?"

And without giving Nathan time to answer, the boisterous man has bounded back off to the kitchen.

Nathan looks to the others with an awkward smile. He straightens his clothing, the gesture accompanying a change of his garments back to their original, darker tones.

"I think I see your point, Zoryk, about being able to fend folk off when you can't move your arms," he says with a wink.


First Post
Zoryk Lvl 1 Fire Elemental sorcerer

Nathan seems about to respond when the door to the kitchen burst open. Along with the aromatic smell of the Dunn Wright's specialty frog legs comes a very large man in a chef's uniform, red-faced and beaming.

"Mon frere de Le Main Rouge!" the chef bellows, and Nathan turns a bit red-faced himself, though for obviously different reasons.

"Master Zitteaux, nice to--" he doesn't manage to finish before Zitteaux plops the tray of frog legs on the table and catches up the brightly-clad sorcerer in a bear hug. As Nathan tries to catch his breath, Zitteaux holds him out at arm's length, then kisses both cheeks.

"You are well, yes?"

"I am, yes," Nathan says, recovering. "Business is well for you?"

"Ah, ze adventurers, zey keep coming, and zey are always 'ungry, but of course! Our brozers in the Society of ze Red Hand, some 'ave been here, but zey are always needed to protect ze people, no?

"Sit! Vite! Ze frog legs, zey are best 'ot and fresh. Now Zitteaux must go cook more for all ze adventurers. Per'aps more of our brozers will come back soon, no?"

And without giving Nathan time to answer, the boisterous man has bounded back off to the kitchen.

Nathan looks to the others with an awkward smile. He straightens his clothing, the gesture accompanying a change of his garments back to their original, darker tones.

"I think I see your point, Zoryk, about being able to fend folk off when you can't move your arms," he says with a wink.

Zoryk smiles at the Chef's entrance and laughs at Nathan's comment, he then turns to Nathan:"Society of the Red Hand, what is that?"


First Post
Nathan Tchanlach, human sorcerer

Zoryk smiles at the Chef's entrance and laughs at Nathan's comment, he then turns to Nathan:"Society of the Red Hand, what is that?"

"Ah, that's the brainchild of Kanli the Mad," Nathan says. He unbuckles one of his bracers and rolls up his tunic sleeve to reveal a red handprint on his forearm. He frowns slightly as he looks at it.

"Looks like it's fading a bit. Hopefully I'll run into Kanli again before too long; it's a trick I don't actually know. But in any case, he and a few other folk got it into their heads we were all going to change the world and we should band together and mark ourselves.

"Unlike those crossed sword blokes, Red Hand's not one of those snooty organizations. Well, we're not very organized at all, truth be told. But I haven't seen anyone yet asked Kanli for the mark and been turned down. Heck, unless they replaced it, I think there's even a tabletop 'round here with his red paw on it."


First Post
Zoryk Lvl1 Elemental Sorcerer

"Ah, that's the brainchild of Kanli the Mad," Nathan says. He unbuckles one of his bracers and rolls up his tunic sleeve to reveal a red handprint on his forearm. He frowns slightly as he looks at it.

"Looks like it's fading a bit. Hopefully I'll run into Kanli again before too long; it's a trick I don't actually know. But in any case, he and a few other folk got it into their heads we were all going to change the world and we should band together and mark ourselves.

"Unlike those crossed sword blokes, Red Hand's not one of those snooty organizations. Well, we're not very organized at all, truth be told. But I haven't seen anyone yet asked Kanli for the mark and been turned down. Heck, unless they replaced it, I think there's even a tabletop 'round here with his red paw on it."

Zoryk blinked: "Change the world, how so?"


First Post
Nathan Tchanlach, human sorcerer

Nathan chuckles.

"Lovely soul, Kanli the Mad, but his moniker's not entirely an act. Not much of an agenda there. Best I can figure, if there's enough Red Hands out there, eventually one or more of us is bound to do something noteworthy, right?"


"Lovely soul, Kanli the Mad, but his moniker's not entirely an act. Not much of an agenda there. Best I can figure, if there's enough Red Hands out there, eventually one or more of us is bound to do something noteworthy, right?"

"Dat might be, lad - but just as likely one or more of you is likely to do something bad as well, eh?" Fulgrim replies, taking another healthy swig of ale.


First Post
Zoryk Wolfheart Lvl1 Elemental Sorcerer

Nathan chuckles.

"Lovely soul, Kanli the Mad, but his moniker's not entirely an act. Not much of an agenda there. Best I can figure, if there's enough Red Hands out there, eventually one or more of us is bound to do something noteworthy, right?"

"Dat might be, lad - but just as likely one or more of you is likely to do something bad as well, eh?" Fulgrim replies, taking another healthy swig of ale.

"You are right Nathan of course but so is Fulgrim, without at least a more precise goal or actually sometype of modus operandi, your efforts could be easily undone by the acts of another. With such lofty goals it would be a shame." says the young half-elf thoughtfully.

"I would wish to meet this Kanli the Mad one day."

replies the young half-elf with a smile



First Post
Nathan Tchanlach, human sorcerer

"Dat might be, lad - but just as likely one or more of you is likely to do something bad as well, eh?" Fulgrim replies, taking another healthy swig of ale.

"You are right Nathan of course but so is Fulgrim, without at least a more precise goal or actually sometype of modus operandi, your efforts could be easily undone by the acts of another. With such lofty goals it would be a shame." says the young half-elf thoughtfully.

"And if you asked my grandfather, it'd probably be me who caused the trouble," Nathan says with a sardonic grin. "I was fairly peripheral to all the philosophizing that spawned The Red Hand, though, and it's not like we have bylaws or dues or anything. And, well, there's a reason I had Kanli put my mark where I could hide it," he says with a wink, rolling his sleeve back down and replacing his bracer.

"I would wish to meet this Kanli the Mad one day."

"Oh, I'm sure you will. He's a bit hard to miss. At least, I haven't met a whole lot of others like him. Imagine if there's a whole clan back home like that one." Nathan shakes his head and chuckles under his breath at the thought.


First Post
Zoryk Wolfheart Lvl 1 Elemental Sorcerer

"And if you asked my grandfather, it'd probably be me who caused the trouble," Nathan says with a sardonic grin. "I was fairly peripheral to all the philosophizing that spawned The Red Hand, though, and it's not like we have bylaws or dues or anything. And, well, there's a reason I had Kanli put my mark where I could hide it," he says with a wink, rolling his sleeve back down and replacing his bracer.

"Oh, I'm sure you will. He's a bit hard to miss. At least, I haven't met a whole lot of others like him. Imagine if there's a whole clan back home like that one." Nathan shakes his head and chuckles under his breath at the thought.

"Age doesn't grant wisdom or even intelligence for that matter, although your grandfather claimed such things, for the little time I have known you I would be glad to have you by my side in a fight." replies Zoryk with confidence.

"As for Kanli, it's the first I hear of him, but I'll keep my eye out" says Zoryk with a smile.

Voidrunner's Codex

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