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D&D 5E Handing over the DM reins, now I need a character


Once we finish the current scenario which will take a session or two, I'm stepping out of the DM chair so someone else can run a one-shot. He gets to exercise his creativity and I get to play. However, now I have to think of a character to play. :erm:

Yes, yes - I know - play what would be fun. But there are a lot of fun classes, so I'm at a bit of a loss for which direction to go. When I jump in, the party will likely be 4th level and it is currently
- Arcana Domain Cleric
- Arcane Trickster Rogue
- ? Ranger (Hunter or Monster Hunter I think)
- ? Bard (College of Glamour or College of Whispers I think)

They just reached level 3 at the end of our last session (which is why I don't know some of the characters archtype). The party should be pretty good for healing and arcane, which is good because playing casters is not my favorite thing to do. The obvious hole to me is a front line melee fighter. That's fine - I like to tank. Recently, I have played a paladin, so I'd like to try something different. So, would you go
-some kind of multiclass using the above

and what archtype appeals to you?

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First Post
I've played a Barbarian in two different one-shots. They're fun, but simple. The damage is cool, but for longer campaigns I'd probably prefer a little more versatility. Guess it's a good thing I'm the ForeverDM and playing more than a one-shot won't happen... :.-(


Monk is generally not good for tanking having put most of its ASIs into Dex and Wis. Fighter, Barbarian, and Paladin are generally the best tanking classes.

I am still a big proponent of "play what you want." I have had parties of all casters and a party with 3 bards and no tanks. The few times I get to play, I choose a literary or movie character that I would like to play and built a character around that. I have played:

* a warlock based on Percival de Rolo. He had an arcane gun (refluffed magic wand) that he revolved the chamber on to change cantrips.
* a barbarian based on the Hulk. He had the Tavern Brawler feat.
* a bard based on Lindsey Stirling. She fought with her music.

So I would suggest finding a barbarian or fighter concept you enjoy and building a character around that. It could be Guts, Conan, Lancelot, FN-2187, whatever.


I guess it depends on how you define 'tank.' Certainly a monk does not have the HP of a barbarian, fighter or paladin, but it has been my experience that they are more than capable front line melee fighters. Decent AC and mobile makes them hard to hit, multiple attacks causing the opponents to have to focus on the monk.


I haven't rolled any dice yet, which will be the true test, but at the moment I'm leaning toward
- ancestral guardian barbarian
- way of the open hand monk, or
- mastiff riding, halfling cavalier

hmm, the kensei monk looks interesting too


I guess it depends on how you define 'tank.' Certainly a monk does not have the HP of a barbarian, fighter or paladin, but it has been my experience that they are more than capable front line melee fighters. Decent AC and mobile makes them hard to hit, multiple attacks causing the opponents to have to focus on the monk.

Sure, the hard to hit part is the good bit for the monk, but at 4th level, a lot of those features and ASIs have not come online yet. In my previous campaign, the monk had a high chance of going unconscious if he went to the front line all alone, and he had high AC and saving throws. Just my 2cp on that.

However, if you want to play a monk, do it. Dooooo iiiiiit. :) Maybe a Friar Tuck with quarterstaff type? The PC would need a tonsure.

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
I'd go with the Monk of the Long Death, they get a good source of THP, can dodge as a bonus action if you are needed on the front line or spend the same amount to Flurry of Blows if you want to end the encounter faster. I have the hope of having the possibility to play sooner or later so that I can play my elven monk of the long death, fascinated with the gift of mortality of the other races.

After a few rounds of missing the heavy armored paladin or having their damage reduced by half on the barb, most enemies will seek better target and 5e dont have many aggro abilities. The monk has the good spot of seeming like a soft target while being hard to hit/catch. You can even move fast to reach the enemy's back line, forcing the front line to get back and defend their skishies.


Now I'm leaning heavily toward a cavalier who's mount is a boar. This is pretty much a one-shot for me, so I might as well have fun with it.

Li Shenron

-some kind of multiclass using the above

If you haven't played any of those, I'd go Battlemaster. The maneuvers system is definitely worth trying to play at least once during 5e lifetime (not that Barbarian's Rage or Monk's Ki are not worth, but the superiority dice is a more unique mechanics IMHO).


If you haven't played any of those, I'd go Battlemaster. The maneuvers system is definitely worth trying to play at least once during 5e lifetime (not that Barbarian's Rage or Monk's Ki are not worth, but the superiority dice is a more unique mechanics IMHO).

More unique than a halfling riding a charging boar though? ;)

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