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A Guide to RPG Freelance Rates: Part 1 (Writing and Editing)

I’ve created this guide to help RPG creators understand the current market rates for freelancers across a range of activities. I recall how hard it was to find this information when I was starting out, so I think there is clearly a need for this sort of a guide. In this installment, I include rate information for writing and editing.

I’ve created this guide to help RPG creators understand the current market rates for freelancers across a range of activities. I recall how hard it was to find this information when I was starting out, so I think there is clearly a need for this sort of a guide. In this installment, I include rate information for writing and editing.

Where available, I’ve provided mainstream rates for each activity, as these give interesting context. I then share the actual rates I’ve seen in the tabletop RPG industry. Where I can, I’ve included my sources, but a lot of this information is simply gleaned through experience and word of mouth. We'll cover layout, art, and cartography in Part 2.

Writing Rates
The Editorial Freelancers Association (EFA) suggests that fiction writers should be paid between 20 and 25 cents per word. Let me tell you, there are very few markets paying 20 cents per word or more for fiction, and certainly not for genre stuff! The best fiction rate I’ve ever seen is from Harper’s Bazaar, which pays 50 cents to 1 dollar per word. A handful of other publications are in the same ballpark, but they are very much the exception.

A better benchmark might be the top science fiction and fantasy short story magazines, which pay from 8 cents to 12 cents per word. It’s worth noting that the Science Fiction Writers Association considers 6 cents and above to be a “professional” rate.

So, what do RPG freelance writers make? In my experience, the rate varies from 3 cents per word up to about 10 cents per word. At 3 cents you are probably only going to hire a talented beginner, whereas at 10 cents you can hire a seasoned writer with a strong reputation and many credits to their name. Beyond 10 cents per word, you can probably hire a well-known professional with credits on top tier games.

Some folk have queried whether any publisher is actually paying 10 cents per word. I know of several. I know that Schwalb Entertainment pays 10 cents per word while Raging Swan pays 11 cents. At the higher end, I’ve had credible (but unconfirmed) reports that a top-tier publisher has paid up to 17 cents per word. And in 2019, Matt Coleville advertised for a writer and offered 25 cents per word!

For your interest, the most I’ve ever been offered is 20 cents per word (from a generous fan). The least I’ve ever been offered is 1 cent per word. I declined both offers, though for different reasons!

Update (May 2021) I'm pleased to say that the market has moved along quite a bit in the last couple of years. It is now common for writers to be offered 10 cents/word, and many consider this the "standard minimum" for a skilled writer. I've been offered 10 cents and above in many instances. Matt Coleville still leads the pack, paying 25 cents per word to his freelancers (and sometimes more).

Some small publishers work on a profit-sharing model. This can be great for the writer, but only if the publisher has an established market. Melsonia Games splits profits 50/50 after costs have been recovered. The writers on their recent D&D adventures have made 23 cents per word so far, and that increases as sales increase.

Kickstarter and Self-Publishing
Some writers can make very good money self-publishing and using Kickstarter. For example, Daniel Fox’s first RPG, Zweihander, was 275,200 words in length and he made 18 cents per word after all costs. In fact, I sometimes make more than 20 cents per word on my self-published titles on the DMs Guild. So yes, there is money to be made in self-publishing, but you need to develop an audience first.

Given self-publishing and Kickstarter, some creators have queried whether they should still write for an established publisher? I can think of several good reasons for doing so:
  1. It can help you build your audience.
  2. It can help you network with industry people.
  3. It allows you to just focus on the writing, rather than doing everything else required to make a publishable product.
  4. You will very likely learn things.
  5. You will work on properties that you otherwise can’t.
Daily Word Count
Now, you might be wondering how many words the average designer writes in a day. This varies enormously, of course. Veteran designer Rich Baker says that 2,000 words/day is a good rate, and that matches with my experience too.

Editing Rates
There are a couple of different types of editing, and they are charged at different rates.

Copyediting corrects spelling, grammar, usage, and punctuation, as well as checking cross-references. A good copyeditor will also prepare a style sheet for your document. According to the EFA, mainstream copyeditors charge anywhere from 2 cents per word to 10 cents per word. The variation is driven by both the experience of the editor and the amount of work the manuscript requires to make it publishable.

Developmental editing usually encompasses copyediting, but also could involve rewriting and reorganizing the text to improve it. In the RPG world, a development editor may also provide feedback on mechanics. EFA says that mainstream developmental editors charge from about 3 cents per word up to around 20 cents per word! This extremely high rate is certainly for special technical or business projects rather than fiction.

My own experience has been that editors in the RPG industry charge between 1 cent per word and 4-5 cents per word. As an example, Ray Vallese is a highly experienced professional RPG editor, and he charges 3 cents per word for copyediting and 4 cents per word for developmental editing (rates sourced from his website).

This article was contributed by M.T. Black as part of EN World's Columnist (ENWC) program. M.T. Black is a game designer and DMs Guild Adept. Please follow him on Twitter @mtblack2567 and sign up to his mailing list.

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M.T. Black

M.T. Black

I think a lot of folk work like you do, with a day or two of downtime leading up to a huge writing burst. For myself, I tend to be a bit more slow and steady, even though I am a fairly fast typist.

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Cute but dangerous
With self publishing I do not care as much if there are errors. But then, I don't usually buy anything anymore unless I have seen it somewhere, not counting big publishers. Which is why I love the "pay what you want" options. If I'm going to use it for anything, I can pay what I think it's worth.

That said, there are so many errors in books even from larger publishers, I wonder if they ever had someone check. Castles and Crusades Free City of Eskadia for example, some of my players still make fun of the errors we found in there. It didn't really matter to us, the book was still great, but yeah... I just expect a lot less nowadays.

I'm too slow to edit anymore,but I used to do an hour or two work and then as much of a break to stop me from getting headaches or overlook stuff. For me, the longer I work on something, the more the routine makes me screw up.


Multiple draftings (which I assume most people do) certainly complicate the "average words per day" scenario.

I'm curious about your experience, if you don't mind sharing. Let's say you wrote 6,000 words of "first draft" quality material. How many more hours, on average, would you spend on it to get it to "submission quality".

I don't know too many game writers that go through multiple full drafts. In my experience there is a lot of prep and planning, plus in brain percolation, such that the first real draft is a mostly there draft. There's editing and revisions to be done for sure, but it's rare to see people completely write through on this kind of work. Especially when you are making 3 cents a word.

Mike Myler

Have you been to LevelUp5E.com yet?
Just gonna chime in here to say that Paizo's in-house quotas are about 3,000 words per day so if you're freelancing as a full-time thing you have to at least hit that for a good day, and hopefully push further than that. It helps immensely if you work weekends and longer than 8 hours a day because unfortunately not every day is great, and also you're probably doing promotion of your work and trying to negotiate a social media presence, and you are likely doing more than just writing/design/editing too so forget free time. I managed to squeeze in two longer D&D sessions yesterday and feel like a god. :p


The Laughing One
For example, Daniel Fox’s first RPG, Zweihander, was 275,200 words in length and he made 18 cents per word after all costs.
Well... Do you have a source for that information? Because:

Kickstarter raised $61,743
275,000 words at $0.18/word is $49,500, that leaves $12,243
KS fees and payment fees between 8% and 10% of KS fees, is between $5000-$6000
5 steel two handed swords as backer rewards
1020+ printed physical books @674 pages each, shipped to US/UK/EU backers for free.
Artists for a ton of illustrations

Either those books were printed on recycled toilet-paper or someone is forgetting some costs...
OR some income from outside of the Kickstarter itself (sales through DTRPG for example, the KS is almost three years old).

I got those figures from Daniel himself. I suspect he must be including dtrpg sales as well - ZWEIHÄNDER is an adamantine best-seller, which means it has sold at least 5,000 copies.

Daniel might be willing to clarify further, but that is up to him.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I got those figures from Daniel himself. I suspect he must be including dtrpg sales as well - ZWEIHÄNDER is an adamantine best-seller, which means it has sold at least 5,000 copies.

Daniel might be willing to clarify further, but that is up to him.

Has he factored in the time he spends doing things other than writing? He does a lot of promotion, and presumably other tasks (I don’t know how involved he is on layout, art direction, editing, dealing with printers, al that stuff). Those come out of the profits too, not just the writing part of his job.

I dare say for my own books, I’ve spent more hours doing adjacent work than actual writing.


Rotten DM
Remember the 3 m's as a writer. Mumbling, Marketing, Maintenance.
Mumbling this the mumbles you put on paper, the research you do for the mumbles, the editing of mumbles.
Marketing. This include promotion, social media posts, and cons.
Maintenance. Downtime. Taxes. Fixing broken stuff.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Remember the 3 m's as a writer. Mumbling, Marketing, Maintenance.
Mumbling this the mumbles you put on paper, the research you do for the mumbles, the editing of mumbles.
Marketing. This include promotion, social media posts, and cons.
Maintenance. Downtime. Taxes. Fixing broken stuff.

Those are the things you do as a publisher, not a writer. They’re two very different things.

Being a self-publisher can involve doing two or more peoples’ jobs, but publishing is a very different job to writing.

Either those books were printed on recycled toilet-paper or someone is forgetting some costs...
OR some income from outside of the Kickstarter itself (sales through DTRPG for example, the KS is almost three years old).

Ok, I spoke to Daniel, and he gave me the following information and permission to share it here:

Those are rates coming out of Kickstarter + Backerkit + retail sales up front. Are you looking for clarity across the lifetime of Zweihander? Those numbers are dramatically higher than .18 based on sales. As an example, there have been 39k physical sales and 65,400 digital sales. These are sales generated on my own prior to my relationship with my new publisher Andrews McMeel, which is now at scale.

However you slice it, he has done incredibly well.

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