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ZEITGEIST [ZEITGEIST] The Continuing Adventures of Korrigan & Co.


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Session 227, Part Two - Through a Glass, Darkly

Through a Glass, Darkly

Here in the Bleak Gate, Cauldron Hill had not been eroded. An incongruous fire now blazed on one side of its saddle-like peak; on the other they could see three figures.

Not wishing to alarm Rock and his friends by teleporting unexpectedly, they took the gith’s stone discs down to meet him, and left the Coaltongue circling at a safe distance, with Rumdoom and Uriel staying on board to defend the ship if needs be.

Rock waved both arms furiously, as if they were passing by happenstance and might otherwise have missed him. He was wearing an oversized, floor-length bearskin coat to fend of the cold of the Bleak Gate, and was stood inside a circle of blood to fend off evil spirits, but most of those had been attracted to the bonfire. Rock greeted them enthusiastically and introduced them to his ‘ghost-chick’.

To their surprise, it was Lavanya, who give a helpless shrug as if to dissociate herself from Rock. With her, also introduced by Rock was “this old dude, who’s beginning to cramp my style”. Another surprise – it was Alexander Grappa, visible now for the first time, here in the gloom of the Gate. (Though not in spirit form, in his case, but a psychic projection, like Xambria).

Multiple conversations broke out at once, with Lavanya talking to Leon, Rock sharing his plans with Korrigan and Quratulain, while Uru and Gupta talked to Grappa.

Grappa was as bemused as they were. “We’ve been here a long time,” he said. “Since Mutravir. Waiting for you.”

Lavanya explained that infiltrating the convocation had been her last act on Lanjyr, and it was a mistake. She had gone in to warn them, and to rescue Grappa, but hadn’t fully ensured her escape. “My aide proved unreliable. My body is still in Trekhom,” she said.

That reminded Leon of the strange sensation he had had the last few times he went there – a sudden impulse that told him Lavanya was close. “You should have told me,” he said. “I could have helped you.”

“That always causes a problem,” Lavanya explained. “If I tell you, and you try to help me, you fall into the Ob’s trap. They’ve already found me and are waiting for you. But soon I think they’ll get tired of waiting and wake me up. So I don’t know how long I’ve got. We need to get Alexander to the plane of time.”

“Don’t ask me why,” said Grappa with a shrug.

“This is all she talks about,” said Rock, breaking off from his conversation with Korrigan. “Soon as we get down here, she’s all chilly – all business. This is worse than that time I dated an ooze druid.” He shuddered. “Never again. Maybe you heard the song I wrote about it? It’s called ‘Oozie Lover’?”

Now they all shrugged. It wasn’t one if his biggest hits.

“The only trouble is, I can’t leave this place,” said Grappa. “Not without a host. I’m not a ghost, you see.”

Uru nominated Uriel. “He’s used to it. There’s someone else in there already. But don’t mention her, or things will get frosty.”

“Ghost chicks, am I right?” exclaimed Rackus, rolling his eyes.

Keen to get going, and having already filled Korrigan in on his plan, Rock now summoned his own ship, using a snippet of old sea shanty he had picked up from Uru. At once, the tune was echoed by a distant baritone chorus, and the Ghost Pirates of Mutravir appeared. Uru gave a cheer. This was cause enough for another swig from his hip flask!

Rock jumped on board and said he would guide them to the crack in the Dreaming. Rumdoom decided to fly on the ghost ship with Rock, to bolster their defences. (Amielle and Bhalu went with.) Lavanya and Grappa returned with the others to the Coaltongue.

They followed the ghost ship for a long time. Rock had already reassured them that they would arrive in the nick of time. “Everything in the Dreaming happens when it’s most melodramatic!”

While they went, they caught up with Grappa and Lavanya. As always, Lavanya was forced to be cagey, for fear that anything she told them could alter the future. “Although I’m pretty certain this is the last thing I’ll do.” She squeezed Leon’s hand when she said this and flashed him a smile.

There were many spirits flitting about in the Bleak Gate.

“The way the afterlife used to work was that the souls of the recently departed would briefly appear in the Bleak Gate, then travel on to Nem, the plane of ruin,” Lavanya explained. “From there, they’d move on to some other realm whenever a line from the real world through Nem pointed at the appropriate destination in the multiverse. Those who had particularly traumatic deaths might linger in the Bleak Gate until they either went mad or were able to find rest in some way.

“Now, though, Av (and, therefore, the Bleak Gate) no longer orbits the real world. So the souls of those who die linger, invisible, in the real world, and they lurch toward places like Cauldron Hill that were once closely linked to the Bleak Gate. Those souls are then drawn into the Bleak Gate whenever Av (and the Gyre) is overhead, but there is nowhere for them to go to because the world is too far from the rest of the multiverse. Instead of going on to a final reward or punishment, the souls just crowd around the Bleak Gate analogue of Flint.

“When Av reaches the Gyre and shatters, tens of thousands of souls of those who died since the Ob’s ritual will be scattered across the planar motes in the Gyre. If there’s any unfinished business you have with someone who has died recently, or anyone you think may have lingered, it might be possible for you to draw them to you, and take them away from the Gyre.”

This sent many of the unit into deep thought.

Uru wondered if it might be possible to rescue one of their old allies. His first thought was Krazy Krauss, but Krauss’ death had caused his lifeforce to be drawn into the golem heart that went on to power Conquo. So that wouldn’t work. He focused next on El Perro and, sure enough, the young warrior had lingered in the Bleak Gate all this time, so violent and sudden was his death. His spirit was faint, barely self-aware, but grateful to be drawn into the warming throng of Uru’s many ghostly inhabitants.

“All of my loved ones are trapped in the colossus,” said Gupta. Then she remembered something of the story of how Jenny Greenteeth had possessed Helandra, and asked Lavanya what she meant when she said Helandra was the “first of many hosts”. Lavanya said that Kasvarina did not create a body for her, as Greenteeth was form from all of the bitter, twisted parts of Kasvarina that had led her to follow Nicodemus so ruthlessly. “I am all of her good aspects, and act purely out of love. Greenteeth is pure spite. She has no form of her own, but possesses others, discarding her hosts when she sees fit. My fear is that, having escaped through the same portal Kasvarina created, she may have begun her journey not in a faraway place, but in a faraway time. If she abandoned Helandra back then it is possible she may have died in the meantime.”

Gupta focused as Uru had done, and was rewarded with similar success. Helandra’s spirit came to her, though similarly faint and feeble, and unable to say what had happened to her since her encounter with the evil hag.

Finally, it was Korrigan’s turn. The Ash Wolf had told him he would find his ideal mate on the dark side of the moon. Now he was beginning to understand what they meant. Without bothering Kai, for fear it might upset him, he called upon Elizabeth, his late wife. Her spirit was also still here, unhappy to have left her son before she even met him. Faint, too, but of all the three, the most aware. She responded faintly, like someone half-delirious from a sick bed, and gladly accepted his offer to flee.

Rock and the ghost pirates guided them to an immense fissure near what would be the capital city Slate in the real world. With a bit of careful manoeuvring the both vessels piloted through what appeared to be a ten-mile deep canyon of black glass, where reflective shards span in freefall. Rivulets of black fluid seeped between the cracks, and that oil positively glistened with souls trapped within it. (Uru was tempted to fly out on Little Jack and fill up his hip flask.)

At the ‘bottom’ of the canyon they needed to flip their vessels again, as down became up once more. This was an easy matter for the ghost ship; having done it once before, Admiral Smith was also able to carefully flip the Coaltongue.

Having done so, they rose up amid a burning forest – the Chessboard Forest near the fey capital city Clover.

Overhead they could see the Gyre looming stupendously close. The two cog-shaped nebulae spanned the sky from horizon to horizon: it was clear that they were mere hours from being ground by the immense teeth. Jagged fragments of other worlds floated overhead like shattered moons.

While they took in this spectacle, their arrival was noted by a patrol of the Golden Legion of Egal the Shimmering. Five huge, winged demons dove under the cover of the burning canopy and flew towards them, but they were spotted by the ever-observant Uru. Forewarned, the ghost ship vanished, while the occupants of the Coaltongue were quickly forearmed.

Thinking they had the element of surprise, the demons stayed low until they were right under the Coaltongue. Then they ascended at speed – too fast to take out with the Tyrant’s Eye – and loomed impressively over the main deck: a pit fiend and four horned devils.

Hoping to cow them with their mere appearance, the pit fiend, Brhan Kinoro, flared with fire and bellowed, “Hubristic mortals! Think you can ply these skies? They belong to the Golden Legion! All wealth is ours! Those who oppose us shall be enslaved. Show loyalty, however, and we shall share our limitless wealth with you. Loyalty is prosperity! Prosperity is freedom!”

He was understandably surprised when the unit opened fire.

End of Session

Soundtrack (NSFW):

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Finally, it was Korrigan’s turn. The Ash Wolf had told him he would find his ideal mate on the dark side of the moon. Now he was beginning to understand what they meant. Without bothering Kai, for fear it might upset him, he called upon Elizabeth, his late wife. Her spirit was also still here, unhappy to have left her son before she even met him. Faint, too, but of all the three, the most aware. She responded faintly, like someone half-delirious from a sick bed, and gladly accepted his offer to flee.



Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Session 228, Part One - Legion’s Initiative

Legion’s Initiative

For countless aeons the pit fiend Brhan Kinoro had wrought chaos and destruction across the multiverse, even before he was pressed into the service of the Golden Legion. In his case, the servitude was not onerous, for his duties were to kill, enslave and destroy – all activities to which he was naturally inclined. The fact that he now did these things at the behest of Paelyrion XVIII was neither here nor there. Paelyrion was general of a detachment of the Golden Legion that had been stranded in the Gyre for thousands of years, ever since one of worlds they were conquering was destroyed by its inhabitants out of spite. However, the legion had survived, and went on to thrive in the Gyre by attacking all the new worlds that arrived, plundering them of gold, enslaving useful warriors, killing and torturing and eating the rest.

Though the ground of the Gyre was inexorably drawn into the teeth of the nebula, the legion forever marched on. Or at least they did until a few short years ago, when they conquered a plane of volcanism and strange steam-powered machinery. They renamed it Egalitrix and now it served as the flying fortress of the legion, invincible and unassailable. Brhan Kinoro was justifiably proud of the Golden Legion, and equally certain of his own terrible might.

Eighteen seconds after demanding the surrender of these hubristic mortals, he was dead.

Uru shot him, vanished, and shot him again. He didn’t even have time to shrug off the bone-pointing curse inflicted on him by Gupta. Instead, he charged blindly forward, conscious that something was wrong and that this might in fact be the end. He got a couple of sound blows in – one with his molten mace against the impassive mortal issuing the orders; another with his poison tail against the female who had cursed him – but neither of them died, as he expected. Then the second shuriken struck and that was that.

The horned devils in his squadron did not survive much longer, pinned in holy light, encased in ice, lacerated by tiger claws, stabbed, slashed and shot at, all while they tried and failed to enslave the unit with their golden chains. The two-dozen legionnaires Brhan summoned – having proven themselves able to deflect bullets with their shield – were torn apart by Quratulain’s grenades. (Most fired from the grenade launcher she had designed; one artfully tossed to Gupta, who had found herself surrounded by devils, and was excluded from the blast by Quratulain’s firesight eye.) Once reduced to manageable numbers, they were finished off by Amielle and the rest of the crew, whose fighting prowess had been raised by the leadership of Korrigan.

Among the last left standing, one of these poor creatures threw down his golden spear and shield, and positively quaked in self-revolt. “Curse these chains!” he screamed, “For without them I would yield to you, you who are more mighty than my lord, His Celestial Eruption General Paelyrion the Eighteenth! But the legion demands I defend our territory! I owe no loyalty; take my treasure! Take my prosperity! I renounce my freedom!”

Uriel stepped up and rent the chains from him, but the devil only smiled bleakly and said, “It is too late for me…” In his final moments, he told them his story, which was a sad one, and included much of what Brhan Kinoro might have told them, boastfully, had he lived. His story was interrupted mere minutes after he defied legion, as the spots on his body where the chains were wrapped turned black, and his body was eaten away like burning paper, until his bones crumbled to dust and he died in terrible agony. The last thing to be consumed were his eyes. Uriel tried to save his soul, but he no longer had one to save. Korrigan told them the end of his story, courtesy of the Humble Hook.

Though quick, the fight had not been easy. Most of the unit were exhausted now, having rode the storm from Cauldron Hill, and benefited little from the lull in the Bleak Gate, where the very air was inimical. Now they regrouped, shared healing, and prepared to assess the situation below:

A century of Golden Legionnaires marched a slow perimeter around the city of Clover, gradually widening the area it covered as it searched for fey in hiding. By now they were east of the chessboard forest, and the woods burn in their wake. They were led by a horned devil, and were accompanied four steam-powered golden thopter golems. Occasionally one of these roughly humanoid craft, having been filled with fresh prisoners, would lift off slowly and buzz like a laden bee towards a larger craft in the distance:

High above the palace, at the heart of the burning city, the legion’s grand airship, Aurum Treasure, hung in the air. For now, it seemed oblivious to their presence.

What to do? Save the fey from the legion below? Head straight for the palace, and try to rescue the Unseen Court? Or deal with the enemy vessel?

They opted for the latter, so as not to leave the Coaltongue under threat; meanwhile, Rock and Rumdoom headed for the downs to the south of the city, where Rock had many friends. He would find them, rescue all he could, then meet them at the palace.
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Ooh, my party will reach this point in a session or two. Should be good to see how it works out... I might pinch a little of your narration, just warning you.

My personal theory is that the Demonocracy are freed former Golden Legionnaires. Once the Axis Ritual was enacted, the chains fell off and they reverted back to demons, emerging a few centuries later after they had killed all the non-demons among them.

I made a map for the Golden Legion skiff, here. Maybe you'll find it useful: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1fThWUQdjP6XHSh8plEM-_bMqSOTRPHp-


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Ooh, my party will reach this point in a session or two. Should be good to see how it works out... I might pinch a little of your narration, just warning you.

You'll find most of it comes from the original adventure, but you're welcome to use anything you like.

My personal theory is that the Demonocracy are freed former Golden Legionnaires. Once the Axis Ritual was enacted, the chains fell off and they reverted back to demons, emerging a few centuries later after they had killed all the non-demons among them.

I like that idea. It's a subtlety I may pinch if need arises.

I made a map for the Golden Legion skiff, here. Maybe you'll find it useful: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1fThWUQdjP6XHSh8plEM-_bMqSOTRPHp-

That's a fabulous map, thanks. Sadly, I'm just a few weeks behind with these reports, and we ran the session with the windskiff (on Urim, with the vaknids) only just last night. I forgot to provide a vessel, so we improvised, using someone's smartphone, and the 'reserved' tile they leave on our table in the pub.

I think one or two skiffs might show up later, so who knows, this may see use. Thanks again.


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Session 228, Part Two - Aurum Treasure

Aurum Treasure

Admiral Smith gave orders for the ship to proceed at full speed towards the enemy vessel. While they passed over the legion below, they couldn’t resist harrying them from above. Uru opened the bomb-bay doors, clambered into the Sunfish and fired on the devils with the Tyrant’s Eye. Uriel summoned a violent storm and lanced them with lightning. Gupta, Quratulain, Korrigan and Leon clambered into dragon fliers, and strafed the legion, keeping clear of the thopters and the horned devil, before returning to the Coaltongue as it neared the city.

Clover burned in places, and the Great Delve River had drained through one of the cracks in the world, bisecting the city with a muddy gorge. The noble east bank had seen the most damage, with its wealthy houses thoroughly ransacked for gold. The poorer west bank was too chaotic for the Golden Legion to bother with, aside from Thistle Palace.

As they neared, the Aurum Treasure responded to their presence, turning slowly, lethargically in their direction. All of a sudden the sky was filled with an enormous booming that emanated from the airship, an infernal chant that thundered out for miles in every direction, an alarm and a warning.

As the airship flew to intercept them, Uriel cast silence over the Coaltongue, and Korrigan linked the unit and the crew in a telepathic network.

They studied the Aurum Treasure for weaknesses. Nearly two hundred feet long, the airship belched diesel smoke from behind two broad steering wings woven of gold thread. Narrower stabilizing fins lined the port and starboard, also gold. In fact, the entire hull was painted gold, and anything that could be made of metal was ostentatiously gold. There were even golden grills on the bottom of the hull, in a bid to conceal the churning arcane fans that acted as the ship’s levitationals. Dozens of arcane fusils sat behind closed weapon ports along each side of the ship. The Aurum Treasure was much slower than the Coaltongue, but certainly more manoeuvrable.

Confident of her prowess, it was clear she intended to close for boarding, flying low to approach through thick smoke. The Coaltongue ploughed onward, and the Aurum Treasure rapidly flew up to try to bring her guns to bear from above. Again, the Coaltongue was too fast, but the Treasure was able to bring her broadside to their bow (ordinarily, an ideal position). Uru was right: the rusty, untended guns misfired and they could hear explosions from within. Then Quratulain fired the brand, timing the shot to perfection. It ripped through the enemy’s hull, shattered what remained of her guns, and damaged her propulsion.

“Well done, girls!” cheered Quratulain.

Down in the engine room, Uru and his engineers took an invigorating snort of mountain soil before redoubling their efforts to charge the engines. The Coaltongue was moving so fast, the Treasure was finding it very difficult to close, but in the end it succeeded. There was just enough time for another broadside. Could they take the ship out before hand-to-hand combat ensued?

Unfortunately not. The Aurum Treasure was badly damaged, brought to an almost total standstill, and many of her lesser occupants slain, but she stayed in the air, and drew close enough for the golden legion to teleport aboard the Coaltongue:

The boarding action was led by Star Marshall Lacacia: Beautiful, statuesque, this woman’s blond hair was woven with gold chains that trailed from piercings in her cheeks and in the scales of her bare skin. She wore a long black captain’s coat that hung seductively open, leaving her shoulders uncovered, threatening at any moment to fall free from her perfectly-curved figure. Strands of barbed gold threaded in and out of the fabric and wrapped around her arms and legs.

Quratulain tried to take her our first, but the elite legionnaires to either side of her threw themselves in harm’s way, desperate to defend their mistress.

Two more horned devils tried to enslave the unit; elite legionnaires swarmed aboard, thrusting with golden gearlances, which exploded with chains when thrown. Worse still were the mantis-like ‘supplicants of elofasp’ with claws so sharp they could pierce even Quratulain’s armour.

But Star Marshall Lacacia soon revealed herself to be even more deadly than the supplicants: “Before I joined the legion,” she crowed telepathically, “I was a general of the abyssal hordes.” She pulled open the breast of her captain’s coat, revealing a necklace whose pendant, nestled just above her bosom, was a six-armed woman with a serpent’s tail. In the moment it took the unit to recognize this image, four golden weapons manifested and lashed at them to great effect. Korrigan was knocked backwards and struggled to get to his feet. Desperate, he unstoppered a potion of giant strength to restore his might. Leon, who was also flagging after dodging blow after blow, teleported Korrigan out of harm’s way.

Gupta was having difficulties too, as were many of the others. It took much of her resolve to shrug off the mental charms of Lacacia, who invited her to her cabin where she would expect to find her naked. She responded by taking on tiger form again, determined to fight on. Hidden, and also running out of stream, Uru reloaded.

With the unit exhausted and the legion relentless, the battle could go either way. ...

End of Session


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Session 229, Part One - Silent Cavalry

Silent Cavalry

The next few moments were even more desperate: Gupta succumbed to the dominion of the Star Marshall and began to disrobe; the enslaved mantis-creatures created insane illusions of praying statuary that prevented the unit from seeing their foes and blinded Leon completely. Hidden outside the radius of this, Uru realised that Lacacia must have issued fresh, telepathic orders to her minions, as they separated into two groups, intent on heading belowdecks and attacking the crew. In response, the unit was forced to separate too, with Uriel Quratulain and Leon heading one way (Leon levitating blindly upwards), and Korrigan – still wounded and weakened – heading in the other, knowing that Uru could provide some support.

Sternward, Korrigan found himself surrounded by Elite Star legionnaires. Then he was set upon by the horned devils, who caught him in their chains. Towards the bow, Star Marshall Lacacia unleashed her mind-controlled weapons once again. Quratulain blocked the scythe, but Uriel was struck by a poisoned longsword and Leon found himself pinned to the funnel by a spear.

Then, silently, the cavalry arrived. Above the Coaltongue, Rock’s ghost ship appeared, deck crowded with fey refugees from the Warrens. Rock stood upon the prow, monologuing, but thanks to the silence spell on the Coaltongue’s deck, no one could hear him. In giant form, Rumdoom leapt off the ghost ship and landed on the Coaltongue – again in incongruous silence, though they could feel the reverberations through the deck. Knowing Korrigan could withstand it, Rumdoom unleashed a burst of intense cold upon the legionnaires. Korrigan stomped on the deck to finish them off. But this was the second time he had unleashed Urimshock on the deck of the Coaltongue and it collapsed beneath him, striking crew members who cowered below. Korrigan himself did not fall, but flew. Uru killed one of the devils that had Korrigan chained, and Korrigan yanked another one over. It fell in front of Rumdoom, who hit it with the Stone of Not, whereupon it simply vanished from existence!

Other combatants leapt down from the ghost ship: Rock, Amielle, Bhalu and Sly Marbo (who had been rescued by Rock, along with his wife and thirty-odd children, and the rest of the inhabitants of the Warrens, including Rambylon).

Quratulain unleashed a barrage of gunfire at the supplicants and the Star Marshall. Lacacia took on Quratulain’s form, and Quratulain staggered. This might have confused lesser mortals, but Quratulain used Korrigan’s telepathic network to tell the others she was fine and had switched places with the Star Marshall, who was now feigning injury, hoping they would target the wrong one.

No longer blinded, Leon cursed a supplicant, causing it to attack and kill one of its kin. Realising the tide had turned, Star Marshall Lacacia abandoned her attempt at subterfuge, teleported a huge distance away and fled through the air. At once, as if responding to another mental command, the Aurum Treasure shut off its arcane levitationals and fell towards the rooftops of Clover, where it crashed into the empty houses.

With their commander gone, it did not take long for the rest of the devils to succumb to the unit’s attacks. There was only a brief time for healing, as Rock urged them on towards the palace. Though he didn’t say as much, it was evident that he was concerned for his lover, Thisraldion, whatever the current state of their relationship might have been. Rock was keen to come with them when they searched the palace, so Gupta took his place in command of the ghost ship, helping Sly to calm the others.

Korrigan decided to leave Kai behind for this mission, and left Elizabeth's ghost to watch over him too.

Admiral Smith took the Coaltongue over the palace, where they could choose a safe place to put down.


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Session 229, Part Two - Thistle Palace

Thistle Palace

They chose the very far northeast corner of the palace to enter, in the hopes of finding some fey holding out in the bunker. Leon teleported them down there, leaving the Coaltongue airborne, then he got them into the palace with a dimension door. The whole eastern wing of the palace was eerily empty. Magic designed to keep the place in fine condition was busy scrubbing away blood. On entering the palace, Leon immediately knew that several other members of the Unseen Court were being held in their own audience chamber. The whispers of palace ghosts told Uru that there were several other pockets of captives elsewhere, and that hordes of devils still roamed the building, searching for gold and slaves. He stole ahead on the ceiling and reported back what he found in the chamber of the Unseen Court:

Elite Star legionnaires encircled three important prisoners – Furg, the Toadstool Sage; Sallin; and Olazdor of the Hedgehog Court. All were dishevelled and beaten, but had not been enslaved. Sallin was tending Olazdor, who bled from an invisible headwound. Commanding the guards was another horned devil. This one was having fun piling dead fey onto Thisraldion’s throne. What may have begun as an attempt to test its magical defences had now become a game to see how many he could stack before the whole lot collapsed. (Next to the throne, Uru passed over a detail he would not recall until later, and only then would he realise his significance: a gilded birdcage on an ornamental stand now stood empty, its bars prized open.) But Uru’s eye was drawn from all of this to what he suspected might be the most significant threat in the room: a huge, squat creature something like a cross between a beetle and a boulder, enslaved in gold chains and – though very different in form – perhaps kin to the deadly supplicants. For now it simply squatted, still and emphatic, as if storing energy for a sudden act of destruction. (This, they would later learn, was an Elofasp Ravant.)

Uru let the others know what was happening. Rock was outraged and would not listen to caution. He drew his pistol and forged ahead, muttering imprecations and abandoning any attempt at stealth. The unit warned Uru he was coming (as were they), and Uru decided to make the safety of the courtiers his priority: With the help of friendly fey spirits, he caused the palace itself to rise up in a barrier all around the prisoners. Having revealed himself again, he swiftly hid, unnoticed by all save the ravant, which sprang into sudden, lithe motion, climbing the walls in a manner that seemed impossible. Uru kept his head and remained still, as the ravant sniffed the air around him.

Suddenly, it was teleported away: Leon brought it down from the ceiling and planted next to Rumdoom and Quratulain. Reinforcements had arrived!

Rayo flew into the air and ensared Leon. It also set off a mechanical alarm it carried on a belt over its shoulder, alerting all of the hostile forces in the palace.

The ravant tore into Quratulain. It smashed through her armour and ripped off an arm. Rumdoom hit it with the Stone. It fell over, but did not vanish. Then it struggled to get up again. Uriel urged Rumdoom to attack again. He did so. The ravant still struggled up! The thing was impervious! One-armed, but undaunted, Quratulain stabbed at it with her remaining armblade. Nope! They were beginning to wonder what on earth they could do to stop the creature when Korrigan hit it with the Sword of Maur Granatha, and it fell still.

Back in the throne room, Rock had summoned a posse of admirers who had dutifully interposed themselves and soaked up the devils’ attacks. From the corridor to the north, they heard a mechanical thrumming that grew louder and louder as a golden thopter golem burst into the chamber. Behind it – some distance away – came more legionnaires. Before it could do anything dangerous, Uru used his spirit friends to take control of it, and turned it back upon the other new arrivals. While it fended them off, they dealt with Rayo and the Elite Stars.

Leon confused Rayo with a spell. Still bleeding, Quratulain threw grenades (no longer able to use her launcher). Rock finished Rayo off, and his exuberant victory cry was infectious: the unit soon put paid to the rest of the devils. Leon stuffed the klaxon, still blaring, into the absurdist web.

Uru lowered the barrier he had created so they could talk with the Unseen Courtiers.

Uriel moved to heal them, but Furg held up a hand. “Don’t waste time on us,” he said. “The Dreaming is about to be destroyed. You must flee. They have taken Thisraldion prisoner. This realm exists as a figment in the mind of its monarch. If he is rescued, the Dreaming might be restored.”
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