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Converting Creatures from Other Campaign Settings

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Juggernaut Magical Items
The following magic items and artifacts can animate guardian juggernauts.

Tent of the Juggernaut: An elaborate tent woven with clan symbols, a tent of the juggernaut has 25 charges. Upon the uttering of a command word by someone belonging to the clan the tent is dedicated to, a single creature standing within the tent (who may be the command word’s utterer) can pilot a totem as if they had received a create guardian spell. This costs 1 charge. All requirements of the spell must be met, including having a prepared juggernaut totem within range. The owner of the tent must supply the totem and replica equipment material components of the create guardian spell themselves, the price is not included in the tent’s.

Moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, create guardian, creator must have 5 ranks in the Craft (weaving) skill plus 5 ranks in either the Knowledge (religion) or Knowledge (arcane) skill; Price 11,000 gp; Weight 50 lb.

Throne of the Juggernaut: A massive chair of wood and/or stone carved with battling figures. The throne of the juggernaut has 12 charges, which are renewed each day. Anyone sitting upon the throne can use pilot juggernaut to transform a construct or juggernaut totem within 250 feet into a guardian juggernaut under their control for a period of 5 minutes at the cost of 1 charge. The target must be one they have a right to pilot (i.e. a construct who responds to their commands or a totem of a clan they belong to). Once their 5 minutes are up, the pilot can extend their control by an additional 5 minutes at the cost of 1 charge. Note that expending charges to extend the control duration does not have a range limit. The price of the throne does not include any juggernauts to control. If the user wishes to employ spiritual equipment with a guardian juggernaut animated by the throne they must supply the replica equipment material components themselves.

Moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, pilot juggernaut; Price 77,000 gp; Weight 50 lb.

Mask of the Juggernaut: A mask of the juggernaut must be crafted at the same time as a juggernaut construct. The juggernaut will considers anyone wearing the mask as its true owner and obeys their commands. Three times per week, the mask wearer can directly control the juggernaut as if they used the pilot juggernaut spell for a duration of up to 15 minutes.

The price of the mask includes the crafting materials and construction of the juggernaut it is linked to. The mask wearer must supply replica equipment material components for the pilot juggernaut effect if they wish to use spiritual equipment in a guardian juggernaut animated by the mask. Remember that only enhanced juggernaut constructs possess spiritual equipment slots.

Stone juggernaut: Strong transmutation; CL 12th; Craft Construct, Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, mass bull’s strength, pilot juggernaut, spiritual weapon, stone shape, fine stone costing 1,000 gp, creator must have 4 ranks in the Craft (sculpting) or Craft (stonemasonry) skills; Price 82,000 gp; Cost 40,500 gp + 3,240 XP; Weight 3 lb.

Stone juggernaut, enhanced: Strong transmutation; CL 14th; Craft Construct, Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, mass bull’s strength, pilot juggernaut, righteous might, stone shape, spiritual weapon, fine stone costing 2,500 gp, creator must have 6 ranks in the Craft (sculpting) or Craft (stonemasonry) skills; Price 119,000 gp; Cost 60,750 gp + 4,660 XP; Weight 3 lb.

Wicker juggernaut: Moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Craft Construct, Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, fire shield, imbue with spell ability, pilot juggernaut, spiritual weapon, wicker plus rare oils costing 500 gp, creator must have 3 ranks in the Craft (carpentry) or Craft (wickerwork) skills; Price 51,000 gp; Cost 25,750 gp + 2, 020 XP; Weight 3 lb.

Wicker juggernaut, enhanced: Strong transmutation; CL 12th; Craft Construct, Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, fire shield, imbue with spell ability, pilot juggernaut, righteous might, spiritual weapon, wicker plus rare oils costing 1,000 gp, creator must have 5 ranks in the Craft (carpentry) or Craft (wickerwork) skills; Price 72,000 gp; Cost 36,500 gp + 2,840 XP; Weight 3 lb.

Winged juggernaut: Moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Craft Construct, Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, fly, pilot juggernaut, spiritual weapon, wood plus leather and metal costing 1,000 gp, creator must have 4 ranks in the Craft (carpentry) or Craft (leatherwork) skills; Price 61,000 gp; Cost 31,000 gp + 2,400 XP; Weight 3 lb.

Winged juggernaut, enhanced: Strong transmutation; CL 12th; Craft Construct, Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, fly, righteous might, pilot juggernaut, spiritual weapon, wood plus leather and metal costing 2,000 gp, creator must have 6 ranks in the Craft (carpentry) or Craft (leatherwork) skills; Price 92,000 gp; Cost 47,000 gp + 3,600 XP; Weight 3 lb.

Wooden juggernaut: Moderate transmutation; CL 8th; Craft Construct, Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, pilot juggernaut, spiritual weapon, 500 gp of wood, creator must have 3 ranks in the Craft (carpentry) or Craft (woodcarving) skills; Price 44,000 gp; Cost 22,250 gp + 1,740 XP; Weight 3 lb.

Wooden juggernaut, enhanced: Moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Craft Construct, Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, pilot juggernaut, righteous might, spiritual weapon, fine wood plus special paint and oils costing 1,000 gp, creator must have 5 ranks in the Craft (carpentry) or Craft (woodcarving) skills; Price 65,000 gp; Cost 33,000 + 2,560 XP; Weight 3 lb.

Saddle of the Juggernaut: Most saddles of the juggernaut appear to be exotic military saddles or elaborate chairs set with handgrips and stirrups, but some take forms that resemble couches, bathtubs or coffins. The saddle has a lodestone (magnetic compass) built into it, usually set into the pommel of the saddle.

The saddle is built into the torso and/or head of a juggernaut construct. It is an intrinsic part of the construct and must be built at the same time as the juggernaut it is part of. The saddle forms a “operator slot” inside the juggernaut construct that can be entered through a hatch that may be on the juggernaut’s back, chest or head depending on the size and construction of the construct. The saddle’s position is encircled by narrow shuttered windows. If these armored shutters are closed the operator has total cover against attacks from outside but cannot see outside the construct with their own eyes, although they can use the saddle’s pilot juggernaut power to see through the juggernaut construct’s eyes. If the shutters are open, the operator has a panoramic view of the juggernaut’s surroundings and improved cover against attacks from outside (+8 AC, +4 Reflex saves, bonus improved evasion, +10 Hide bonus). The access hatch and viewing shutters can all be bolted shut from the inside (DC30 Open Locks or DC25 Strength check to open).

A saddle-equipped wicker juggernaut does not have or require a passenger slot for its Spell Transmission ability, the operator slot fulfils that function instead.

The saddle of the juggernaut has 36 charges, which are renewed each day. A single charge can activate the construct as a standard enhanced juggernaut construct, keeping the construct active costs 1 charge for a period of up to 1 hour. Once activated, the operator can transform the construct into a guardian juggernaut as if they were using pilot juggernaut at a cost of 1 charge for a piloting period of up to 5 minutes. The cost of keeping the construct going are deducted at the end of each period. The juggernaut becomes inactive and completely non-responsive as soon as it runs out of charges. The pilot can also dismiss the pilot juggernaut effect with a simple word or gesture as a swift action. The pilot juggernaut effect can be broken by the mage’s disjunction spell but is unaffected by break enchantment or dispel magic. If this happens the operator can reactivate the juggernaut if the saddle has any charges left.

The juggernaut construct has a full complement of spiritual equipment slots (see guardian juggernaut for details), all of which are within easy reach of the seat on the saddle of the juggernaut, allowing the operator to simply slot any items they wish the juggernaut to wield into the slots before activating the construct. A saddle-equipped juggernaut does not require its operator to have replica equipment to use spiritual items when piloting it. The operator can remove items from the spiritual equipment slots of an active juggernaut and put other items in their place (or even return the original items), they can the activate the juggernaut’s new spiritual equipment roster at the cost of 1 charge.

Since the operator is physically inside the juggernaut construct they run the risk of injury or death should the construct be destroyed or if its remains are damaged by further attacks after being destroyed. The operator must succeed at a Fortitude save with a DC equal to half the damage rolled against the destroyed juggernaut or take 1d10 damage for every 10 points of damage rolled. For example, if a destroyed construct was hit for 53 damage the operator attempts a DC 26 Fort save to avoid 5d10 damage. It makes no different how many hit points the destroyed construct had. In the previous example the operator risks taking 5d10 damage whether the construct had 53 hit points or 3 hit points remaining before it was hit.

A standard saddle of the juggernaut has restrictions on who can activate it. The normal restriction is an amulet that serves as a “key”; the saddle will only activate when its key amulet is inserted in a socket atop its pommel. Other possibilities are offered in the Saddle Activation Table below:

Saddle Activation Table
d10 rollOperator Restriction
1None (saddle is use activated)
2Use-activation restricted to a certain type or subtype of creature. To randomly determine the saddle’s allowed operators, roll 1d100 on the Designated Foe table used by bane weapons (see the Magic Weapons section of the SRD or Dungeon Master’s Guide).
3-4Use-activation restricted to a certain subtype or variety of humanoid. To randomly determine the subtype and variety (if any), roll 1d20: 1-2=dwarf (roll d6: 1=hill dwarf/2=deep dwarf/3=duergar/4=mountain dwarf/5-6=any dwarf); 3-4=elf (roll d6: 1=high elf/2=aquatic elf/3=drow/4=gray elf/5-6=any elf); 5=gnoll; 6-7=gnome (roll d6: 1-2=rock gnome/2=svirfneblin/4-6=any gnome); 8-9=goblinoid (roll d6: 1=bugbear/2=goblin/3=hobgoblin/4-6=any goblinoid); 10=halfling (roll d6: 1=lightfoot/2=tallfellow/3= deep halfling/4-6=any halfling); 12-13=human; 14-15=kobold; 16=locathah; 17=lizardfolk; 18=merfolk; 19=orc; 20=other (DM’s choice or reroll)
5-6Activated by an amulet (default use restriction as described above).
7-8Activated by an amulet and a command word.
9Activated by command word (usually a complex polysyllabic phase or short poem rather than a single word).
10Other (DM’s choice or reroll)
A disallowed operator can circumvent the use restrictions by succeeding at a DC35 Use Magic Device check, which allows them to use the saddle of the juggernaut as if they were an authorized operator for one continuous period that lasts until they leave the saddle or lose control of the juggernaut. Once this happens, they must make another Use Magic Device check to operate the juggernaut again.

Once activated, the juggernaut “comes to life” as its base construct and will do whatever the operator commands it within the limits of its abilities. The operator may have to look out of the juggernaut’s windows to direct the construct’s actions. The base construct can wield items in its spiritual equipment slots, although it may not be able to use its spiritual items to their full effect since the juggernaut is a mindless construct when it isn’t piloted by an operator (see below).

An operator using the saddle’s pilot juggernaut function can either directly control the construct as if it were their own body, in which case the juggernaut performs as a normal guardian juggernaut (q.v.) or they can have the piloted construct act on “autopilot”, in which case it independently performs whatever actions the operator orders it to while freeing the pilot to perform actions with their own body. This allows the pilot to, for example, command the juggernaut to run to a particular location or attack a designated target while the operator checks a map, uses an item that isn’t in a spiritual equipment slot or casts a spell. The pilot can switch between these modes on their initiative as a free action. A juggernaut on “autopilot” can only perform tasks the base construct is capable of, it has the hit points and saving throws of the guardian juggernaut but all other abilities (grapple and attack modifiers, damage, ability scores, skills, feats, etc.) are those of the base construct. The operator can still see through the senses of a piloted juggernaut when it is on autopilot.

Riding a saddle of the juggernaut inside an active construct is rougher than riding a horse. Casting a spell within an unpiloted or autopiloted juggernaut always requires a Concentration check of at least DC 10. If the juggernaut is moving the Concentration check increases to DC 15, if the juggernaut is moving vigorously (i.e. running) the check is DC 20, if the juggernaut is moving violently (i.e. fighting) the check is DC 25. Extraordinarily violent motion (i.e. earthquake, the construct is being grappled) makes the Concentration check impossible. If the operator is piloting the construct directly as a guardian juggernaut they are not affected by the roughness of its movements since their body and the juggernaut’s act as one, however they are then subject to the spellcasting restrictions of guardian juggernauts (so only a wicker guardian juggernaut can cast spells when piloted by a saddle of the juggernaut).

Strong transmutation; CL 15th; geas/quest, limited wish, pilot juggernaut plus all requirements of a mask of the juggernaut for a stone, wicker, winged or stone enhanced juggernaut (see above); Price 190,000 gp (stone), 135,000 gp (wicker), 150,000 gp (winged), 105,000 gp (wooden); Cost 96,250 gp + 7,500 XP (stone), 68,000 gp + 5,360 XP (wicker), 76,000 gp + 5,920 XP (winged), 53,000 gp + 4,160 XP (wooden); Weight — (included in juggernaut’s weight).

Saddle of the Juggernaut, Greater: Unlike the lesser varieties of this magic item, a greater saddle of the juggernaut is a separate object that can be installed into a construct to transform it into a juggernaut. The saddle can be installed in any unintelligent corporeal construct of sufficient size (at least two sizes larger than the saddle’s intended operator, so a Huge construct for an operator of Medium size) provided the construct’s challenge rating does not exceed 15. Thus a CR 15 Huge stone golem (HD 26), CR 14 Large iron golem (HD 22), or CR 12 Huge shield guardian (HD 27) are all permissible, but not a CR 16 Huge iron golem (HD 26).

Installation is a complex process that requires either a construct custom-built to fit the saddle or the remodeling of an existing construct, which is little different from entirely rebuilding the construct. This procedure can only be performed by a spellcaster with uncontested control of the construct while the saddle is being installed in it. The spellcaster must meet all the construction prerequisites of the construct being worked on. Modifying the construct costs 100% of the construct’s construction cost (including the cost of materials). Installation requires the use of special metal alloys and rare crystals to build intricate arcane devices into the construct (braided cords of copper and zinc, diagrams of nerves in silver and gold leaf, inset brazen runes, orichalcum panels set with glowing gems and so forth). Installation also requires smaller quantities of the materials used in the construct’s construction (i.e. pure iron smelted with rare tinctures and admixtures for an iron golem). The total cost of the installation materials equals the original construction material’s cost, half for the “reconstruction” materials and half for the “wiring & panels” materials. For example, constructing an iron golem costs 10,000 gp in materials, so modifying an iron golem for a greater saddle of the juggernaut costs 10,000 gp, of which 5,000 gp is spent on its iron and 5,000 gp on the special alloys and crystals. A construct can be newly built with the greater saddle modifications but this does not negate the +100% modification cost.

Once installed, the saddle operates like a standard saddle of the juggernaut except that it does not use or require charges. An authorized operator can pilot the juggernaut either directly or via “autopilot” for as long as they like, until they either leave the greater saddle of the juggernaut or dismiss its pilot juggernaut effect. They may freely swap items in the juggernaut’s spiritual equipment slots while the juggernaut is active. The juggernaut will obey the operator’s command as long as they remain in the saddle.

Should the juggernaut be destroyed, the greater saddle of the juggernaut remains intact and can be recovered from the wreckage to be installed in a new construct. The owner of a juggernaut can choose to destroy it deliberately in order to extract a greater saddle.

Strong transmutation; CL 18th; Craft Construct, Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, geas/quest, pilot juggernaut, polymorph any object, righteous might, spiritual weapon, wish; Price 200,000 gp (juggernaut not included); Weight 40 lb (if separate from juggernaut).

ALTERNATE VERSION: provided the construct’s construction caster level and challenge rating do not exceed 15. Thus a Huge stone golem (CL 14th, HD 22, CR 14) or Huge shield guardian (CL 15th, HD 27, CR 12) are permissible but not an iron golem (since they’re CL 16th.

Saddle of the Juggernaut, Lesser: This item is a lot less elaborate in appearance than the other varieties of this magic item. A lesser saddle of the juggernaut has 7 charges, which are renewed each day. It costs 2 charges to activate the juggernaut and pilot it for a period of up to 5 minutes, this works just like the pilot juggernaut function of a standard saddle of the juggernaut. The pilot can extend the activation period at a cost of 1 charge for each additional 5 minute period. The pilot can also remove and replace items in the juggernaut’s spiritual equipment slots and “reset” its equipment at a cost of 1 charge. A lesser saddle-equipped juggernaut is completely inert when not being piloted, it cannot respond to commands like the “enhanced juggernaut construct” function of more powerful saddles.

Since a lesser saddle of the juggernaut can only be piloted for half an hour at best, juggernauts equipped with them are routinely transported using massive wooden wagons so their operator need not waste charges walking the juggernaut about. Such wagons have the following statistics:

Juggernaut cart: Cost: 3,000 gp; Weight (unloaded): 10 tons; Weight (loaded with juggernaut): 12 tons (wicker), 15 tons (winged) 20 tons (wood), 60 tons (stone). A enormous heavy wood cart 40 to 50 feet long and 20 feet wide. It has six or eight massive roller-like wheels plus harnesses for up to twelve horses (or other beasts of burden). A juggernaut cart has a crew of four to eight (drivers, brakesmen and animal handlers) and can carry eight passengers. It has an enclosed cab at the front that can hold as many as six people (normally drivers or passengers). It effectively multiplies its draft animal’s total carrying capacity by 10 but halves their base speed. Thus if a dozen heavy horses were yoked to the cart they would move at 25 ft. and can pull up to 12 tons as a light load, 13-24 tons as a medium load, 25-36 tons as a heavy load, and “drag” up to 90 tons. The cart risks collapsing if it weighs more than 90 tons (an overloaded cart does not collapse if a roll of 1d20+90 is equal to or less than its weight, roll every hour or whenever a “strenuous” maneuver is performed).

Strong transmutation or moderate transmutation (for wooden); CL 14th (stone), 12th (wicker or winged), 10th (wooden); geas/quest plus all requirements of a mask of the juggernaut for a stone, wicker, winged or stone enhanced juggernaut (see above); Price 63,000 gp (stone), 39,000 gp (wicker), 49,000 gp (winged), 35,000 gp (wooden); Cost 32,750 gp + 2,420 XP (stone), 20,000 gp + 1,520 XP (wicker), 25,500 gp + 1,880 XP (winged), 18,000 gp + 1,360 XP (wooden); Weight — (included in juggernaut’s weight).

Master Saddle of the Juggernaut: This minor artifact appears identical to a standard saddle of the juggernaut but is far more potent. A master saddle of the juggernaut is an intelligent magic item (Neutral alignment, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 10, Ego 13) with three lesser powers. It has 60-foot darkvision and hearing, speaks and reads Common plus three other languages. The master saddle can also communicate telepathically with anyone sitting upon it as well as any other master saddle of the juggernaut (plus anyone sitting upon those saddles) within 100 miles. The saddle’s intelligent item powers are 10 ranks in Listen and Spot (giving it +13 in both skills) plus one spell-like ability (usually either continuous deathwatch, detect magic at will or cure moderate wounds (2d8+3) on pilot 3/day).

The saddle can be used to operate specially modified constructs. However, these juggernauts are not permanently installed with a saddle but instead have a “master saddle slot” that a master saddle of the juggernaut can be fitted into or removed from as a standard action. Modifying a construct with a master saddle slot has the same costs and requirements as installing one with a greater saddle of the juggernaut with one exception: a construct of up to challenge rating 18 can be modified with a master saddle slot. A master saddle of the juggernaut can freely switch between constructs modified with a “master saddle slot”, even if the other construct was built for a different master saddle. A master saddle of the juggernaut will adjust itself magically to fit a master slot or operator of any size and shape.

A juggernaut construct powered by a master saddle of the juggernaut basically operates just like a greater saddle of the juggernaut. However, being intelligent it can obey far more complicated orders when operating independently and show some creativity in achieving any objectives it is ordered to. Note that it is the saddle that is intelligent not the construct it is attached to. A master saddle equipped juggernaut does not gain any skill points from its construct Hit Dice.

Once an operator pilots a master saddle of the juggernaut, the saddle recognizes them as its “owner” and will obey their instructions until a different operator pilots the saddle. An owner does not have to be sitting on their master saddle to give it commands, so long as the master saddle of the juggernaut can hear them it will obey. A master saddle has enough self-awareness to often ask for confirmation if given orders it judges to be erroneous, foolish or suicidal. The master saddle can be given “standing orders” it will follow indefinitely until they are countermanded or cancelled. A master saddle usually has a few built-in orders that cannot be overruled, such as “never target a gnome child with an attack” or “Commands from the Ruler of Xoph have priority over all others.”

When separated from a juggernaut, the saddle can fly through the air as if affected by an overland flight spell of unlimited duration. A master saddle of the juggernaut flies at 40 ft. speed with average maneuverability plus the ability to hover and has a carrying capacity of 300 pounds. It can carry up to double its carrying capacity when flying, but this reduces its speed to 30 ft.

If the operator survives the destruction of a juggernaut fitted with a master saddle, they can simply fly to another juggernaut equipped with a master saddle slot and activate that as the saddle’s guardian juggernaut.

While all known examples are of Neutral alignment, there are rumors that master saddle of the juggernaut exist with different alignments, greater powers, or even their own agendas.

Strong transmutation; CL 20th, Weight 40 lb (if separate from juggernaut).

Crown of the Juggernauts: This major artifact looks like a circle of tiny gold warmasks with gems set in their eyeholes. The wearer of the crown of the juggernauts known whether there are constructs within 1,200 feet at all times and their approximate numbers and directions. The wearer can determine the exact location and Hit Dice of any of these construct with a swift action.

The wearer can cast create guardian and pilot juggernaut at will. The crown can cast create guardian on any creature, not just clan-relatives of its wearer. The wearer does not need replica equipment to use spiritual equipment in a guardian juggernaut they control, but this benefit does not apply to other creatures piloting juggernauts animated by the crown of the juggernauts.

Three times per day, the wearer can attempt to control a construct within 100 feet as if they had cast a dominate monster spell that ignores any immunity to mind-affecting spells, spell resistance or immunity to magic possessed by the construct. The target construct is still entitled to a saving throw (Will DC 25). This control has a duration of 1 hour and if the crown’s wearer does not spend at least 1 round concentrating on the domination each minute the construct receives a new saving throw to throw off the domination.

Finally, the wearer can become incorporeal as a swift action. They can become incorporeal for up to 12 rounds per day, which need not be continuous. While incorporeal they can fly at a speed of 30 ft. with perfect maneuverability. If an incorporeal wearer moves inside a construct under their control it becomes a guardian juggernaut under their control for as long as they remain inside it. An incorporeal crown wearer can enter a construct of any size, the construct does not have to be larger than them to become a guardian juggernaut. Time spent inside the juggernaut does not count against the duration of the crown’s pilot juggernaut, dominate construct and incorporeality abilities. If the construct being controlled is intelligent it can attempt to throw off the crown wearer’s control with a DC 25 Will save once every hour or whenever the guardian juggernaut takes an action contrary to the construct’s nature. If the guardian juggernaut is destroyed or an intelligent construct succeed at a Will save to resist being controlled the crown wearer is expelled from the juggernaut while remaining incorporeal.

While incorporeal, the wearer can only use the crown’s dominate construct power and the abilities of a guardian juggernaut they occupy. The wearer cannot eat, drink or sleep while incorporeal so if they need to nourish themselves they must leave any guardian juggernaut they occupy and return to corporeality. Even if the wearer is unaffected by hunger, thirst or sleep they must spend at least one continuous hour in their natural corporeal form every day or be unable to use the crown’s incorporeality power for 24 hours.

The crown of the juggernaut has a severe flaw. Each time the crown wearer uses its powers to control a construct they must succeed at a Will saving throw or go insane with megalomania. The Will save begins at DC 20 and increases by 1 every time for each subsequent Will save until the wearer fails the saving throw. A megalomaniacal crown wearer will refuse to take off the crown, fighting to the death to retain it. The megalomaniac regards the guardian juggernaut form as their “true” body and will spend as much time as possible in that form, seeking to occupy the largest and most powerful construct available. The insane wearer’s behavior varies with their alignment, but they always start viewing other creatures as insignificant in comparison to themselves. A lawful good megalomaniacal crown wearer may view their fellows as helpless infants or pets to be controlled in every aspect of their lives, a chaotic evil one might see them as insects to be crushed for fun. Other megalomaniacs could see people as toys to be played with, chess pieces to be manipulated, delicate flowers to be gardened (and possibly harvested) or trapped creatures to be “freed” from civilization (i.e. the constraints of walls, roads and living in buildings).

Overwhelming transmutation; Weight 3 lb.


Extradimensional Explorer
I like these except for the various saddles. They just feel like a bit too much, especially given how complicated they are. So let's start by adding the other ones, then you can try to convince me about the saddles. ;)


I like these except for the various saddles. They just feel like a bit too much, especially given how complicated they are.

Well I did say I went a little overboard and was mostly referring to the saddles. Students of Japanese animation may be able to recognize some "inspirations" since I basically repurposed a bunch of classic Mecha tropes into guardian juggernaut form.

Originally I was just going to have a single model of saddle of the juggernaut, but then I started coming up with ideas for variants.

I guess we could "boil them down" into a single type and remove some of those lovely complicated flourishes. If you really want to throw away all that hard work *sniff sniff*. :.-(

I like these except for the various saddles. They just feel like a bit too much, especially given how complicated they are. So let's start by adding the other ones, then you can try to convince me about the saddles. ;)

Okay, I'll have a go at convincing you.

Look me in the eyes. You are feeling sleepy. Listen to my voice. The variant saddles are a great idea and Cleon never goes overboard with complicated rules. When I click my fingers you will wake up and like all Cleon's juggernaut magic items.


I have a suspicion this technique doesn't work so well over the internet. :p


Apparently he was feeling jettison-y.

I think I'll try whipping up a simplified saddle when I can find the time - I'll be busy today but maybe tomorrow.


Extradimensional Explorer
If it's very simple, perhaps. I just have the sense that we really have enough magic items for these, even if someone wants to make a campaign centered around juggernauts.


The "Simplified Saddle" would look something like this. The gp value is pretty much guesswork like with some of the other magic items.

Saddle of the Juggernaut: A saddle of the juggernaut appear to be an exotic military saddle or elaborate chair built into the torso and/or head of an enhanced juggernaut construct. They are intrinsic part of the construct created at the same time as the juggernaut it is part of. The saddle forms a “operator slot” for the juggernaut construct. Whoever sits upon the saddle and utters its command word can operate the construct as if they were using pilot juggernaut. This item has no charges, the juggernaut can remain active for as long as the pilot wishes.

A construct fitted with a saddle of the juggernaut is incapable of independent action. It will only move when being piloted from its saddle. A saddle-equipped wicker juggernaut does not have or require a passenger slot for its Spell Transmission ability, the operator slot fulfils that function instead.

Strong transmutation; CL 15th; geas/quest, limited wish, pilot juggernaut plus all requirements of a mask of the juggernaut for a stone, wicker, winged or stone enhanced juggernaut (see above); Price 250,000 gp (stone), 175,000 gp (wicker), 200,000 gp (winged), 125,000 gp (wooden); Cost 126,250 gp + 9,900 XP (stone), 88,000 gp + 6,960 XP (wicker), 101,000 gp + 7,920 XP (winged), 63,000 gp + 4,960 XP (wooden); Weight — (included in juggernaut’s weight).

Voidrunner's Codex

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