Critical Role Critical Role Kickstarter Predition Game: Guess the Funding Outcome (GTFO)

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The High Aldwin
Sigh... I got so caught up replying to the post for Shield Master, I forgot to submit my entry before I went to bed.

I know I can't win now, but for the record it would have been: $7,499,999.

Lucky for MarkB, I would have pinned his entry against the wall LOL!


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)

$7,160,748 pledged
52,605 backers
36 days to go

Yesterday was a rough day for the Kickstarter. (Okay okay, if "rough" means you only raise $86,000.00. That's significantly more than my household's entire annual income.) It was the first time they had earned less than $100K in a single day (they had a $10,000 backer drop out) and it's skewing the numbers a bit. Now when I plug in the numbers from the last week into my Excel spreadsheet, it predicts that Sadras will win...but only because Zaardnar overbet by less than $4K.

But all models lie, and mine lies so much it could run for office.

I expect the numbers will rally today and tomorrow, as they get closer to the $7.5M stretch goal. But the Kickstarter is definitely losing momentum. Don't get me wrong; it's not doomed or anything. I'm confident they will beat all stretch goals. (It just won't be as easy as last week suggested it would be.)
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Lowcountry Low Roller
Yesterday was a rough day for the Kickstarter. (Okay okay, if "rough" means you only raise $86,000.00. That's significantly more than my household's entire annual income.) It was the first time they had earned less than $100K in a single day (they had a $10,000 backer drop out) and it's skewing the numbers a bit.

Ha! Just as I predicted (rubs hands together mischievously). "Begun, the petering out has..."

(I'm not actually happy about it - it just matches my expectation, for the moment... but really they've made plenty of money... hmm enough to pay for a couple of spots at an elite university... Keep an eye on Sam Riegel!)


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
They just passed their second-to-last stretch goal ($7.5M), which means [MENTION=40176]MarkB[/MENTION] is now in the winning position! Let's see how long he can hold it.

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