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Halving Hitpoints


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Sometimes you want a long "are we gonna make it" battle.

I'm curious if halving the hp of everything will eliminate the difficulty to a point where the players feel the battle is always in their favor and thus incredibly boring.

I like the idea of eliminating boring mop up, but I think this can be done creatively. As the boring meter goes up the dm's decision to make the battle either more interesting or finished should strengthen. If creatures know they have lost, the dm can just have some of them cower in fear or run away. It also doubles as another situation the players can decide how to deal with them or if they want to spare their lives (Still get xp, plus possible future repercussions/rewards). They can keep one hostage for interrogation or maybe one hides, and thinks of a way to attempt one last solo scheme to stop the party.

I think its funner stuff then:

"I attack"
"You deal 10 damage and kill it"
".... wasn't that ___ supposed to have like way more hp's"
"Yea but those are boring hps, this makes the game faster"

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I've run my players through Kobold Hall (5 encounters) and we are 8 encounters into Keep on the Shadowfell - everyone is now 3rd level (some of the encounters are tough, made tougher in some cases with more minions and the quest xp has pushed them over). I noticed that combats were dragging* in places, especially with elites and solos, and players were observing the kobolds had more hit points than they did. The dragon encounter dragged so much I was leery of ever using a solo again (bad dice all around didn't help).

So for the last 3 encounters (KotSF Excavation Site, Maze of Caves, and Kruthik Lair) I halved the monster HP. The fights definitely went quicker but the characters were still hurt - in the case of the Kruthik Lair they felt like they were on the set of the Alien's movie. The module doesn't mention it at all in tactics, but the kruthik all have burrowing so should be able to pop out of the walls and cut off escape as well as climbing to basically move over the group on the ceiling.

I may play with the percentage of HP but somewhere between 50% and 75% of the current HP looks like sweet spot for me at least. Enough to threaten the group and whittle away at their resources the way I expect encounters to do, but fast enough not to get bored.

As an FYI, I prefer using more minions than the modules (or monster manual) seem to. Because the group is 1 level higher in KotSF than expected, I've been padding the encounters with minions. Minions are still a threat (especially the Kruthik with their area, or the goblin minions giving the guard drakes their bonus damage for allies being near).

*We play face to face but recently switched to using Maptool and a projector for the map and it has slowed us down some while we get used to it. But even with the old battle map it was slow.


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Reading thru this string and appreciating these (4) ideas for the DM:
1) Halving HP's to speed up the battle and clip off the boring "at-wills" rundown
2) Adding more enemy NPC's & minions to increase the "threat level"
3) Having the monsters consider bugging-out after they are all bloodied
4) Granting the PC group success once all the monsters are bloodied.

All of this makes the play more exciting and gives the DM some easy options to try out. How about a couple more options in this "wilder" game style, to allow the DM more flexibility by placcing a "line in the sand" prior to TPK:
1) PC's utilizing retreat --> allows DM ovewhelming odds in some cases
2) NPC's run off with a captive --> easy <out> from TPK, allows plot advancement


First Post
As an odd variant - you could make it so bloodied creatures take double damage. It makes bloodied a much bigger deal and while not halving hit points marks a serious line in the sand at half.


As an odd variant - you could make it so bloodied creatures take double damage. It makes bloodied a much bigger deal and while not halving hit points marks a serious line in the sand at half.

I straight up like this idea! Not sure yet how it works in the mechanics, but damn its just....a neat idea!

I straight up like this idea! Not sure yet how it works in the mechanics, but damn its just....a neat idea!

Alternatively - Vulnerability 5 (10 Paragon, 15 Epic?) if bloodied. Depends on what you find "easier" - doubling damage or just adding a fixed amount?

I've noticed that Vulnerabilities really help take down monsters - a Cleric or Paladin with radiant powers is really nasty against undead.


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One thing about that post I'm curious about, he mentioned he "took a cue from Wizard's R&D". Has there been some official discussion from WOTC that they also believe monster hp is too high? The only one I know of Mearls say he thought solo hp might be a bit high.

"There’s a “subversive” house rule floating around R&D that involves halving the HP of all monsters to speed up combat. They emphasized that this was not official in any way, and won’t be errata, but it’s a way to keep things moving."

Adventure Design Workshop Seminar (GenCon 2008) : Critical Hits

Personally I'm using the "+1 damage every 2 levels" rule.
If this is not enough, I will cut the HPs too.


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I like the +1 damage per 2 levels idea in concept, but it completely fails when presented with attacking more than once per turn. Favors rangers, repeat damage abilities, auras, etc far more heavily.

If you halve hp of monsters, I'd hope you throw more things at the party so it's not a cakewalk... but then that just favors area effects more and makes survival tougher on the PCs in early rounds...

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