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Heroes#6: Dying of the Light/Oct2008

Truth Seeker

Adam's healing was needed to restore full mobility to Papa P.

Second, consider that Adam's own power made him fully immortal. All that has happened, that time caught with him, when the 'immortal stop clock' was removed.

Hence the crumble dust thereafter.

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Hand of Evil

While it was good to see some story lines coming together, it just lacked something for me.

I think they need to start explainning the powers. Adam goes to dust but why would that not happen when around the Haitian, now about about Pa Petrelli. Peter's power for all appearances is really is not that different from Pa Petrelli, so the big question is Peter a normal HUMAN now! I know, you can say Peter is a chameleon, where Pa Petrelli is a vampire.

Rating: 5/10
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First Post
They nearly lost me with Adam's death. Not that I think its a bad idea, but why didn't he kill Pa Petrelli first? That was a rhetorical question, obviously the plot demanded it. But I don't buy it for a second.
If he had a gun or a knife, he probably would have tried to use it. Not having a quick and sure means to kill, Adam did what a lot of scared folks do: he tried to run.

That's not exactly a hard explanation to come up with. I'm starting to agree with the folks who feel this show gets picked apart a little too much.
Screw it. I'm not watching this show anymore. I'll check back in these threads to see if any good writing crops up, but as someone on CM pointed out, it's like when the GM keeps making stuff up each week until the plot turns to poo.

Ugh, such a stupid death for Adam. Such stupidity from so many of the characters.
Darned if they do, darned if they don't. Leave Adam sitting in a box, and he's a loose end. Pull him out of the box and kill him off, and it's a stupid death.

However, I fully agree that this show definitely has the feel that everything is being made up on the spur of the moment. They build up certain elements to be a big deal, and then they cop out when they can't think of a way to deliver, or come up with a newer, cooler idea. Adam is a good example of this. The character had his little world-destruction plan last year, and it fizzled. Nothing more to be done with him. He's not powerful enough to be an arch-nemesis or to be a good foe for Hiro.

Employing the powers of meta-gaming that I've finely honed over the years, I get the feeling Adam is now retconned to the role of backstabbing lieutenent who tried to do in the beloved leader. Think Starscream to Patrelli's Megatron.

I think they need to start explainning the powers. Adam goes to dust but why would that not happen when around the Haitian
We know the Haitian's powers are mental in nature. Most likely, he simply blocks you from accessing the part of your brain that activates the abilities. I don't think that World's Tallest Man would suddenly shrink in his presence, unless the guy had to consciously maintain his height.
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Think they're trying a wee bit too hard to make the heroes villanous, and Sylar, well a hero.

And once again, the Peter-nerfing has returned...


First Post
Peter-nerfing is always a most welcome sight...at least until we get Peter-shoved-head-first-into-a-paper-shreddering.


First Post
Hmmm... looks like they should have called this seaon "Morons", instead of Villains.

The Claire/Puppetmaster bit of nonsense was some of the stupidest stuff I've seen. (Oh, who am I kidding. Claire sucks period this season.) She had the guy's file, for chrissakes - and she just stands there pointing the tazer at him? Holy cow, that was difficult to watch. Next scene, please!

And a kiss-off to the apologists. No, it's no longer how "normal people would act". It's how stupid people would act. Sorry.

Adam's death was disgracefully embarassing, and a waste. (On the flip side, any culling is a good culling. Peter and Sylar? You're up next, please. Claire and Tracy, too.)

A somewhat tolerable episode overall, though. Glad they quickly covered the Hiro/Ando thing. But yeah... looks like Heroes season 1 truly was a one-hit wonder. Oh well - can't win 'em all.

Krug said:
Think they're trying a wee bit too hard to make the heroes villanous, and Sylar, well a hero.
That's pretty much what my wife said last night. "Did they just make everyone do a personality-180 just for :):):):):) and giggles and the season's title to make sense?"

Hand of Evil

That's pretty much what my wife said last night. "Did they just make everyone do a personality-180 just for :):):):):) and giggles and the season's title to make sense?"
Sylar was too popluar with the fans from season 1, they will take him up and down.

Peter has never been the brightest, it was his character flaw but I am thinking that his power is tied to his IQ, for every power he gets, his IQ drops. Now that he has lost his powers, he will be a frelling Einstein!


First Post
After last week's episode, this one was a terrible let-down.

Matt was the best part of the episode, I thought. He didn't have much to do, and was basically a set-up for Daphne's story. Still, he nailed it home as the guy trying to redeem Daphne, and she wasn't having any of it. I wouldn't say he's unambiguously the "good guy," but he's the closest thing they have on the show. Also, the turtle!

I liked Hiro and Ando up until the part where "African Isaac" (snerk!) was testing them. Otherwise, I thought it was a pretty interesting story - someone who can bend time/space versus someone who can see the future? Awesome concept.

Also, Ni... Tracy using her power was great. Also, great ducking action by Nathan - the look on his face was a perfect mix of "oh crap" and "uhhhh".

I wanted to see a battle royale between Peter and the Villains. That would have been sweet. The Peter/Sylar battle was pretty good in and of itself. I chalk it up to budgetary constraint, time constraints, and spreading an episode too thin with storylines.

The puppetmaster was very creepy. Excellently acted.

(The Bad)

Too many storylines: Matt/Daphne, Evil Suresh, Puppetmaster, Hiro, Peter/Sylar. At least one of those should have been cut to give the others more breathing room. I would have gone with Hiro's story; the rest of the episode was basically a decent into villainy, framed by Daphne's growing distress and her decision to push away Matt. Hiro was too much the hero.

I hate the fact that Adam died instantly. That makes almost no sense, given that his body is constantly being regenerated. He should have resumed aging normally, not disintegrated. I realize it was done because Anders is expensive and difficult to schedule, but it could have been handled much better. I've given Heroes a lot of passes, but I honestly almost turned off the television right there.

Arthur was pretty poorly acted. Also, yet another person who can accumulate powers? Ugh. The only good his story served was stealing Peter's powers... including (hork) The Hunger. I'd like Arthur more if he went completely batty and started on a rampage because of it.

Suresh... wtf? I feel bad for Ramamurthy, because Suresh is consistently the worst character written on the show. I almost hope he gets killed off, just to make it stop. Also, Pinehurst and the Company's bio-shenanigans pretty much neuter the character's main point - he's the one that knows about how powers work.

More thoughts later.


First Post
Yes, they should have had a bit more drama with Adam's demise. We, the viewers, should have felt the tension of waiting to see what terrible power could actually terrify an unkillable man. And some exposition about the nature of their relationship to this point would have been quite appropriate.

They should be taking some notes from Joss Whedon. That's a guy who knows how to play with viewer expectations.

John Crichton

First Post
Yes, they should have had a bit more drama with Adam's demise. We, the viewers, should have felt the tension of waiting to see what terrible power could actually terrify an unkillable man. And some exposition about the nature of their relationship to this point would have been quite appropriate.
Tension has never been this show's strong point so I don't expect them to start now. The shock value of Adam's instant death worked for me. :)

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